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Everything posted by EWS

  1. Out of touch? We don't play Gameboys anymore. Nintendo DS is where it is at.
  2. EWS

    Rockness 2007

    It is a good line up, however I think the title 'RockNess' doesn't quite refelct the bands that play. Though saying that, Daft Punk is a great steal to get, they don't do that many live shows over here. Does anyone thing that The Automatic are out of place here?
  3. Was it not Tokely? Tokely to Black to Wilson to Bayne?
  4. It all depends on when the injury occured. If the Nakamura injury happened in the second half, it would be a lot easier to continue playing due to adrenaline stopping the pain getting to the point that it was affecting your game. The McBain injury obviously happened in the first half, and so when he stopped at half time, the adrenaline would have disappeared and the pain would have been excruciating. We also don't know the extent of the injury and how bad it is.
  5. McCallister was brought on because Barry was signalling that he couldn't continue to run any more. He was limping and looked absolutly knackered.
  6. Quite respectable that they decided to come up 2 days before the match rather then just the day before.
  7. EWS will be there in attendance sitting the overpriced seats of the main stand.
  8. Wow, guess that the TV plus the stupidly high prices mixed with the kick off time has led people to not want to buy tickets.
  9. Setanta dont show cup games. It's on sky.
  10. It is people like you that do more harm then good. Would you care to put some substance to that comment. If being a realist is doing harm then perhaps I should just give up and join the airy fairy brigade with the OF mentality. How in the **** you got that comment from mine I will never know. You aren't being a realist at all, you are protecting CC when there is no protection. If you were at the match (and it is completly different then listening on the radio) then you would have seen how woeful we were, how Rory just doesn't cut it, always off the pace etc.... Then by coming out that bullshit statement, it beggers belief. No, we aren't managers but our views are still valid. You are as bad as those who were calling for his head after 2 games.
  11. It isn't unfair at all. We had three chances in the whole game. One blazed over the bar from Rory, the other (a half chance) put wide from Rory and one that was saved from Paatelinen. We didn't really give the Motherwell keeper anything to worry about.
  12. There is no set rule for subs, it is up to the referee, who by the way actually sets the time added on, so it is completly his choice. No matter how long that was going to add on, we were never going to score and by my watch we got about 3-4 minutes anyway. Also arab, the problem with the clock stopping every time it goes out is that we would start having American Length games. If you watch Sky Sports coverage, at half time when they are giving the stats, they always include a 'ball in play' time and it very rarely gets over 30.
  13. It is people like you that do more harm then good.
  14. We were truely terrible today, until Black, McSwegan and Markus came on, and McCallister came off. CC gets my backing, but he makes some decisions that baffle me. The first one was allowing McCallister to stay on the pitch for the amount of time he did. He missed arguably our best chance of the game, a free strike in the box with no pressure and he blazes it over. Also, in the first 10 minutes of the game, gave the ball away twice in dangerous areas that Motherwell nearly scored from. He doesn't have the quality to be an SPL player, and he looked like he didn't care most of the time. As soon as Black came on, we were a totally different team he was moving, looking for the ball and it also allowed Barry to stay on the right, as he was having a tendancy to drift inside because no body was working there. Markus had a good attempt that was well saved and Rankin had a shot that the keeper made an absolute mess of - but alas, no body following it in. He needs to change it next week, and with it being such a high profile game, players needed to show that they had the fight. Rory, sorry, but you don't. Blackie however did. The only time I have ever seen Caley play worse was earlier this season at Love St where we drew 1-1 and didn't exist in the second half. The goal furiates me, because of who scored it and how much space he got. There wasn't even anybody thinking of marking or making a challenge on him, and for a player like Scott McDonald, the biggest threat, it baffles me as how he got so much room. That said, he could have easily been sent off for an elbow (which he was booked for) and then a rash challenge down near our box. Tokely will become a new hate figure as well for a crunching tackle that led to a motherwell boy going straight into the boardings at speed, 'Well fans wanting us to put the ball out (the guy was off the pitch) as he was supposedly writhing around in agony, but cue the magic sponge and he was as fine as day. Good to see that Tumulty booked the Well player for diving. We were as far away as you can get and I saw it was a dive. The ref (Tumulty) had a good match in my opinion, allowed it to be a physical contest, a proper old school game of football and let the game flowed alot. Played some good advantage once or twice that could have led to goals from either side and was fair. Good to see a difference from referees who want to get involved, he tended to take a step back unless it got proper ugly. All his bookings were justified. On another point, this is the first game I have been to that Black played and wasn't booked.
  15. EWS

    Ref v. Celtic

    IF we play as well as we did today then we will be lucky not to condede any more then 3.
  16. EWS

    Motherwell Game

    Me + 2 and Joe DiMaggio will be leaving from Glasgow Central on the 13:07 if anybody wants to join us. If you are going to come along, PM me your mobile number so I can get in touch.
  17. EWS

    Motherwell Game

    Me and two others are heading through on Sat.
  18. EWS

    Motherwell Game

    Was that not because it was a meaningless end of season game? To make size bigger hold down control and scroll in and out.
  19. I wondered when this would pop up on here. It is a fake, the government is not even thinking about introducing this - it is highly illegal and would not be allowed. There was a massive thing about this over the weekend in the papers.
  20. Do you want to tell me which team I should support then? Born in Lanark (Third Lanark Ladies / Hamilton or Motherwell) MOved to High Wycombe (Wanderers) Moved to Forres (Forres MEchanics) Moved to Glasgow (Pick one)
  21. EWS

    Motherwell Game

    What stand are we likely to be in?
  22. I'm a caley fan and I live in Glasgow. You saying that I should support a Glasgow team?
  23. Him and Black are completly different.
  24. EWS

    Motherwell Game

    I forgot about this game, might have to head over to Motherwell for it. I take it that it is pay at the gate as usual? My line up would be as follows; GK: Fraser Defence: Rossco, Dodds, Hastings and Munro Midfield: Barry, Rankin, Duncan and McBain Forward: Markus and Bayne.
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