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Posts posted by STFU

  1. 21 hours ago, Douglas Mackenzie said:

    Maybe a breakthrough would be if a restricted number on this forum asked the Chairman and board for a fair hearing and the meeting was designed to address the one issue of repairing communication, we would start to get somewhere.We should not try and eat the whole elephant,but do so in bite sizes.(Not wishing harm or  real elephants )

    We should maybe use our voice  to start addressing issues,but we should do so in small steps and not try and address all issues in one go.


    Many have tried already, which is why we find ourselves where we are.

    Communication is two way, and unfortunately the club are standing with their fingers in their ears shouting lalalala at anyone who has tried to communicate with them.

    What's the next step?

  2. 14 minutes ago, DoofersDad said:

    As long as supporters stay outside of the Trust and moan about the Trust and the Club from the sidelines, then they are part of problem.  Change happens when some people do something and when others support them in their efforts.

    I was going to take the time to respond to your post in full, then you pull this at the end.

    The most sanctimonious thing I've seen on here from a fellow fan in a long time.

    Very disappointing!

    • Agree 1
  3. 17 minutes ago, Fraz said:

    It's not the Trust that's 'bleating about the lack of members' though I'm sure they'd like to have as many as possible and likely more than they have now. 

    It's the club that's 'bleating' about how the Trust is not representative enough by whatever invisible metric they've made up in their heads. 

    There has definitely been posts on here by board member/s, now ex board member/s peddling the line that they need more members to be representative, and accepting the clubs position on that.

    20 minutes ago, Fraz said:

    As I understand it in the previous couple of years the Trust have tried various ways of getting the club to engage with them and address various raised issues going backbto the 'Fans Forum'. Remember that thing? The one club had a couple of meetings on, refused to release any minutes of it for months then summarily cancelled any further meetings just before they were supposed to be opened up to the common fan. 

    This is part of the point I'm making about ex trust board members and volunteers being the ones making excuses on their behalf.  This is the kind of information that they should be presenting officially themselves and not just to friends/those close to board members.  Unfortunately that just screams "clique".

    Two years and still no call to action from the Supporters Trust?  Hopefully that changes soon.  Better late (hopefully not too late) than never.

    23 minutes ago, Fraz said:

     The matchday survey was they most recent and most labour intensive way they have tried to get the club into a productive dialogue. I hear they club's comments were essentially that it was 'too negative', that's kinda the point 🤣 Just makes it look like all the club was is to have smoke blown up their ass about how great they are. Any negatively is either just brushed over or even worse maked the club just close off dialogue. 

    An outcome which should surprise nobody, and was why I raised concerns about the amount of resource being put into it when there was other, more immediate, concerns to be focusing on 🤷‍♂️

    31 minutes ago, Fraz said:

    I'm not on the Trust but I am a member. I did though used to be on it years ago when it was Caley Jags Together, we had meetings often at the stadium and although we didn't always see eye to eye with the club, we had a pretty open dialogue and they did listen to issues raised and often acted on them to make changes where they could, Kenny Cameron was always willing to sit down and discuss things. 

    I wonder how many of those who played a part in hounding him out of the club now regret their actions?

    35 minutes ago, Fraz said:

    I see absolutely nothing from the current (off field) management at the club that would indicate that they have any interest to hear anything fans say either through the Trust or individually. In fact looking at the orange strip on July 12th and weekly games of 'Where's Robbo' I reckon they're having a nice wee laugh about it while pocketing our cash. One day they'll saunter off and our club will be left in shambles if that's not already the case. 

    No argument from me on any of these points, sadly.

  4. 11 hours ago, Satan said:

    I find it odd that folk who don't join the trust seem to think that they have a god given right to have the trust represent their opinion when they have made no effort to engage themselves.

    Did you read the link I provided about the Supporters Trust objectives?  Their core remit is to represent the interests of the ENTIRE fan community, regardless of whether they are members or not.  That is the expectation they have created themselves.

    As I have said before, they have to give fans something to get behind as an organisation, otherwise they are no better than the club in asking fans to blindly throw money at them in hope that they'll do something, sometime, maybe.

    I'll welcome the open meeting when it happens, and hope it doesn't just become another "watch this space" in the same way as the minutes of meetings between them and the club did, or the feedback on the meeting with the club following the matchday survey that we're still waiting on.

    The Trust Board exists to lead the organisation.  Sitting back waiting for fans/members to tell them what to do and/or bleating about the lack of members is a cop out and dereliction of their own stated objectives.

    Take a stance or, at the very least, poll the community on whether or not they would like to see some action.  Whilst I do not believe for a moment they are in cahoots with the club, the silence gives the impression that they have no objection to the way things are going.

    • Well Said 3
  5. What I'm seeing in this conversation is that there are fans who would like to see some action being taken, even though there's no real consensus on what that should look like.  There's even a growing number of fans who were against the idea or sitting on the fence who are moving towards the idea that something needs to be done.

    The biggest hurdle to any action being taken by fans seems to be the lack of leadership/organisation.  No group is better placed to do this than the Supporters Trust, and it is part of their objectives to represent fans/community in these matters - https://www.ictsupporterstrust.org/the-trust

    In my opinion, they are complicit in their total silence and lack of acknowledgement of the the fans' concerns outlined in this thread and on the wider forum.  This only serves to strengthen the club's position that fans don't/should not have a voice, and can be ignored.

    We've had all the excuses from ex trust board members and volunteers.  Time for the chair/board themselves to show face, tell us what they are going to do, or give reason for why they are doing nothing.

    • Well Said 5
  6. 16 minutes ago, WYNESS101 said:

    Awful defending AGAIN

    Ridgers caught in two minds.  Once he starts out he has to commit to going for the ball or, as happened, it's an easy goal for them.

    Nevermind, that's us now on an unbeaten run 👍

    • Funny 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Super Caley Man 94 said:

    Enough with the conspiracy theories ffs🙈. We are where we are now because we had to pay off 2 managers one of which was on a 4 year contract. We've spent 6 years in the Championship and it's finally starting to catch up to us it's as simple as that. Not to forget that along with many other clubs in Scotland Covid-19 was a massive financial setback. Setbacks that are still affecting us to this day. 

    A few parties are to blame for where we are now the board, the management the players, even the people of Inverness who just don't care about ICT they'd rather support Celtic, Rangers or Aberdeen. 

    It sucks but it is what it is.... you're either gonna be supporting the club through thick & thin or you're gonna walk away after a while. I'll support ICT till I die even if we're in the Highland League.

    "I reject everyone else's conspiracy theories and replace it with one of my own."

    • Funny 1
  8. 2 hours ago, DWH said:

    That's how I believe things are : unless there is a change of ownership, it seems we are stuck with both...................

    Gardiner seems to enjoy his status but it would appear he has little or no interest in the club's great history or for that matter it's future....

    Who do you think owns the club?

  9. "With the, yet again, growing injury situation, then a vet may be what ICTFC need.  After all, it's cheaper to put players down than pay for their treatment." said Shane Sutherland*



    *May be a made up quote 👍

    • Funny 4
  10. Even by CTO standards, this is a bizarre thread 😂

    For the avoidance of all doubt, I support the removal of the club CEO known as Scot Gardiner, Scot, Gardiner, and a few other choice words, but never, until now, referred to as Scotty 👍

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  11. 1 hour ago, Yngwie said:

    Noting that the concert company was also a separate entity from the club, that’s a screeching u-turn you’ve made on the club being responsible for separate but connected entities!

    No.  What I'm saying is, they can't have it both ways.

  12. 2 hours ago, FrontRow said:

    So what are people’s realistic desired goals for the club? What are the measurements of success that some demand? Reading this I see a lot of complaints about communication and style of play.

    Some of the actions suggested here don’t make much sense to me.  
    boycotting businesses that support the club seems the most stupid thing I’ve ever heard off! Some people feel a loyalty to a club and support through thick and thin. If people stop supporting supporting businesses and walk away they (the businesses) may never come back leaving the club an even worse state financially.- indeed totally precarious! 
    There is a good youth set up which costs a lot but has been producing some decent players. Surely that has to be at the core of what a community club is? Producing and developing local talent from the Highlands? 


    so, if it were your business, give us your realistic goals and your methods of achieving them? 

    I want to, once again, feel like I am a part of the club and that the contribution fans make is valued and directed towards improving the overall experience.  That experience is not just results, it includes matchday, fan engagement (particularly with younger fans), and something which we can take pride in.

    I don't have the time to give to, or faith in, the Supporters Trust.  Sadly they exhibit many of the things we see in the club.  An anonymous leader who only seems happy to put their name/face to the successes (the survey results), a lack of connect with the fanbase, the poor us "we're only a small team trying hard" excuse given whenever challenged, etc.  When you look back to people like David Sutherland, Peter Murphy and Don Johnstone, you always felt like they were working to improve things, be that initiatives with the club or calling them out on shortcomings.  They were visible, available and engaging.  Strange, or maybe not, that you no longer see or hear from them?!

    I get what you say about boycotting businesses, but I feel it's the only option left to me.  My hope?  That if the club won't listen to fans, then they might start listening if/when other income streams start drying up.  The club's actions already mean fewer eyes on ad boards and strips, so no fans, no value to businesses in paying for these things.  Include the failed concert shambles and the reputational damage caused there, and even the most resolute of optimists can surely see that the threat to corporate support already exists, I'm just being more direct in the (small) hope that someone who can change things realises before it's too late.

    There are already people on the board propping up the club financially.  I don't believe lack of resource is the issue, it's the misuse of that resource that finds us where we are.  Just think of how much more could be filtered towards the team and improving infrastructure if we weren't paying for a CEO, a Sporting Director, a Video Analyst, a Sports Scientist and what appears to be 2 assistant team managers who are moving the club backwards on and off the park.  We have a bigger senior staff contingent now than we had when at our most successful, and are now at our worst in nigh on 20 years.

    The Youth setup, I believe, is now a separate entity from the club and does not draw any financial resource from it.  The same goes for our Community section.  The club can take little/no credit for that these days (other than use if the name), but they do, and lack of transparency on how it all works allows that to happen.

    It's not as if all of this just started happening.  As others have said, the decline has been 7/8 years in the making.  This is not a knee jerk reaction from fans, and there are zero positive signs of change.  The current Chairman, Board and CEO have been in place for long enough now to get past any honeymoon/bedding in period and it is clear that they are not willing, or not capable, of halting the decline, let alone reversing it.

    For me, enough is enough.

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