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Everything posted by Connie.Orr

  1. Agree with you Alex, and add that I think Blackie's temper would go against him in terms of other teams wanting to buy him....but then I want him to stay with us anyway, he kinda belongs at ICT.
  2. :021: Happy 75th Jock! :symbol_exclaim01: :021: By the way..just wondering..canuck...are you a vancouver canuck by any chance?
  3. what really REALLY bugs me is when I'm driving somewhere and the driver in front puts his screen washer thing on and then clouds of fine spray blows back right onto my windscreen - ghrrrr - then I have to wipe my windscreen Vauxhaulls are the worst offenders, feckin spray everywhere. :008: :008: :008:
  4. CB'll get the team problems sorted out, no probs. Am looking forward to seeing what he does come January and how we move on - and hopefully upward! - from that point. MON THE ICT !! :021:
  5. Nope, I just dont get it - read through all the posts on this thread and still can't see the justification for boo-ing any of our players. Makes no sense whatsoever. So you don't like some player or other for some shallow reason, and you think it's OK to do the guy down, in public, in front of fans and players from both sides - but you know what? It's not OK, if you don't like them, get over it, let them get one with their job and shut the **** up.
  6. How wonderful it must be for a young guy to get boo-ed every time he turns up for work. Must do his self-esteem the world of good really. So flicked the v's at you, if that's the worst thing that ever happens to you, you'll be very luck - get over it for goodness' sake and get on with supporting the whole team. Ridiculous behavour from the 'fans'.
  7. Maybe he was doin' it with a 'man hole' .... man hole, get it?!! ...
  8. Do posters get reprimanded for good spelling and grammar? :024: Does that also apply to moderators getting reprimanded for bad grammar?? ! :crazy07:
  9. Apparently "cool" doesn't necessarily mean "great/ok" now-a-days either, not sure what it means in today's world but it's not what I thought it was .... oops! :017:
  10. I'd expect Brewster to come out of a game against Rangers concentrating on the positives roscoe23. It'd be just too despressing for him to dwell on the negatives (in public at least!). I'm glad he's taking an up-beat tack with the journos. I'm sure Brew's well aware of where we were lacking yesterday and will deal with that directly with the team, not the press, as he should. He knows what he's gotta do.
  11. His passing's terrible, makes pretty basic errors while playing so I wouldn't be in a terrible rush to get him. Let's be honest, most players down in Dunfermline must be seriously looking to get outta there.
  12. Bad news, hope he's gonna be ok, he's my favourite player! Even he must have an inkling his playing days can't last forever.
  13. Uh-huh very funny - and I bet the bloke writing that was the very image of George Clooney himself! :015:
  14. :003: Couldn't agree more Mee - this One Man and His ***** saga has been fairly amusing has it not!! :cat:
  15. Is that no' illegal?!! :crazy07: Ach we'll hump them this time, nae bother. MON ICT !!!
  16. :021: Sounds like you're doin' a grand job there clacher - bout the toxoplasmosis (sp) tho, Caley D's right to warn you....go to the doc straight away if you cough up a hair ball or if you start running round chasin mice cos they're beginnin to look rather tasty. :001:
  17. Remember a few years back a guy getting into trouble for indecently assaulting a dolphin of all things. Perv.
  18. poor wee *****; ladies keep yours away from ch2 if it ever needs looking after! not sure ch2 knows how to handle it with confidence ! :tic01:
  19. :blah01: Cats are great...they're independant, keep themselves clean & groomed, don't pester you for walkies or treats or much attention...and, best of all, they go and crap in someone-else's garden thereby letting you off the hook when it comes to pickin'-up-the-turds-time.
  20. Ach for goodness' sake ch2, feed the damned cat twice daily then leave it alone to do it's own thing; scoop out the schicht every day and cope! - take yer bra off and be a man!!!
  21. ...... and back to the important stuff - FOOTBALL! ICT played really well yesterday, very glad to be there to watch our team play, great singing btw, added to the enjoyment of the day. But what's with the 'seats' at Fir Park?? Where the **** did they get them from - recycled pre-war tractor seats or what?! Worth the discomfort just to see brew and the boys tho. Well done guys, more of the same please :021:
  22. Frankly a win had better be got, I'm not haulin my sad old carcass all the way down to motherscum to sit in the cold for nuthin' :030:
  23. :008: the Rollers, the Wets and Deacon Blue are all bands that provoke a serious bout of tourettes from me each and every time their name's are mentioned; dire and dreadful shyte-bands that should never see the light of day, be played or spoken of ever ever again. :008:
  24. :015: :015: A lesson for all men there - ALWAYS hold on to yer gizzits !! :015: :015:
  25. Have to agree with kencar - we need points now cos we're far far too close to the foot of the table. It's too uncomfortable a place to be and the only way up is to win. :021:
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