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Everything posted by Bronson

  1. Bronson

    Ayr game

    Ha ha ha ja!!! I'm booked on the early, early train to Ayr with my old man and all for a very very good price!!!!!! Can't wait!
  2. As I sit here enjoying my fifth bottle of celebratory Newcastle Brtown Ale, a song from the howden end came floating back to me that i javent heard for years - "Drink all your whisky and Newcastle Brown, The Caley boys are in town, Na na na nananana na na nananana"
  3. Bronson

    ICT flag

    Can someone remind me who has my flag please? I saw it at Morton, but I want to be reunited with it either at the Ayr game or before if no one is planning to take it. CHeers
  4. Got a vague recollection of me saying at one point that I was more concerned about the possibility of relegation than promotion.!!!! I'm sure someone will find the thread!!! :)
  5. There is only song that sums up this season and it is "Dont stop believing" by Journey, although the Family Guy version is pretty good!!
  6. Dont worry miss ict, we'll all look after you!
  7. A truely remarkable season, the desire, commitment and team work has been evident for all to see. The job is almost done, now as the famous song goes - "Bring it on home, bring it on home, Inverness Caledonian Thistle"!!!!!!!
  8. Bronson

    Ayr game

    Not yet, got another couple of options to look into. But i'll be there even if I have to crawl!!
  9. Bronson

    Ayr game

    no cheap seats left on the train.
  10. Bronson

    Ayr game

    "Why not get the supporters bus?" - While I appreciate the effort the supporters club goes to in arranging transport, I have no desire to stop for 45 minutes in Perth. I would rather arrive at my destination earlier - (have experiences of missing kick off while arriving by supporters bus) thus allowing time to catch up with the many ICT fans who are enjoying a drink and enjoy the social side of it too. Just like we did on Tuesday at Morton game.
  11. Seoras still lurks. He moved down to London a couple of years ago but still attends games whenever he is in the area.
  12. Bronson

    Ayr game

    Has anyone already booked transport from sneck to ayr yet? Was looking into train times/prices etc and it looks a bit of a nightmare.
  13. Bronson


    Just wanted to say a huge thank you to Caley D for arranging and driving the bus down to Greenock last night, had a great night out even if the stewards did their best to spoil it! :D
  14. Going by previous experiences, i would expect it to be a rseponsible bus. Caley D, Big T Fan has confirmed that he will be coming. Cheers again for organising this, although I was hoping you may take the Hummer!!!
  15. I'll be there, thanks to Caley D's happy bus!!!
  16. Sorry, Caley D just noticed you'd updated the first post and that i am on it!! I'll speak to big T fan asap to find out for defininate if he's coming but i'm 100%.
  17. Think i've been too late to get a seat caley d. But i'm definately up for going should someone let you down.
  18. Count me in for it Caley D, I'll speak to Big T fan too, i'm sure he'd be up for it.
  19. Ruiz's corner threw in the towel in the 9th. Hayes was a class above Ruiz and had ruiz down 5 times. Ruiz just kept coming forward. Bring on the klitchkos!
  20. The players that i listed were our top 2 scorers in each season. So the only reason that three names appear is because 2 players scored the same no of goals. Does that make sense? So I cant add hayes and odi as they aren't one of our two top scorers. would be interesting to see the rest of the stats though.
  21. Ok, been doing a bit of research from the site and have come up with the following stats (stats run from season 94/95 to 96/97, then a gap for some reason, unless i'm being thick, then from 04/05 to present) - Season 94-95 Alan Hercher 7 Wilson Robertson 6 Charlie Christie 6 Total 19 Season 95-96 Iain Stewart 24 Charlie Christie 12 Alan Hercher 12 Total 48 Season 96-97 Iain Stewart 29 Brian Thomson 11 Total 40 Then there's a gap till - Season 04-05 Barry Wilson 10 Graham Bayne 7 Total 17 Season 05-06 Craig Dargo 20 Dennis Wyness 11 Total 31 Season 06-07 Craig Dargo 12 Graham Bayne 8 Total 20 Season 07-08 Marius Niculae 10 Don Cowie 9 Total 19 Season 08-09 Adam Rooney 6 Filipe Morais 5 Dougie Imrie 5 Total 16 Season 09-10 Adam Rooney 21 Richie Foran 13 Total 34 so far!!!!
  22. Anyone planning on watching the boxing tonight? A British heavyweight champion defending his title in Britain, should be interesting. I think Hayes will win on points, Ruiz is well past it now, but still has a punchers chance, but the he has been up against real heavyweights in the past. He was knocked out by David Tua, who I thought was going to knock out Lennox Lewis and go on to rule the heavyweight division but he bottled it against Lewis. Shouls be a much better spectacle than hayes' fight against the giant russian valuev. Ding .. ding, round one!
  23. Possibly, but my concern is that we don't have a run of games for him to find his feet at this stage of the season.
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