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03: Full Members
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Everything posted by STFU

  1. Can you shout a bit louder as I don't think they heard you at the back!
  2. A bit of a risk for any club given that he has multiple medical conditions.
  3. The squad may have been depleted, but I don't think anyone who started on Saturday deserves to lose their spot to those who might be coming back from injury. Aside from the fact they all played well, our injury list is very worrying for so early in the season and it'd be best not to risk rushing players back onto the park when not necessary. We created a lot of good quality chances at the weekend and it could have been more than 4. Even though we were under a bit of pressure at the start of the second half we limited Cove's chances and the only proper threat other than their goal came from one of our own players
  4. Take the Inverness from Inverness Thistle FC and combine it with the Caledonian from Caledonian FC. Apparently the club's constitution still says that no more than the 25% of the main playing colours should be red & black and it's about time the club were forced to stick to their own rules! *this is not a serious post*
  5. Work commitments mean that I am usually one of the last in to the ground on a matchday so, even if I were inclined towards attending, it wouldn't be an option.* I'm quite happy discussing my thoughts and concerns on this open forum. I've no interest in joining boards or committees, but I am happy to support any events or initiatives if they appeal to me and/or provide added value for supporters. If only we had some idea as to what these were?! *FWiW, I stopped spending money in the Caley Club when it was sold into an ex Directors hands and the club stopped getting any benefit from the income it produces. I keep seeing this idea that people should join the board to bring forward their ideas and solutions. I'm guessing that's why the current board members joined. Where are their constructive ideas and realistic solutions? Put them out there and at least give the fans something to get behind...or not! Right now it feels like I'm being asked to buy cinema tickets where we don't know what the movie is. We'll try and decide what the movie is after we get 1200 people to turn up, but if they don't show up then there's no movie and no refund. I agree with your point about the club choosing who they want to listen too, and it's generally people who tell them what they want to hear. I'm not holding my breath on that changing any time soon. You are correct, the trust should have a much stronger voice within the club, unfortunately the trust fail to recognise that and think they need members to realise it. Having a representative voice and having a strong voice are not the same thing. Maybe if they used the latter to build the former then they might get on a bit better. Or they can keep repeating what the trust has always done and getting where the trust has always got....nowhere. I too share your concerns that the club only view the trust as a cash cow. Coincidence that after huge losses from the concerts that they suddenly want a strong, active supporters trust? See my point above about the strong voice vs representative voice. Pandering to the clubs view that they are both the same thing and you can't be at the table unless you have a representative voice is a crock of smelly stuff. I see from the website that a long term goal is a fans rep on the club board. Given the information provided by CaleyD, you could have that by the end of this year. Why not pursue it now? It is absolutely an excuse to say that you can't reach this goal without more members. Can we stop this mindset that a place on the board is the clubs gift to give? It's not, and it's not even within their power to stop it happening. The club board are the biggest clique of them all. Not a single one of them voted in and they are trying to dictate to a sizeable voting rights/shareholder who they will allow into the boys club? As, like the club, you seem to only be interested in speaking to/thanking people for positive contributions which fit with your thinking, I shall make this my last post on the matter.
  6. Other than a generic, cliché riddled statement (which commits them to nothing) what are the club actually doing to support the trust's efforts to increase member numbers? There's talk of getting involved in projects and improving the matchday experience that we've been hearing since the club came into being, but what does that actually involve? It's easy to do nothing and keep kicking it down the road on the back of the excuse that there's not enough members to give a representative view on what should be done, or to support what you want to do....but I for one haven't got a clue what you are actually asking fans to back. Give us something with some substance that we can buy into. You may not have as many members as you like, but there's nothing to stop you polling non members. If the club wanted to support you then they could actively work with you on doing that. Aside from coming up with more ways to extract the fans hard earned cash to funnel it in to the club to pay for the basics that should be covered by our matchday/season ticket, what can we expect?
  7. Thank you for clearing that up. Maybe you should rejoin the supporters trust board so they have someone who understands these things to keep them right? Also, I am not from Inverness, or Scotland, or even the UK
  8. Flip it on it's head. Maybe if the trust used it's voting right to secure a representative on the board, then such a statement of intent might encourage the fans to back the organisation.
  9. If I'm understanding you, then shareholding/voting right plays no part in who is on the club board and it's by invitation only? That doesn't seem right! Who is in control of these invites and what gives them that control? What guarantee do the trust have that they will get what they desire if they have a larger membership if there is no mechanism other than invitation?
  10. I notice that my shareholding question was swerved. Are you able to provide a list of who the largest shareholders are and where the supporters trust sit in that list? Can you explain why club board members (and groups) with lower (some have none) shareholdings have a voice, but the supporters trust does not? Thank you.
  11. We thought about it, but it equated to about £33 for a curry and a pint and most of our group weren't willing to pay that.
  12. Could the camera operator be any more zoomed out?
  13. Have said it already this season, but if we're serious about challenging for the league then we need to be the team dictating the play and not allowing the opposition to dictate. Especially at home. Hoping Belladrum was the reason we had a poor sub 2000 crowd for our first league match of the season.
  14. The concert company had the clubs name on it, was backed by club directors and fronted by the club CEO. It used club resources for the planning, marketing and promotion of the concerts, sold tickets via the clubs ticketing system and had our commercial & sporting directors running around the city selling tickets and hospitality in the clubs name. Nothing in any of the promotion gave mention that the football club was a separate, sole beneficiary. It wouldn't have been seen as a requirement because everything was done to create the perception that people were dealing with the club. The only organisation ever mentioned as separate beneficiaries on posters etc were the Highland Hospice as the charity partner. You can't set up an external company to run up debts by taking on the burden of costs while another benefits from the income. If the decision is taken to liquidate the concert company without settling debts then the club are so intrinsically linked that they could rightly be pursued for it, IMO.
  15. New companies also have to publish accounts, so losses will show there.
  16. Any mention of where we'll be playing home fixtures this season?
  17. BBC Stats often don't reflect the game and these look like they are a little generous to us. We didn't really take control of the game for any length of time. Our goal was the best piece of play and well worked, but other than that we showed a lot of naivety and allowed Cove to draw us into their game which resulted in is committing needless fouls. We need to be smarter and have confidence that we can execute our own game plan and not be so reactionary in our approach to games. Still, we progress, bring on the next game.
  18. It seemed to be fairly common knowledge among people at the match today. The next set of published accounts will verify it if nothing comes out from the club before then.
  19. Why does it matter where the info came from?
  20. What's that got to do with the abject failure of the concerts? We were told they would bring in what they've just lost. Heads should roll.
  21. Losing nigh on £1,000,000 in a single weekend
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