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Poll for the youth of Invernessshire

12th Man

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When walking home from you know where on Sunday, I noticed a man and a young boy fully kitted out in Celtic gear with Invernessian accents with the young boy who must have been about 6 or 7 singing lets all laugh at Rangers.

ICT invest a lot of time with local schools and I wondered if our youth could run a poll at school, it would be interesting to find out how many in their classes support their local team.

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Guest BigPieMorayDosser

Now you know how it feels.

Try going to support your local team and witness bus loads heading off to watch the Bigot Brothers.

It gets on my tits when I see folk out wearing Celtic strips up here, and my brother-in-law claims to be a blue-nose yet he's never seen Rangers play FFS  :024:

On a more positive note, my nephew's school in Hamilton have banned the wearing of Old Firm shirts at PE and other activities.  :022:

As for the wee boy you're talking about, blame the father, he's the eejit who has brainwashed his son to be Shellick Minded.

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im not as bothred if the go and watch rangers and celtic regularly and actually support their team . im still at school and often take stick from OF fans after theyve beaten caley and i simply point out the fact that ive been to more celtic or rangers games than they have and that they are not a real fan. however the celtic fans took some abuse from me the past few 2 days

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I dispise seeing it, tis disgusting. You have a perfectly good team on your doorstep yet you support some Glasgow team because they win all the time. Obviously not real football fans. Its the Invernesians that support the OF and claim "Caley r shitee" that makes me really angry.

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We've got something that a lot of teams can only wish for, team spirit!  I thought it was on the wane before we went on this roll but its back and seems to be stronger than ever.  Only special managers can instill it in their team and we've had it since the days of Pele.  Ours is a team that thrives in being the underdog and defeats along the way are made up for tenfold by victories like that one on Sunday.  I wouldn't have it any other way.  I love this club!!  I just feel sorry for people that support the Old Firm because they win all the time and for no other reason.  To be a true fan of football I think you need to experience the full range of emotions associated with it, and not just the highs.

I thank my dad for taking me to see Thistle in the late 80's, one year we went to every single game home and away. He was a Rangers fan when my folks moved north in the 70's before I came along but has since seen the error of his ways and is now a proud ICT season ticket holder.  I'll always have a home in Inverness, so no matter where I'm living and working ICT will be my local team, and I'm going to brainwash my kids if I ever have any to make up for that kid in Inverness being brainwashed to the dark-side by his dad.

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When I lived in Aberdeen, I went to see the Dons, occassionally.

When I lived in West Edinburgh, I went to Gorgie Rd, free at half-time

When I lived in Leith, I visited Hibs, after drinking all the way down Easter Rd.

Good God, when I lived in Engerlan, I went to Villa, and even once or twice, to Worcester City (sic) Beezer Homes Apple Cider Transport Kay's Catalogue League mid-tablers.

However, the only team I ever really supported was Caley. Now I am home, I go to ICT all the time.

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not that i am quite yet in the old fart category (26 on boxing day) but when i was in school i did claim to support the blue side of glasgow but more often than not it was for not wanting to stand out from the crowd. at home we always sed to watch for the caley thistle results and over time i have grown up and now dont realy care what others think i am a firm beleiver these days in supporting your home team but in the case of the kids at school it does sometimes run deeper than parental brainwashing. it can often come down to a desire to fit in so before we start the public stonings how about we look a little deeper

body armour on

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Guest TinCanFan

I truly believe that if you count yourself as Invernessian you should support ICT and/or Clach.

If you count yourself as being Aberdonian you support Aberdeen and/or Cove Rangers and if you've lived in a house next to Ibrox all your life then you should support Rangers.

If you're Scottish you wouldn't support Spain when they played Scotland would you.  These Invernessian OF fans really have been well and truly brainwashed by the OF big money names and advertising and I don't think having JJB in Inverness full of OF strips and even a Rangers shop at one point does ICT good either.

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Are there any classes out there that would say ICT are the majority?

I saw a lot of red and blue being worn last winter on pupils en route to Culloden Academy.

Would you be impressed if a few ICT players made a supprise visit to your class during PE and gave you a few tips?

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At Inverness Royal Academy we have a fairly large number of ICT, Celtic and Rangers fans although I wouldn't like to try to quote percentages. All I can say is that the Celtic fans have been getting quite a lot of stick all week since Sunday's result! (and that's just the staff! :015:) Last season's victories over Rangers both took place during school holidays so I have no parallel recollections of the reaction to them although I think there was a fair response to the draw with 10 men at Ibrox.

Most significantly, I've heard the name "Caley Thistle" used about the school a great deal more than usual this week, although whether that is sustained or leads to increased attendances remains to be seen. Previous experience would tend to suggest it won't but I do believe that there will be a gradual swing from the OF to ICT among local youngsters. How far that swing will go and how long it will take is another matter.

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As a young fan myself I can't understand why people like me come to support Caley . But things are changing , for instance me and my friends brought some other pals along who were supporters of Celtic to the Hibs game and I can tell you they enjoyed every moment of the match . So much so 2 of them are getting ICT shirts for X-MAS also these lads were in the ICT North stand for the Celtic game on Sunday and they were rooting for the Super Caley .  My point is that we as an SPL club should be doing what we did last season and let kids like myself in cheaper as we are the fans of tomorrow .

PS - Tell you now that if I have kids I will make sure they watch there hometown team.

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and I don't think having JJB in Inverness full of OF strips and even a Rangers shop at one point does ICT good either.

Can't complain about the Rangers shop really. If we had an ICT shop in Glasgow that brought in money for the club we wouldn't be complaining about that. I do think you have a point about JJB though. It's a scandal that no ICT merchandise is present there. Don't know if it's the fault of JJB or the club, but maybe you should start a PETITION?

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Was anyone living in Aberdeen during the Fergie years..?

Did bus loads of OF supporters from there still head for Glasgow every Saturday in these days..?

Does make you wonder just what kind of level ICT would need to reach in the SPL to significantly turn the tide....  :024:

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