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Everything posted by snorbens_caleyman

  1. Laurence, Kingsmills was in no way attacking your credibility. He was pointing out that, contrary to your statement that the Bradford City fire had never been investigated, that had in fact been done by the Popplewell Inquiry. You may well have critical views on that inquiry - many people do - but you can't wipe it from history!
  2. Duh. Of course. Senior moment here
  3. But when did OFW last play a match of any description?
  4. That's exactly what I thought when I saw it, on TV. Was too angry at it being disallowed to take in any replay at the time - was there one? - and haven't gone looking for it since. However, I don't remember many complaints from ICT about the decision, though the red mist might have obscured them.
  5. That is bad. I just checked the rules, and, yes, they give a medal or souvenir to "each of the players, to each of such substitutes as are eligible, the Manager or Head Coach and to the match officials, in the Final Tie". That last bit is the key - only those involved in the Final get anything. In contrast, each team in the English cup final receives 40 medals, to distribute as they see fit.
  6. I have said this before - how many times have we conceded within five minutes of the restart? I'm convinced they get Mogadon in their tea. We had Hearts rattled for a few minutes in the second half, at 1-0, but then there was the stoppage for Walsh. And then we conceded immediately after that restart.
  7. Have just noticed that the countdown clock on the ictfc.com website is one hour out. Hope that's not an omen.
  8. And if you put the first two letters after the second two, you become one of IHE's former avatars.
  9. I'm sure you'll know that for large companies, it is generally considered best practice to separate the chairman and CEO roles. Avoids conflicts of interest, and makes a clear distinction between running the board and setting strategy and policy (the chairman's job) and the day-to-day running of the company to fulfil strategy and policy (the CEO's job). But, as you say, whether this is actually needed in a club the size of ICT is open to debate. It may be as simple as Graham Rae wishing to limit the amount of time he spends working for free on ICT business. That certainly wouldn't be my idea of "retirement"!
  10. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/28081515 https://www.eveningtelegraph.co.uk/2014/07/01/scot-gardiners-time-at-dundee-was-very-eventful-and-also-very-stormy/ https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/hearts-set-part-company-chief-11028981 https://dailybusinessgroup.co.uk/2017/08/gardiner-to-leave-hearts-after-main-stand-delay/ Looks like we can expect the next couple of years to be... eventful! But, as always, I wish him well and hope he is successful for the club.
  11. Bad enough not attending, but you do realise that your argument also - in fact, primarily - prevents you from watching it on TV?
  12. Indeed. The year we qualified twice over the fourth place went to St Johnstone (4th in SPL) not Falkirk. We have to win the Cup to get into Europe.
  13. He may not want this at all, but if he did it would be good if both clubs could do something for him at the semi. Some sort of "guest of honour", VIP package for him and close family/friends - that sort of thing. Maybe shake hands with both teams, and toss the coin. Just to give him some special memories.
  14. From the point of view of playoff matches, you are right. The difference in prize money last season between 3rd and 4th was around £70K. Every little helps. If 3rd, presumably there would be a little more in bonuses to pay out. But after that, there could be enough left for another player, or for work on the pitch.
  15. "Will it be Aloha ?" I hope not. Aloha was an early computer networking system in which the computers in the network attempted without warning, and without checking if the communications channel was busy, to pass messages to each other, resulting in frequent collisions. Not a good model for a football team.
  16. The Haughdale was on Ness Bank, owned by Nicol Manson who also owned the Glen Mhor. It became the Waterside.
  17. Pictures of crowds are just pictures of crowds, and you can see them on the news. Here are some of the placards that we encountered. The lady with the "teuchters" placard is living in London now, but was originally from Helmsdale. That's meant to be the mountain Suilven in the background. She said that she met some folk off the crowdfunded bus from inverness this morning, and they looked... well... rough! Must have been a good trip. Finally, here is what the best equipped protestors were drinking from.
  18. Thank you! I think we considerably swelled the numbers - we really must get onto our diets. We didn't make it to Parliament Square though. If you know London, we came out of the Tube at Marble Arch (north end of Park Lane) at 12:30pm. The start of the march was at Hyde Park Corner, at the south end of Park Lane, but to minimise congestion there the organisers had asked everyone to come from the north end. So we joined the back of the march a few hundred yards down Park Lane. The march started at 1pm - but it was 3pm before we got out of Park Lane! Then along about 2/3 of Piccadilly, right into St James's, and then left onto Pall Mall towards Trafalgar Square. Very, very slow, all the way. We used local knowledge and hit the sidestreets nearer Trafalgar Square, but it was still 4:30 before we got there. Long after all the speeches, and lots of folk were going home. We were beginning to feel sore after four hours of either standing or shuffling, so we decided not to go off down Whitehall to Parliament Square. Though I saw on the 6pm news that people were still arriving there at that time. All ages and types of people on the March. Everyone extremely good-natured and very friendly. I'd even call it fun. As you say, I am sure that Treeza will totally ignore it, but you have to do what you have to do. I'll put some pictures up in a few minutes - I have some in both camera and phone.
  19. I'm not trying to upset you, Kingmills, but I will mention that the Guardian's report said that Graeme Shinnie was at fault for the first two goals. I didn't read the rest of it... Massive game now against San Marino
  20. Apparently that's mentioned in the Bible three times. Where it is named "Kesil", meaning "fool"
  21. What's an Outlook account? ? When I replaced the motherboard, I also had to replace the CPU (different socket), memory and graphics card (no longer supported by a current mobo). Windows decided it needed to be revalidated, and the Microsoft person whom I spoke to said that I had moved Windows to a new machine. I persuaded her otherwise. But anything that would avoid that situation would be very welcome.
  22. Mrs Snorbens and I have just agreed that we are taking to the streets on the People's Vote March in London on Saturday. First time we have ever done anything like that. We are so f***ing mad with what is going on that taking to the streets is the only option.
  23. Amen to this. All of my data is stored on at least two external drives. So I have weathered a motherboard failure and a C drive (an SSD) failure with no loss of data. Only the hassle of reinstalling Windows and applications - and even that I could have avoided by using an imaging/backup tool. The IT correspondent on the Guardian newspaper in the UK has coined a law which is that information doesn't exist unless it is in three different physical locations.
  24. I think that you are getting very close to making defamatory accusations, and I am surprised that the mods haven't said anything. By all means, criticise the Board, but if you can't prove it, don't say it.
  25. Yes, indeed, I have in the past made suggestions on how services could be improved. It's often the person experiencing the problem who has the best ideas for solving it. In my working life, in IT, if I had to report to a problem to a boss, I always made sure that I had one or two suggestions for dealing with that problem. And I made sure that people reporting to me understood that I expected that from them. Just saying "it's not my job" helps no one.
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