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Harry Chibber

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Everything posted by Harry Chibber

  1. Police put a bounty of ?1000 on Moat's head and set to raise it to ?2000 next week if it's a Roal over.... ..... .....
  2. Courier clicky Guy's got his critics but you can't question his commitment to the club and the fans. He is far too eager to lump the ball up the pitch sometimes and maybe not the Roy Keane-esc captain that some fans crave for but Roy Keane is a pr!ck and defenders are there to defend. As long as you stick a ball winning defender in beside Munro he always delivers i.e. Dods, Pavels ...... and now Tokely. In fact the only time he's been ropey is when he's had McGuire & Bulvitis as a partner or when Zadi was on the left of him. He is definitely an unsung hero in the team and deserves a lot more respect than he gets from some posters
  3. Course it is... it gives you a sense of the position on the field you are playing.. and I am a better player wearing No. 8... FACT!
  4. bet you have a very well organised dvd collection
  5. .... so at the moment I am down with my bets .... about ?35 so not a great deal but not where I hoped to be at this point in the comp. Outstanding possible win scenarios for me are: ?5 on Spain vs Holland final 15/1 (just checked account, don't know where I got 25/1 from ) ?5 on Holland to win outright @ 12/1 ?5 on Spain to win outright @ 4/1 ?3 on Uruguay to win outright @ 12/1 (put on after England went out but could have easily got better odds... doh) ?2.50 each way on Villa top scorer @ 9/1 so best case scenario for me is a Spain vs Holland final, Holland win and Villa remains top scorer likely scenario, Germany win outright and Klose gets the golden boot :020: The psychic octupus says Spain beat Germany ... sorted
  6. Don't think he could be anymore transparant... fair play for keeping the fans in ze loop. I'm a bit worried that he isn't looking at anyone with a bit more experience to help out the first team but experience costs money and we don't seem to have that at the moment. From the sounds of it Heston Blumenthal will be able to cover all 4 positions upfront and at only 20 years of age he could be an absolute steal... or another Behrami but I am hopeful because he wears a head band :) :P :P
  7. No chance of him coming (P & J yesterday). yeh was reading that today... shame, the 2 of them vying for a place would have been excellent for now and the future. saying that, it's best we spend the majority of our wage bill on players that will impact the first team
  8. Tevez is not an all time great but in comparison to what's around at the moment he'd be in my top 5 forwards Hart Johnson Terry Upson* Cole Barry Milner Lampard Gerrard J.Cole Rooney *because no one better was available That team beats Germany... but they didn't, they lost, I laughed :(
  9. Tevez is a tremendous player and although it's still a toss up between who's the better, him or Rooney, I think on the back of the world cup that question will be answered. His desire to win every game was shown when after scoring 2 goals last night he was raging with Maradona for substituting him. You have to laugh at the reaction from the Saxons, goal line technology, grass roots football, players not good enough... for me it is Capello's fault and him alone, his formation failed, his selections failed and his man management failed. These players were good enough, Gerrard is IMO is the best running midfielder in the world, Lampard has the best scoring ratio for any midfielder apart from Messi & Ronaldo (who could really be considered as forwards), 2 excellent attacking fullbacks and of course Rooney. If these players were played in a formation to suit they were more than capable of getting a result.
  10. Still nothing on the official site and I'm not willing to celebrate until then... w t f???
  11. Alright...... alright....... it's all very well waxing lyrical after you've made money on a punt but is there any need to start talking about buying lobsters?? :009: ... lobsters?? I'm half tempted to tell you where you can stick your lobsters To be fair, anyone winning money out of this world cup deserves some credit. Apart from san mig's run of first goal scorers it's difficult to imagine any run of results could be predicted with the form book torn to pieces over the last few weeks. The idea of the bookies pushing out the odds to cap their losses works in hindsight because SA managed to pull off a minor miracle but the odds were at 11/2 because even a 2nd (or 3rd) French team in disaray were more than capable of winning. Although SA got the first goal I firmly believe if there was no (extremely soft) sending off France would have eventully won, if not, at least drawn. 2 ways of looking at yesterdays events, 1, you back SA because of all the media hype surrounding France and hope for the best or 2, you use the media hype as an advantage to gain better odds on what normally would be offered on a clear favourite. If I had put money on anything yesteday it would have been option number 2 but I didn't, I would have lost money if I did, you chose option 1, won, so my logic failed, fair play to your sir.
  12. some advice someone once gave me :D My money would be on Rooney for first scorer but if you go with the logic you applied for the French game then the bet should be Slovenia to win
  13. :huh: Shows what I know... 1 nil down and down to 10 men
  14. Agree with all of that but I don't think you are taking into consideration how poor South Africa are... there moment was the first goal of the tournament against Uraguay and I can't see them mustering anything even against a terrible french side. There is not one decent player they can rely on (Pienaar has been terrible) so unless France decide to retire at half time... I can't see it happening Hope I'm wrong though even with money on France to win the tournament it's been hilarious watching them implode ... Domanech looks more clueless as each day passes.
  15. Well done, but if you'd shopped around you might have got 7/1.
  16. good work.... again.... pr!ck Since my luck is well and truely out I've let the mrs put some bets on... Next wednesday her score predictions are: England vs Slovenia - Draw USA vs Algeria - USA win Serbia vs Australia - Serbia win Germany vs Ghana - Draw all that lot for 68/1 ... if she wins I'm not betting again.
  17. just? they just had to beat USA & Algeria!! great players, 5hit team
  18. serves me right for involving a bet with England... :(
  19. Sorry Scotty, works fine just me being a feb2000... Is there anyway of me posting a gif or would it have to be an attachment?
  20. Can't post them for some reason ???
  21. Well sounds definite now but still nothing on the offical site Delighted to have Tokely on board.
  22. It's all gone wrong for them recently. Big egos in the dressing room, no respect for the manager, players dictating where they want to play, a few of the team including Ribery recently questioned by police as part of a child prostitute scandal etc etc. I bet on Italy and England because the odds seemed very generous. Domanech is a mad man but at the same time you have to ask how the french federation can name his replacement before the start of the world cup and expect the players to have any respect for the guy. They should have stuck Blanc straight in as manager if that was there intent anyway I think Italy will be there or there abouts, even after their draw with Paraguay.. I can't see them losing many games and their experience will help them in KO stages. Still very hard to pick a clear favourite from the first round of fixtures
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