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Everything posted by Reliably_Informed

  1. Cost figures are here https://www.inverness-courier.co.uk/sport/crunch-time-for-caley-thistle-youth-academy-207194/
  2. So it turns out that Project Brave isn't costing the club anything near the £500,000 that Messrs Morrison and The Spoof have been claiming. The cost is about £170,000 and half of that is paid by the SFA. Are we really saying that we can't afford to invest 2.5% of the club turnover in our Youth?
  3. I normally stick to posting in an informative manner and don't like to get caught up in the discussions and passing of opinions, but I feel so strongly on this that I have to break with that tradition. Who did Graeme Bennett think he was yesterday? Standing taking applause from that fans!!! Reality check Mr Bennett, not a single shout, whistle or coming together of hands was intended for you and many people (I know because enough of them were talking about it on the pitch and in the pub afterwards) were none too pleased see you playing the almighty and accepting praise that was intended for others like some self deluded hanger on. On the off chance that you read this, and to ensure you are left under no illusion....those cheers, chants, whistles and all that clapping were for Terry Butcher, Maurice Malpas and the Squad who have (certainly in my opinion) achieved the success they have despite and not because of you and some others on the board, although they at least had the decency to step back and wait for Terry to take HIS plaudits I apologise to the fans for the negative when we should be focusing on and enjoying the positives, but some people have been basking in the successes of ICT while contributing nothing for far too long and witnessing what I did yesterday had my blood boiling.
  4. The matchday magazine has been outsourced to Century Publishing who are now in control of finding advertisers and making it pay. This was done as the club have lost thousands of pounds on it so far this season and were unwilling/unable to continue to produce it themselves. As a result the amount of space available for things like Editorials has been scaled back which means it is now little more than an advertising brochure dressed up as a programme.
  5. Club have allegedly offer Marius ?35,000 in full and final settlement. This equates to about 15% of what he's due, will he accept?
  6. I know a few threads already exist on this, but they all speculate his going to other clubs or being sacked based on performance and this post is neither. Butcher will, allegedly, be gone within a fortnight and the reason he is going is because we are, allegedly, skint and need to get as many people off the wage bill as possible just to ensure we can make it till the end of the season. The hope is that he finds another club and we can get a token compensation payment but that's wishful thinking on our part (regarding the compensation, not him finding another club). Any players we can get a couple of quid for or who are on larger wages and we can offload will also go. ICT is, allegedly, operating hand to mouth at the moment and have started to make some ridiculous cost cutting measures which some might have already noticed.
  7. Mr Smith signed a 3 year deal with them at the end of last season. The only hope we have is that Darren is willing, and able, to do as he did with the last catering company and terminate any agreement on the basis that they are not meeting any SLA's that exist.
  8. There's termination clauses written in to the contract. So whilst this is a "5 year deal", one or other party are able to terminate the agreement if certain things do (or don't) happen, or within set periods of time throughout the 5 years.
  9. Wilson to part company with QotS in January....allegedly he's been in discussions with ICT about returning here as a player coach, with a view to moving into more of a coaching role at the end of the season under our next Manager.
  10. Given that ICT have not paid what's due in the time frame dictated, and no appeal has been lodged with FIFA or the Court of Arbitration for Sport....what sanctions will we now face?
  11. Around 1000 tickets sold by ICT already and Ross County have, grudgingly for some reason, agreed to send the club another couple of hundred terracing tickets. I would recommend people get tickets in advance to save the risk of disappointment.
  12. ...Mike Smith has left the building. Mods can move this to the main forum when they get a confirmed source.
  13. The club are taking advice from the solicitors who wrote the contract, who also happen to be the SPL Solicitors. Take from that what you will, but if I thought had an issue with a contract, I wouldn't be expecting honest and impartial advice from the ones who wrote it in the first place.
  14. With George Fraser (Retired ROK Director) having recently joined the Tulloch Board, then you can be pretty certain Sutherland has something up his sleeve.
  15. Heard rumour that our man on the mic would be having a quick word with Barry at pitch side before kick off.
  16. IHE, you might want to ask CaleyD about whether the club have set aside any money or not as he questioned the Chairman about this at the AGM and got a very different answer to what you have said.
  17. The club were totally blameless on the catering issues today (aside from using an inferior company to start with). The caterers turned up with no CO2 gas for the juice machines, no staff to cover anything other than the pods in the main stand and they wouldn't have had enough food to cover a friendly (they would have struggled to cover a Highalnd League Game), let alone a full crowd. How "misinformed" could they have been on crowd size, and how does that explain no gas, no milk, and (allegedly) less than 500 hot food items?
  18. Is the person who started this discussion on the Boardroom Banter forum not the same person who regularly boasts about spending hundreds (if not thousands) of pounds on buying equipment for ghost hunting??? I'm afraid that in this case it sounds like nothing more than someone looking for a chance to freeload and using any disability they might have to take advantage as opposed to them seeking genuine parity.
  19. Scott Kellacher has been re-employed by ICT on Butchers return from holiday. Apparently he hadn't agreed to the idea that the U19's being retained should train with the first team and wanted someone at the club to take them seperately as the requirments at that stage of development are different.
  20. Maybe he got a pay rise and the limp is being caused by the additional weight in his wallet. He could perhaps get some advice on handling such a thing from the likes of Rooney or Barrowman.
  21. Not to mention sending the Club Licensee (bar) his P45 when he holds the position and charged the club next to nothing for his services. Hope nobody has any functions booked there in the near future and were hoping for the bar to be open!!!
  22. Nobody seems to have pointed out that David Sutherland is also far from being the largest shareholder. He has a grand total of 250 shares in ICT.
  23. We have eleven contracted players and a decent sized squad of U-19's to call upon if worst came to worst. I believe by the end of June we will have signed a few more. I think you'll find that we currently have a somewhat depleted U-19 squad too. I am hopeful that there a few new signings in the pipeline as I suspect we will lose more before the start of the season. It's a little more than depleted. From what I understand we've released the entire U-19 squad with some of them having been told that we MIGHT go back to speak to them over the summer with a view to re-signing them. As was said elsewhere, even the ones Butcher had been told he had money to sign were told by Grassa that there was no contract on the table for them when they showed up at the club to get the paperwork done. Hopefully Butcher can start to sort things out when he comes back......well, if he comes back!!!
  24. As is often the case the Immortal One gets the sniff of something but doesn't necessarily have all the detail. What has (apparently) happened is that Butcher was told he had 'X' Amount of money to go and re-sign the best of our U19's...so he then went to Clelland and told him to offer deals to certain lads. The lads then turned up at the club a couple of days later to sign the deals, only to be told by Grassa that the deals were not/no longer available. Butcher has now been left looking like a bit of a **** and has gone away on Holiday a none too happy chappy. Grassa is now doing a lot of mouthing in the press about this, that and the next thing...talking about how he and Butcher will be putting a squad together etc...and to be honest, I think much of what's being said will come as a further surprise to Butcher on his return. It all smacks of Grassa scrambling around in desperation trying to justify his position within the club, and as is usual, it's turning into a PR nightmare and we could very well end up losing people who are far more valubale to ICT than he has become in the last few years.
  25. Heard on the grapevine that the club are currently trying to convince 10CC to take over the Managers Job till the end of the season.
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