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Everything posted by EWS

  1. Seems that it is the sweetie rustlers who he is talking about. Think maybe people forget that we have a lot of dinosaurs supporting our team at the moment.
  2. My anger managment involves herbs and tea :P Hopefully you realised that my post above was tongue firmly in cheek
  3. Multiple Personality Man? I'll give you multiple personality man you little ****........
  4. Advice? Hold on there man, we don't want to be criticising him now. We aren't qualified managers so we don't have a clue what to do, and Charlie, of course, is. I mean, if we were good enough surely it would have been us Grassa would have hired. Charlie knows what he is doing, I mean, Rory is just absoultly amazing. Better then Kenny Miller even.
  5. Picture of the year from the BBC; Who is that DUFC player, and who bloody tall is he?
  6. Oh right, I thought I heard Duncans name but I thought that was a seperate incident. They were saying that Blackie was pointing his finger in. Commentators must have got it mixed up.
  7. If you have just got connected; [li]DUFC could have had a penalty after Dodds shoves, I think, Lee Wilkie[/li] [li]Black is one tackle away from a yellow card[/li] [li]Caley are apparently washed out after the cup game, they look tired[/li] [li]Blackie has been having a good at Robson for diving[/li]
  8. Click here for the file that is played in the real player stand alone. Will also play in VLC Player.
  9. Why is he persisting with the big bag of ***** that is Rory McCallister?
  10. It was West Brom who was featured, not Caley. What happened?
  11. EWS

    Rockness 2007

    Why was it particularly appropriate to Rockness? From having spoken to the lead singer, the band hate that song because that is all they are known as. He also said that they would probably stop playing it in live concerts because people know that song an that song only and as artists it really pisses them off. In the scheme of things, they just look out of place really.
  12. I was thinking of making the short trip through from Glasgow. Haven't been to Rugby Park before, and it would be a chance to see if the Killie pies really do live up to their name.
  13. Is it just me or does he look like Teddy Sheringham in that picture?
  14. It's a message board, what else are you meant to do? Or would you prefer we just stayed quiet after you posted, or rather, ignored you. Hey, that would be a great idea. Implement an ignore system which means that we don't have to put up with your pish day in day out. Now I would love to continue 'struggling against your line' but I have 9 1/2 hours of plying students with alcohol to go to.
  15. EWS

    Rockness 2007

    Just as it was the anthem for T in the Park, Reading, Leeds, V, Isle of Man and pretty much every festival there was last year. Let me put it this way; Chemical Brothers - Dance act Groove Armada - Dance act Daft Punk - Dance act The Automatic - Wanky indie band, with wanky keyboardist and name corresponds to said syntax for new wanky bands - 'The [insert random word]'
  16. *Yawn* Same old pish from the same old man. You need to get some new hobbies. If you get your kicks from 'baiting' people on an internet forum then you need to seriously do an M.O.T. on your life. It is rather funny that these 'fishing trips' seem to only happen on forums that have a majority of older members, and is in fact the older members that undertake them. You need some new tricks.
  17. Maybe living in Glasgow has dulled my senses, but whatever you were trying to get at you failed.
  18. I haven't joined it, he still made a massive mistake by going with 3 up-front with 10 minutes to go without bring on Caff. However, if he has said that Black was tired and signalled to come off then what can we do? We have to believe him. Otherwise we start to undermine him, and the team and in the end we turn into the same paranoid Celtic fans that whine each week. Why would CC lie to us? If it was because he was afriad Blackie was going to get sent, I am sure he would have said that. Unless you want me to stoke the fire? Fine; "Black was brought off the pitch so Charlie could see his old team, Celtic, beat the team that swallowed up both Thistle and Caley because he harbours great hatred over the merger. Now that he is the manager he can put his plan into action to destroy ICT." Happy?
  19. Me and a few guys will probably go to the semi-final. St J are unlikely to sell out their end and it will be a good day out I think, a trip to the semi-final.
  20. **** sake, your as bad as the paranoid, conspiracy theory wielding Celtic fans. Charlie gave his reason on the radio, and in the press. What more do you want? Him to come over and suck you off to make it all better? Get over it, there are plenty more years left to win the cup, it isn't as if we are going to go bust tomorrow. Celtic won, we lost - that is football. It might be hard, but hey, that is life. How do you think I feel? I went from being £100 up to being £20 down in a matter of minutes, I nearly cried. But even worried about why Blackie came off. But CC gave a reason, he has kept to the same reason and I am happy with it, and I believe him because I don't have some chip on my shoulder. CC might make mistakes, but I very much doubt he would try and sabotage a cup game by bringing off our best player unless he had to.
  21. Anybody thinking of going to the semi final?
  22. I take it this is a pay at the gate?
  23. That was my first Highland Derby, I was banned from going to games after that match for a while.
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