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Everything posted by snorbens_caleyman

  1. Went across on the Pentalina a couple of years ago. As you'll know, things like camper vans were reversed onto it, so that they could drive straight off without having to turn on the vehicle deck. One lady driver could not reverse in a straight line, and veered to the left every time. They would stop her before she made contact with the railing, and send her off back up to straighten out and try again. Took her about six attempts, by which time everyone was watching her...
  2. Dear God!! The English turkeys have voted for Christmas. The very people who will NOT benefit from either Brexit or a Johnson government have voted for both. Only consolation for me is that Snorbens (St Albans) has finally got rid of the appalling Tory Anne Main, who had moved progressively further to the right, turning a 12,700 majority in 2015 into a 6,000 majority in 2017, and now into a 6,300 loss. Way to go, Anne! Not sure that the new Lib Dem MP will be able to achieve much, but she is very welcome anyway.
  3. Some quick research suggested a loose connection to me. The author Neil M Gunn was born in Dunbeath, and in the 1920s took up post as a customs officer at the Glen Mhor distillery, next to the Telford Street ground. Is that it?
  4. Have just discovered that my maternal grandmother - whom I never knew because she died young - was living there as a 20-year-old housemaid for the Frasers at the 02 April 1911 Census.
  5. Are you telepathic as well as clairvoyant? The reason I say that is that I was just wondering what's the longest period of time we've gone without scoring. (Sudden death penalties don't count.) Just over three games now.
  6. Two 3--0s in succession, and we are discussing the shortcomings of our strikers
  7. And you'll stump up the compensation due to him for terminating his contract?
  8. I wonder if they've been told by the new management that there has to be a big clearout for the club to survive. See if anyone can be sold in January, then see who they can ship in the summer (assuming that they are not promoted). Part-time next season if not promoted. (What would happen then to ongoing contracts?) Might explain a sudden loss in form and Robbo appearing lost.
  9. Must be about time someone says our strikers are useless ?
  10. Yup. The week in which our away record becomes better than our home record, and normality is restored ?
  11. Thought we were playing Westlife? Big crowd guaranteed, and a chance of a win cos there's only four of them...
  12. That's just what I was looking at. At the moment, our home and away records are almost identical, which is unusual enough. (Ayr's is about the same.) But we've all seen previous seasons, with different player and managers, where the away record has been better than the home record. I am more confident of a result when we are playing away from home. So what is it? Lack of atmosphere at home? Spending time together on the journeys travelling to away games? Maybe they should go on a bus tour before every home game.
  13. That's what BBC text says. Their match stats suggest that ICT haven't turned up today.
  14. You're right! As I was typing that, I was playing the three versions - first time in many years - and was very amused when I heard that.
  15. Just noticed in the Courier that David Balfe has died: "David was a successful songwriter penning amongst others, Chelsea Football Club's "Blue Is The Colour" and "Beautiful Sunday"." He also wrote ICT's first club song, "Bring It On Home". I am aware that a lot of folk used to slag it off, but it's a catchy, memorable tune. Not at all bad. An airing at the next home game would be fitting. With condolences and sympathy to his family and friends. (And, for those a wee bit younger than me, no, he was not in The Teardrop Explodes - that was another with the same name.)
  16. The Gallo rosé in the picture at the top is currently £3.75 at Asda, and £4 at Tesco (in England).
  17. BBC says we have had 15 shots, but only three on target ? Morton have had 4, with one on target.
  18. This time with names. The "M Smith" in the back row is my grandfather, Murd Smith. He played left-half, and had been with Citadel for a few years by 1928. He went on to become their trainer for a while, and was also trainer for Inverness Thistle for a time in the 1950s.
  19. I seem to have two different memories of that bakery. One - in the row of shops on the north side of Southside Road, diagonally opposite the Heathmount. There was also a butcher, a Post Office, and a general store of some sort there. Two - on the corner of Southside Road and Argyle Street, just across Argyle Street from the row of shops I mention above. Maybe they moved across the road, or maybe my first memory is false.
  20. Another day, another traipse through the West End of London. A lovely day - except that the heavens opened when the vote on the Letwin Amendment was under way, which must surely signify something - and another fantastic turnout of people. Lots of Scots: we talked to folk from Falkirk, Dumfries, Fife and Glasgow. Many of them had a really good flag - blue background with both the Saltire and the EU ring of stars - very effective. The mood, and many of the placards, were more serious than back in March, although again the whole thing was very friendly and good-natured. We arrived earlier this time, and got a bit further. We ran into a people jam halfway down Whitehall - we had seen that Paliament Square was full about an hour beforehand - and ended up watching the Letwin vote on a giant screen in the street. So it wasn't the final act, and who knows what will happen next? It ain't over till the final whistle. Here are a few pics: And I suggest that ICT signs up the couple below for half-time entertainment. Costumes already almost the right colours. The lass has original songs and a... errr... hearty voice. What's not to like?
  21. And confidence. Winning it was pretty much the start of the great end of season run-in in 2018.
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