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Posts posted by STFU

  1. 4 minutes ago, hislopsoffsideagain said:

    He became manager there five days before the transfer window closed. Not that easy to sign an entire squad in that time. And the few signings he did make included Onyango from Everton (who has been on the bench several times for the first team) and Robbie Savage's son from Man Utd, who had been considered good enough to play once for the first team there.


    Given our previous managers include Baltacha (first managerial job), Paterson (only managed in the Highland League), Robertson (first managerial job), Brewster (first managerial job), Christie (first managerial job), Brewster again (had been a disaster at Dundee United), Butcher (did great at Motherwell but rotten in Australia and at Brentford before coming to us), Hughes (hadn't been great at Hibs), Foran (first managerial job), Robertson (hadn't managed anyone in forever) and Dodds (first managerial job) I don't particularly see why Ferguson should be considered less qualified than so many of his predecessors.

    My point was that you are ignoring, and trying to explain away, the similarities between Forest Greens situation and ours and throwing in about him having contacts etc. that will serve him well here, when they did jack all to serve him well with Forest Green.  I'm sure you will have noticed that our window has closed, so he doesn't even have 5 days, even if we had the money to bring anyone in.

    Any managerial signing comes with risks, but this one just stinks of a decision being made as a result of fanboyism.

    I'm not saying he will or won't be a success, I'm saying there's nothing to back up your assertations.

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, hislopsoffsideagain said:

    Well I for one am hugely up for this, probably because it's the first time I've been starstruck by a managerial appointment; Dunc was one of my favourite players to watch when he was at Everton and Newcastle, one of the great target men.


    As for his coaching credentials, as stated previously his Forest Green stint can be taken with a pinch of salt because they were a shambles that anyone would have struggled to fix. I'm more interested in the fact that so many Everton managers thought he was worth keeping around as a coach. This is a guy who has worked for Rafa Benitez and Carlo Ancelotti, amongst others. Surely he will have picked up a few tips? And like Butcher when he was here, Ferguson should have plenty of contacts for finding players and the charisma to convince them to come here.


    Fingers (and toes) crossed.

    What your suffering from there is called confirmation bias.

    We are in as big a shambles as Forest Green.  He didn't bring in any of these amazing players you think he has access to then, and we've no money to bring them in here.  We needed someone to get the best from what we already have and he failed to do that with Forest Green.

    • Agree 1
  3. 22 minutes ago, gingerjaggy said:

    I saw Forest Green get battered at Portman Road but they are a small club and we’re not ready or invest well enough to stay in League 1 so 1 in 18 sounds bad but they were well out of there depth. His one win actually came against Sheffield Wednesday. He took over after there previous manager - might have been Rob Edwards - left to go to Watford I think and a lot of the players that got them promoted left too. Ferguson took over when they were already bottom and struggling so although that record not great can’t all be pinned on him. By the sounds of it he’s a very good coach at Everton with Ancellotti wanting to take him to Real but whether he is a good manger is the question. Time will tell!

    So what you're saying is that in his previous appointment, he was taken in when a team was bottom and he failed to get them off the bottom?

    *Checks our current league position*

    Exactly what we need right now 🤦

    • Like 1
  4. 12 minutes ago, RiG said:

    Been told there is meant to be an appointment later. Rumours seem to suggest we've moved away from the early front runners which is a relief. Of course that could be a load of puff. We really need to get this appointment right though. No time to waste and get our season turned round.

    "Moved away from early front runners" as in, they all rejected our advances?

    • Agree 1
  5. Scott Brown must have family/friends in the area as he's been spotted in Inverness many times over the years, and not just when playing here, so I'm not reading much into these initial rumours.

    He was a thug and a bully as a player, but that's not a reputation that seems to have followed him into coaching.

    • Agree 3
  6. 1 hour ago, tm4tj said:

    The Courier have missed the point. The fans want Gardiner out. The disconnect, as frustrating as it is, is just a smokescreen.

    Of course they have.  They've been pedalling the "it's on field problems making fans unhappy" line since the beginning and ignoring the growing discontent at off field inactivity.  They have, in effect, been doing Gardiner's job for him when it comes to deflecting accountability.  Unfortunately the newest Director also seems content to do the same and thinks a couple of wins will fix everything.

    • Agree 4
  7. 6 hours ago, Hearach said:

    So what happens now?

    From reading the article, nothing.

    The Trust will keep banging their head against the wall by trying to speak nicely to the club.

    The club will keep making the same empty promises about working to improve things and sharing information when they can that they've been saying for the last 6/7 years. 

    Fans will continue to drift away and those stealing a wage will continue to do so because not enough people are willing to take a proper stand against them.

    Death by a thousand cuts

    • Agree 3
    • Well Said 1
  8. It seems that Ryan Esson has thrown his hat in the ring for the Manager's job.  I think we could do worse than give him a shot till the end of the season, with an extension if he earns it.

    He already knows the players, is one of the most qualified coaches in the country, and has been performing well with the U18s.  He also wouldn't cost us anything on the compensation front and if Kellacher becomes his assistant, then we could also save a wage or two over bringing in a new management pairing.

    • Like 1
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  9. He's so out of touch that he doesn't even realise that his drivel only serves to confirm what many already know, and that is the fact that he thinks fans are stupid, and that he will direct all fault for fan discontent to on field performances to try and deflect from the larger, ever growing, discontent for how the club is failing off the pitch and at the highest level of management.

    Unfortunately, work will prevent me from attending the fans meeting, but if fans stream from there to the game afterwards, then he will only view that as vindication for his view that fans are fickle and they should/will just suck it up.

    Furthermore, I'm becoming increasingly disappointed in our local journalists who are doing nothing to challenge him or ask the questions that need asking.  I'm sure they all read these forums and social media and know that fans are questioning Gardiner's position as much, if not more so than We did Dodds', yet not a single mention of that in these articles.  It's weak and pathetic.

    • Well Said 6
  10. I can't speak directly for Kellacher, but I doubt so many successive managers would have held on to him if they didn't value his input and contribution.

    You don't coach at a club for 17 years (and, FYI, that HAS included promotions and cup wins) if you're not good at your job 🤷‍♂️

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  11. The reason Pele is remembered so fondly, for me, is that he truly believed that his team could beat anyone, and he had the players believing it as well.  That meant that win, lose or draw, the football was always exciting to watch.

    Unfortunately that became harder for any manager to maintain as we progressed through the leagues and the cost of failure brought with it a fear of losing.  Focus then shifts to being defensive and the priority being to avoid relegation.  It also becomes more expensive to just stand still as a team/club and whilst we've been blessed (for the most part) with people willing to throw money into the club, the returns diminish.

    I have no issue with us being a Championship level club, or even a league 1 or 2 club, but it scunners me that we no longer have that sense of community and the entertainment has totally gone from the football.

    • Agree 2
    • Well Said 2
  12. What we need right now is a strong experienced head who will get the best from the players, protect them to allow confidence to be regained and not take any nonsense/interference from above. 

    Unfortunately, there's not a hope in hell that our current CEO/Chairman are going to employ anyone other than another buddy/yes man.  They're certainly not going to risk employing a manager that might call them out on the BS way they're running the place.

  13. 26 minutes ago, ictbob said:

    Because most fans are peved off at him spending more time on a Saturday in Dingwall than doing his job. If we win a few games he probably will get the job till the end of the season. If he doesn't then they bring in someone else. Charlie Christie will not want to be anywhere near that dugout but the board probably feel he can appease the fans more than robbo. 

    Just another indicator of how out of touch the CEO/Chairman are with fans views.

    • Agree 3
  14. 8 minutes ago, Satan said:

    I think it's more important to get the football side of things sorted first. You can get your pitchforks and torches out later.

    You cannot solve a problem with the same kind of thinking that got you in to it.

    • Agree 6
  15. 20 minutes ago, big cherly said:

    Can’t agree, it’s the strongest card the fans hold. The alternative is what, more of the same of the current system and structure? Ask the board nicely via the match day survey the fans would like a win? 

    I didn't say fans shouldn't do anything (have you read any of my posts on here recently?), just pointing out the mentality of the kind of people we've got running the club just now.

  16. Not convinced it will register with decision makers.  They already have money from Season Ticket holders and home walk ups are/were minimal anyway.  Not showing up away makes no difference to us financially, and as we're easy points then it may actually encourage larger away support at our place which, bizarrely, will be more financially beneficial in the short term.

    Not suggesting this is a deliberate move by the club, just  posturing on why they may choose to continue ignoring fans and fan actions.

  17. 9 hours ago, caley100 said:

    Yeah, All very well, but the records say we got beat (again) and we didn't score and we are still bottom of the league.  Dodds can f**k right off.

    I agree.  My post was not intended as any kind of defence of the situation.  If anything it further highlights how far out of his depth Dodds is.

    • Agree 1
    • Well Said 1
  18. On 9/12/2023 at 5:20 PM, snorbens_caleyman said:

    Keep plugging away at trying to establish a communication channel.  That has to be the first and only priority.

    Eventually, though, it might have to be a formal complaint - to the SFA? to UEFA? - that the SLO is not doing his job.  Though that's probably irrelevant since we're unlikely to qualify for a UEFA competition in the near future ...

    You're probably right.  5 years of refusal to communicate isn't really giving them a fair chance.

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