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Everything posted by CaleyJulz

  1. It wasnt that obvious was it ??? That i am the boss !!!! Was great seen ya hun just wished we could have stayed longer but Jnr had work and was on ealy shift so was up at 4.30 am poor husband lol !!!! Hopefully meet up again soon !!!!!
  2. Bored so came here to read this pile of kak while waiting on daughter to get back from football !!!
  3. Really admire you mate, I think most guys would be only to happy to leave the kids with their ex and go back to the single life. When I got together with my wife, she had 2 children (girls) both with different dads. In the 10 years we have been together, their Dads have taken next but nothing to do with them, and have let them down more times than I care to remember. There has been zero financial support either. I aint with my kids father but they have the most amazing step dad who supports them more emotionally and financialy too.. They dote on their step dad. I admire men who are willing to be single dads my cousin is a single dad and i admire him for what he has done and he works to on his dads farm has lots of help from the family. I think dads can be just as good single parents as mums.
  4. SMEE have sent ya a pm as it is personal !!!
  5. I have a friend who won custody of his kids .
  6. Hey Buffy love xxx How the devil are ya ?? Thanks love if ya go to the gallery there is more pics there of the wedding !! was great day ... cannae wait for the bees wedding lol not long xx
  7. Which is better ??? Is it easy to change back to xp as lap top has vista and am still trying to get my cam corder to work with vista after months of trying i am ready to give up i just import stuff from camcorder at all hell me !!!
  8. What a heart breaking story the couple we devoted to their wee boy. I hope they are all happy where ever they are now.
  9. Awwww so cute !!!! I met my husband thanks to this site !!!!! Scotty and Caleyd you have a lot to answer too !!! Only joking !!!!!!Rob and i have now been married 8 months but been together 3 years !!! We had a brill wedding at the stadium was fabby !!!
  10. Spot on there !!!!! She is so funny !!! But Diversity were amazing washed the floor twice over with flawless.
  11. Who is watching this ??? Who do you think will win ??? And do you think there should be a cut of age limit after what happened to Hollie Stelle last night ?? I think Susan Boyle will win it... Would like to see Stavios Flatley win tho there are well funny !!! And I think there should be an age limit as Hollie well the amount of people and nerves got the better of her and that might play with her little mind.
  12. Ball was brill a good night was head by all !!! Me thinks we need Dougie Imrie to sing with us next season !!! He was so funny singing Inverness is wonderfull shame he only knew the 1st 2 lines !!!!
  13. I was shocked and discusted when i read this and the fact she had the bare faced cheek to write a leter to the judge. What they were given is just nowhere long enough.
  14. Am so proud of you all see you all in a few hours i need to wait on the trolls to get home from school before heading into the town !!!!
  15. The 1st time i did any they betting on here how far myself and Lauraness would would manage on the 1st day !!! And we did 20 miles with no training nothing but i ended up with sun stroke !!! was a great day out tho !!!
  16. Pic from previous marches !! Go the gallery there is pics from previous marches !! This will no doubt be updated after tne marchers have recovered form this march !!
  17. Caleyd.... Tell my husband i love him !!! Well done to all the HMERS PROUD OF YOU ALL XXX
  18. Smee were they any good ???
  19. Anyone know where you can get a ds lite repaired...My sis dropped my neices one and it wont work. When you plug the charger in it glows orange at the side and wont switch on. Cheers
  21. One i found funny was when we played Killie the day after my wedding which was at the stadium was I'd rather have a brush than a Combe I'd rather have a brush than a Combe Ohhh I'd rather have a brush than a Combe Made me laugh !!! And we won 3-1 i think it was !!
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