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Everything posted by Huisdean

  1. IHE, more like "What Board". We never here from the Board on any subject and for me, they are not trying to push the club to be more successful. Some of them are in their own cosy little world where they think they are important but I don't see the same passion, or any passion, from the board to take the club forward. maybe this is getting through to the players?
  2. I have to admit that i didn't want Brewster as a manager, not for walking out to go to Dundee Utd but I don't think he has what it takes as a manager and certainly he doesn't appear to have a clue about tactics. I don't know if he got the job through being someone's golfing buddy but he's here now and he has to be given the chance to prove himself until the end of the season. Changing manger now is pointless but a difficult decision may have to be made come next May. This was always going to be a difficult season for ICT after two seasons where we established ourselves in the SPL. This was the season that we should have cleared out certain players who were not going to take the club any further and try to replace them with better players. This hasn't happened but will need to happen for next season. Some of the players I am thinking about are Bayne, McCaffreyand Black (who is so overated by some people on this site, one good game every ten, if that is not good enough for me)
  3. Big Man - Where did you get the Thistle top as I would like to get one (especially if it upsets IHE!!)
  4. Much hysteria as usual when we suffer a defeat. We have no divine right to win games and some of the comments posted are totally over the top. Better teams than us have suffered defeats like this/been relegated before. Yes we were poor but so were Falkirk. They got a break of the ball for their goal as otherwise I think I would still be sitting waiting for a goal. As for comments made about lack of passion from the bench compared to John Hughes who was going ballistic every 5 seconds, it didn't make Falkirk play any better did it?. Personally I think the problem is that the team and certain players have over achieved in the SPL so far but now some players are struggling to maintain that over achievement (Golly, Tokely perhaps unless he has a problem with an injury, Keogh and Hastings to name but a few). As for Charlie, he has to learn from his mistakes and if the club really want to move on, he has to be given the time to learn his trade. Only then can a judgement be made on how good a manager he is. To sack him now, or call for his resignation is just pointless and typifies how short term some people think football is. Rant over but some people need a reality check on their aspirations for the club.
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