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Everything posted by reefinweedallday

  1. And where would the money come from to sign 8 or 9 players of the quality that could be leaving?? Even signing players out of contract,we would still need funds for wages,signing on fees etc Seems a lot of players are desperate to get out and away from "Big Heeds" management style Brewster will send us to the first division!!!! :33: :33:
  2. It's not even like you have to pay for it though he's offering it on a plate all it needs is for someone to turn up!!! Just seems such a shame to see it go to waste and no one get the use of it surely someone can go to this,even one of the younger lads for the free drink :001:
  3. Surely someone must want these tickets,its a generous offer from Bob to let two people have these tickets to meet the players,free drink etc and not one person is bothered :024: :024: If i wasn't working i'd be there like a shot,surely someone can take him up on this??
  4. I say if it aint broke,don't fix it,the format from this year was good perhaps just a little fine tuning for next year 1) Have to agree with Caley D,it should be limited to the same people that entered last year first,then if there are still places left then it has to be people who have at least been registered on the site for say 6 months or a year at least,we seem to be getting people just joining the site to get involved in the comp which i dont think is fair to the lads that have been involved in the comp for the last few years 2) I also like the bankrupt thing but maybe we could increase the starting totals we had so that people might be able to last a bit longer 3) Don't see any reason to confuse things by double bets etc it's in a simple format which is easy for all to understand so why change it?? Although i do believe Caley D is right about if your not able to get your bet on your automatically allocated the chosen team for that week I.E East Stirling :rotflmao: Anyway it's up to you BOB your the money man so your decision is final but i think the format is about right Cheers lads its a fun way to spend a saturday morning trying to pit yer wits!!!
  5. Here's an offer that you can't refuse... I have a couple of "tickets" for the Player Sponsor Evening on the 13th May, but being in Canada I can't attend. So if you and a mate would like to go, let me know via the Betting Forum, this has to be on a first come first served basis {if you snooze you lose}, we have 24 hours now to pass the names on, so be quick off the mark, but only if you can attend. If yer interested and over 18 {as there's ale on}, then get back to me via the Betting Forum and the tickets are yours. Canada Bob. Surely someone must be interested in this very generous offer,seems a shame to let it pass and nobody get the use out of the tickets?? So if you want to go contact Canada Bob and he will sort it out for you
  6. Just want to say a big thank you to Bob for putting up the cash for the comp,i have received it safe and sound today a nice bonus i can tell ya!! Also want to say thanks to all the lads who were involved and maybe better luck next year :001: :001: Cheers Bob yer a good lad(You best stop backing East Stirling though!!)
  7. There's been a small problem I don't know what the problems are?? We didn't create anything,i don't know why?? :029: :029: :029:
  8. Following on from the things flying about reference Ian Black also heard that Grant Munro was involved in a war of words with the "EGO" and he has been stripped of the captaincy as his punishment anyone else heard this??
  9. See Johnboy told u :rotflmao: Craig why would i want to sleep with a footballer just want to see them do what they are paid for!!! Yes u are tactically inept!!! Alienated top players and fans!! Subs 5 mins from end when games are over long ball,u dont have a scooby mate your a bulb,learn to string two sentences together then learn hoe to mange
  10. No i firmly believe your the ego!!! You watch live football every other week Mr Brewster, well if thats what u call it,i can see your point you probably dont watch live football right enough live sh... yes!!! What sh... have i posted then messiah,disagreed with u and how Sh..ite a manger u are well hey the facts speak for themselves
  11. ah but i think he maybe is realizing his decision was a wrong one,thats why he got to the top in business he understood quickly when mistakes were made,yes Mr Brewster your a bulb!!! Not in Barbazza tnt Craig or has the defeat detented your EGO
  12. Sorry but i cant disagree,anyone that blinkered about Brewster and who has to defend his posts is either Brewster or someone very close to him Like a Mrs Mann :rotflmao:
  13. Got some dogs but no cows :rotflmao: Dont want to argue with you.i understand your views but you know i'm right :rotflmao:
  14. He can't string two sentences together let alone a run of results!!! Get Rid now!!!
  15. Happy Birthday to One Of ICT'S True legend's!!! Up there with Ian Stewart,Barry Wilson etc Sad day when he leaves but who can blame him!!!
  16. 4ize i know what your sying,yes it's a common society thing but Law Firms School Teachers etc do not have thousands of people expecting them to do their job to ahigh standard Hey I'm not knocking any Drug user it's everyones choice!! Butr for a highly paid(For Highland Wages!!!) Professional sportsman to be involved is out of order I'm not naieve enough to think it doesnt go on but to do it in full view of drug sqauad and whoeve else was passing is plain wrong in my eyes the club is well rid,maybe on county's wages he will only be able to afford speed :rotflmao:
  17. Stated from day 1 on his reappointment he was the wrong choice,lots mocked but surely now wven the doubters are starting to realise i was right!!! And i'm sorry i don't like to slate anything about the club but this needs saying...AGAIN!!! Brewster is not a MANAGER
  18. Belive me,he is the ego,whoever posted at 4pm was a ghost,throwing us off the scent!! Who else unless their one of Johndos clients could possibly back such an inept manager the way he has!!! Check the postings thats all i can say
  19. Was his car running!!! If it wasnt and the keys weren't in the ignition he cant be charged with being in control of a motor vehicle!!! Alex don't be so naieve the Class A's were on a CD in Front of his face but they weren't his of course they weren't!!! He pleaded guilty because he wanted it over and down with,we've all done that :rotflmao: Guilty as charged in my opinion and if u want to believe he was holding them for a mate then more fool u!!!
  20. Not at all i am well aware of recreational drug use in our society,but i'm afraid proffesional footballers for the wages they earn should be exempt from participating call me a killjoy maybe i have old fashioned values but surely footballers are exempt from Class A drugs!!!
  21. Anyone That bets on us must have a few quid in their hipper,with big heed as manager were headed for the first division
  22. Yes i agree Alex Snorting White Lines at a Festival....Very Professional indeed!!! Get Him In The Squad!!!
  23. Has nobody on here sussed that Ralph milne is the enigma that is Craig "Ego" Brewster check his postings all about how brewster is the messiah Craig do us all a favour and get tae ****,you were Sh... First time around and your even worse now You are Tactically inept,Big Ego Cant string a sentence together and the players hate you!! Oh But You are a fitness guru,take up a job as a personal trainer its all your fit for!!!
  24. Exclusive!!! The Pre-contract with county has beeen ripped up!!! He's signed for the top club in Colombia :rotflmao:
  25. David Sutherland has brought this club to where it is,without him we would be nothing,lot more financial sustainabilty than Mr Mileson but not such a dimwit,Mr Savage well who knows what his agenda is but i just wish Mr Sutherland had the time to devote full time to the club when he is at the helm we are a progressive club,**** Offg Savage ,**** The Romanian agenda and lets get this club back to the local club it once was A s for Mr Brewster 1Watt Bulbs brighter than Him!!!
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