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03: Full Members
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Everything posted by EWS

  1. I'm with CaleyD - 5 wins is what we can get.
  2. I would be interested in writing match reports for the few games that I get along to - however I don't get to enough to warrant the 'full-time' position.
  3. With Dods suspended, the next game will be an ideal chance to see the partnership, however if they don't perform then Dods must come back in until we are definatly safe from relegation and only then should we be experimenting.
  4. Scotty, in my view the point isn't about whether people are anti-cc or not, but the fact that this is a not so sly dig at some of our other members. A thread like this re-inforces a clique that the site has developed in recent times. I missed the mass migration away from here, so I can't comment, but I have had my level of activity reduced here because of the reactions of some people when others post criticism of Charlie Christie and the club - it has seemed at times (to me anyway) that criticism of CC = lack of support for the club, and the numerous comments of 'what do you know, you aren't the manager' and 'why didn't Grassa come looking to you when we needed a new manager' isn't helping things at all. In my experience, there is a big difference between actively moderating a site and censoring what people say - and a little bit of moderation, out with moving topics that are in the wrong place, is needed desperately here. A thread like this should never have been allowed to develop in my opinion, and if it had appeared on a forum on which I was moderating, a discreet word in the ear of the poster, and a removal to the dungeon would have been the choice I would have made. Debate and discussion is good, but when it comes down to sly digs, 'fishing trips' or what ever rubbish you want to call it, then I would rather that I posted my opinions elsewhere - and by the looks of it, others are doing the same.
  5. This thread should be moderated because it doesn't acheive anything. All it is is a dig at people who have the personal belief that CC isn't doing a good job and creates hate towards a section of our support. It is childish, and isn't what I would want to be promoted on this site.
  6. I agree. It seems that criticism isn't allowed here.
  7. EWS


    Yes, but you miss the point. Look at your own comment for an example.
  8. EWS


    There seem to be people who believe that because he is leaving that he shouldn't play. There is also a small element of the fans who believe he should be punted out now - I can only put this down to a supposed hatred of him because of his act.
  9. You can walk it, however it is over a mile from the city centre. There is a bus that runs from the Bus Station - for free - that leaves about 2:20. It is a big blue double decker. The bus station is right next to the train station.
  10. EWS


    In all honesty, I believe that Dodds should be given at least a run out in the final home game of the season and then a substituion for Caff as a thank you for the years of service. I don't feel bitter about him leaving - he has provided his reasons and wasn't offered the deal he wanted up here. He has been a great servant to the club, and a brilliant captain. All this hate just because he is leaving is unfounded really.
  11. He said that the only praise he could give was calling the defense 'diabolical'.
  12. I never said you did Steven. However, you said that there was two fouls, advantage was played and he was fouled again so thus the penalty is the decision. The decision shouldn't be pulled back, and the award should be the penalty as that was the greater advantage.
  13. Good for them. I have not said that you are talking crap. I am saying that I think you (and these other people) are grasping at straws if you need to rely on such a weak claim as that to try and get a penalty. Maybe you'll get to see for yourself on the TV however :003: Unfortunatly I won't get to see this incident, nor any of the other games this weekend as I am going to the sticks tomorrow.
  14. So hold on; You are saying that I am talking crap although I have 3 accounts of the incident from 3 seperate people all saying the same thing just because I wasn't there? :015: :015: :015: :015:
  15. So was "ours". Reports that I have heard from people at the game is that there was two fouls, one on the edge and one two yards inside. Radio have said it was at least 2 yards inside. Always award the decision that gives the advantage.
  16. Their penalty was apparently outside the box.
  17. The players have to take some of the blame and so does Charlie. It is his job to motivate the players and change it when it is going wrong. Charlie cannot change a game at all, and his sqaud selections and substitutions have been dubious to say the least. We started poor, had a good 20 minutes, and were poor for the rest of the game. Charlie has to take the blame - he is the manager.
  18. A 3-1 defeat at home to the bottom placed team, a team that hasn't won in 16 in the league? Who else are we going to balme eejit.
  19. The referee is a ****. First SPL match and it should be his last.
  20. Just been denied a penalty after Wilson is fouled in the box and a free kick is given.
  21. **** sake, penalty for Dunfermline. 3-1.
  22. Just on a side note, Paul Robinson has just scored for Tottenham....
  23. 2-1 Dunfermline, MacIntyre. First Dunfermline goal, first goal since November 2005. **** sake.
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