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Everything posted by starchief

  1. Fraser Proctor Innes Munro Hastings Skelton Black Cowie Niculae Rankin Deuchar Subs: Zibi, McGuire, Imrie, Wilson, Duff, Paatelainen, Wyness (Yantorno not available through injury) Wasn't that far-fetched too long ago
  2. I agree with everything you've said. There needs to be some accounting for the disaster of the last half of this season. Haven't seen such a dispirited side since Dundee United's last manager was in charge! So, the man who is to be held accountable is....Craig Brewster!
  3. We only really have one defensive midfielder in Duncan and I'd say Skelton was better than him. Obviously Black can drop deep but then you're looking at unproven kids or McBain. Baldacchino replacing Bayne or McBain, when we need more attack or wide options? I think that's a decent shout. As I said, as good as we've got but not much better. Decent squad player. We'll just have to disagree on Yantorno. I think he'd be excellent. I struggle to think who we could get for free that's be anywhere near that quality. I know about Deuchar of course and had heard of Innes and Morton but am surprised they can offer a decent salary to him. Wasn't that long ago they were worried about going under. Seems to have the leadership qualities we lack.
  4. Baldacchio (or whatever) would be decent, as long as he's not on high wages. As good as we've got but maybe not that much better. Decent. Innes, Skelton, Baldacchio, Yantorno and...Deuchar (yeah, I know, I know :019:). All as good or better than we have.
  5. I wouldn't welcome him back after all the 'it's not me, it's my family' garbage :020:
  6. What? You'd drop Beppo the Super-Chimp from the squad completely??? Is that due to a dispute with his agent, Hoppy the Marvel Bunny? Chris
  7. For me, the weakest link is really a lack of a leader. Normally that's be the central defender of defensive midfielder. It just seems to be missing. Mann and Dods both did that job and got the plaudits. Let's face it, they were hardly Beckenbauer reincarnated. And a goalscorer (though I think Wyness on his own supported by Cowie, Niculae and Rankin would have worked). Our keeper is just average bottom SPL/First Division standard. Hardly inspiring but no worse than most around.
  8. A luxury player??? He's a hard-working left-back *** midfielder. He's exactly what we could do with. Even injured I'd still get him. He's better down the left than any we currently have.
  9. starchief


    Oh. I thought we were going to give a top six finish this season a real go. Seems as though we were still trying to avoid being bottom :017:
  10. I think he's got something. It's either that or we're p*ss poor. And that can't be true :001: Can it? :rolleyes02:
  11. I <i>did</i> say most. The comments from the first 8 posters seem to be the same as me, i.e. never seen him play to give much of an opinion, so calling for him to start just doesn't seem credible.
  12. I think it's deeper. Something to do with a desire for conflict buried deep within. If it's not individuals it's countries. Look at what people die for: economic systems, my king/country is better than yours, pieces of land when there's enough for everyone, some deity who created everything but needs people to protect it...the list goes on. I just don't know what goes through someone's mind for that level of violence. You hear of these people that kill someone because their particular Mr. Big ordered it. And they do it! Next 20 years in prison. No female company. No trips to the pub or the fitba. No real life. Is proving you're a hard man worth anything like that?
  13. Probably James the VI of Scotland. Nor in Scotland (or Canada for that matter) but to imply they've no real support across all strata of society (even though I'm not one of them - a supporter that is) is disingenuous. Chris
  14. By now, he should either have played or been sent back. As most of us will never have seen him, I don't see how we can say 'can't be worse than x' . He might well be. But we should know that by now and the loan canceled.
  15. Personally, I couldn't care less about them, I just don't want to give them any of my money. Let the royalists pay for them and they can have all the castles and boats they want. I have real doubts as to whether the Royal Family bring in money or whether that's the history associated with them (which would obviously remain - in fact, we'd be able to see more with all the castles opened up). Next in line is Prince Charles and his queen. You don't want them? Then that's not being in favour of the monarchy system. See, that's the thing - you can't pick and choose who's next in line. As Brian Clough once said, "you're either loyal...or you're not". Chris
  16. I know Hibs were unhappy with him but I thought he did pretty well. They just couldn't seem to get over him playing for Rangers. Butcher kept Coventry in the Premiership whilst making a profit for the club (no easy feat). Take a look at how many managers Brentford have gone through in the past few seasons. They remind me of Peterhead - they want success but just don't have the means to get it, so they blame their managers. Sydney of course was a complete farce, where he was close to the sack virtually the minute he set foot in the door. For me, Sunderland has been Butcher's only real letdown. I'd still prefer Pressley with a good assistant.
  17. No chance of Collins even considering it I'd say. Think he's learned he doesn't like the bargain basement. Don't think Lambert would come either. Why such a downer from everyone on Williamson? He did really well at Killie and was decent at Hibs (who couldn't get over that he played for Rangers - so what?!). Ok, he wasn't so great in England but would you turn down Smith, Levein or Jefferies for the same reason? (actually I know some of you would so let's leave it as rhetorical). Assuming no chance of Paterson returning (which I'd like to see given a chance), Butcher is probably my no.1 at the moment (though it's not set in stone).
  18. Definitely one of the major reasons. Didn't see anything at that time to suggest CB could turn it around. Levein has done a tremendous job at Dundee Utd and has a track record of being a decent manager in Scotland. Brewster was only any good at ICT when he was playing. He left at the first opportunity, completely failed and should have had to rebuild his rep in the lower leagues. And yet, ICT were pushing for a top six finish. Christie didn't have the stomach for the job. Brewster doesn't have the talent. Time to go (not that he should have been welcomed back in the first place).
  19. Think we need to get realistic here. Can't see any manager in the SPL wanting to come to Inverness. There's no transfer budget, so little to leave for. That leaves SFL, an older player looking to manage or unemployed (or a foreigner but where do you start?). I'd be fine with either Paterson or Robbo (let's face it, he would have walked over broken glass for Hearts). Williamson seems to have a bad rep these days but he did excellent with Killie and not bad with Hibs. Could do worse. I'd probably take a closer look though at some of the SFL managers. Paateleinen would have been a great catch had we got him. Gough I thought did a decent job at Livi, even with their chair. Butcher wouldn't be a bad shout either. He's had a lot of clubs but I think he did well at Coventry and Motherwell. Didn't have a chance at Sydney of Burnley and was only average at Sunderland. It was mentioned before CB but how about Pressley (with an experienced 2nd in command)? Chris
  20. If Gretna survive and the takeover works, do you think Gretna will leave their town a la MK Dons? May not be a bad investment if they can tap into another population...trouble is, I can't see where that population may be without crossing to Carlisle or Ireland (and UEFA won't accept that). Chris
  21. I'll get my boots! :alien04:
  22. What about the fans who supported the team "Pre Mileson" and now face the prospect of their team sinking into oblivion because of one mans desire to play real life Football Manager? They will be left with nothing. As much as I feel sorry for those owed money, I'm sure Gretna will do an Airdrie and become another different but the same club (not Gretna but Gretna United or some such). Probably junior level - just like they would have been without Brooks. I don't think they'll have many bad memories of their time. It's just their creditors that lose.
  23. Here's me thinking I was going to reminisce about dangling my feet into the water whilst sitting on the bonny banks of the Ness...
  24. If he really does have the money (and some reports say thee nay) then I'm really surprised he's just pulled out like this. He could have backed them til the end of the season, then pulled out with the "I've taken them as far as I can" line. I doubt he ever made money from it, rather it must all have been down to a boyhood dream and desire for glory. Why become the villain of the piece at this late stage? :024:
  25. Much as I agree that Gretna should never have been promoted in the first place, I can't help but feel it was an amazing experience for the town and their supporters. They went from a village team to the Cup Final and the SPL. Now, they will, in all likelihood, go back to where they came from. Perhaps with all the debt, they might not be THAT Gretna but I'm sure the town will still have a team somehow. Of course, you have to feel for those left in debt but I'm sure the supporters would do it all again. Rather that than the lifestyle of East Stirling etc - low crowds, destined to get nowhere. As that was the best existence Gretna could have hoped for.
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