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Everything posted by Connie.Orr

  1. Where IS this Innes Pub??? Popped into Inverness last night hoping to catch up with you at the night out, asked 3 different guys (OK two of them were drunk - my luck) and no-one knew where it is!! Hope it was a great night, I missed all the fun.
  2. :crazy07: Lezzer alert! That **** woman has my name tatoo-ed on her shoulder - eek... :crazy07:
  3. Gers are a bunch of bad-tempered, sore losing, cheatin' hoors. :015: Well done, the Dons.
  4. :021: Easy peasy, lemon squeezee ! :021:
  5. I always liked Gretna, can't say the same for DU - great result :021:
  6. Mee, really!!! I remember you proudly posted a pic of you and him together...where did it all go wrong?!!!
  7. The Hormone Guide Every woman knows that there are days in the month when all a man has to do is open his mouth and he takes his life in his hands! This is a handy guide that should be as common as a driver's license in the wallet of every significant other! OOH - DANGEROUS !: SAFER: SAFEST: ULTRA SAFE: Eh what's for dinner love? Can I help you with dinner? Where would you like to go for dinner? Here, have a margarita Are you wearing that? Wow, you look good in brown! WOW! Look at you! Here, have a margarita What are you so worked up about? Could we be overreacting? Here's my paycheck. Here, have a margarita Should you be eating that? You know, there are a lot of apples left. Can I get you a piece of chocolate with that? Here, have a margarita What did you DO all day? I hope you didn't over-do it today. I've always loved you in that robe! Here, have a margarita
  8. Wow - a new baby boy!! Sssssso exciting - congratulations to the Wyness family :dancing01:
  9. Stach's just a bitter wee runt and doing no good at Celtic by whinging and moaning and bitchin at the press week in week out. They'd be better off without him. Like I cared.
  10. Craig Brewster's not going anywhere - he's back among us now and this is where he'll stay. Can't see Hibs being the place for him right now. Apparently Craig's been linked with the Dunfermline job too, if you can believe that.
  11. Yeah and ICT get LOADS of coverage here of course!!
  12. Maybe that's why Canada duzny have a big fence...no one WANTS to go there. They can leave the doors open an' still no-one wants to get in !! tic01:
  13. There's a really lovely old black and white film called "The Bishops' Wife" starring Carey Grant, David Niven and Loretta someone - this film must be a hundred years old!! Aw, it's so lovely; Carey Grant's an angel sent to earth to help David Niven, who's a Bishop, get his priorities right. Such a wonderful movie and definitely my favourite Christmas film.
  14. Brew's perfect at ICT, he suits the club, the club suits him. He knows what he's doing here. It was a big relief (to me anyway) when he came back.
  15. Well done CB and the crew....great game, everyone played brilliantly well and played to win. So pleased for you all. More, more, more....again, again, again !!!
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