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03: Full Members
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Everything posted by CaleyD

  1. Haven't heard any more on the Brazillian lad...wonder if his clearance came through?
  2. UPDATE : ICTFC : SLO The ICT Supporters Trust met with the football club on Friday 28th September to discuss their recent communication in respect of the Supporter Liaison Officer function at Inverness Caledonian Thistle FC. The Supporters Trust made known their concerns that the club had chosen not to appoint a named person; opting instead for an email address as the sole point of contact for fans wishing to contact the club in respect of matters which fall within the remit of the SLO. We were informed that the club had already submitted details of the newly implemented SLO operations to the SFA (this had to be with them by 19th September) and was not in a position to change anything at this time. A decision will be made by the SFA on whether the procedures put in place are sufficient to achieve the Silver Club Licensing level later in October. The club intends to review the process on an ongoing basis. This was intimated to be at least every 3 months and in order to better establish the view of the fans on the SLO function, the club is to hold an open meeting in the near future. Three people have already been in touch with the club and put themselves forward to assist with delivering the SLO role. Anyone else who would like to offer any assistance can get in touch by email on slo@ictfc.co.uk The ICT Supporters Trust remains concerned that the current process is impersonal and not in keeping with the spirit of the Supporters Liaison Officer role; however, we welcome the clubs commitment to review the situation and make improvements where needed in due course. Best Regards ICT SUPPORTERS TRUST BOARD
  3. You can get the magazine online, but not sure if a printed voucher would be acceptable. https://e.issuu.com/embed.html#1985823/64701568
  4. They are sponsored by the company that built it....Tag Games
  5. I think you may be misinterpreting the SFA's position in this....they are/were merely the intermediary between the SPFL and Hampden Park Ltd...it was Hampden Park Ltd who (allegedly) refused to budge and then changed their minds.
  6. I had hoped to get a short update out following the Supporters Trust's meeting with the club, but I've not managed it yet (obviously). Will aim to get this done tomorrow.
  7. The Silver License is a "standard" and there are a whole raft of things that a club need in order to get even the most basic of licences. You can get more info at https://www.scottishfa.co.uk/scottish-fa/football-governance/club-licensing/ As Fraz has pointed out, the definition of the SLO is in the opening post. Should you care? You cared enough to ask the questions you did!
  8. The intention was to work with the club in announcing, at the appropriate time, the move to appoint a named SLO. We didn't want to jump the gun and as the update for the 18th had already been written it was sent instead of delaying it in order to see how the SLO situation developed.
  9. Keep working on it, you'll get there ? ?
  10. Not at all. Following on from our initial meeting with the club we understood that the club was moving towards appointing a named SLO. They asked for our help in pulling together the information needed to write the job description for that, which we were doing; and we obtained a copy of the handbook from SDS which pretty much did the job for them. Then, without consultation or notice, they implement an entirely different process. This was presented to us with an expectation that we would endorse it without discussion or objection.
  11. I'm going for another 3-0 win prediction....a brace for Polly and one from Doran ?
  12. Following the statement released on the Inverness Caledonian Thistle FC website last week, the board of the ICT Supporters Trust felt it important to inform our members and the wider community on our thoughts, position and ongoing attempts to assist the club with understanding the importance of the Supporter Liaison Officer role. The Supporters Trust Chairman, Don Johnstone and Secretary, Jen Aitchison had an initial meeting with the football club CEO, Yvonne Crook and Commercial Manager, Jim Oliver on the 21st August 2018 to go over a number of items; which included the topic of the SLO. It was intimated to us at the meeting that the club had every intention of appointing an SLO and, in addition to the views expressed by us at the time, the club would welcome our assistance in helping them define the role before moving towards making an appointment. The new SLO Handbook, produced by Supporters Direct Scotland in conjunction with the Scottish FA (partners on the SLO initiative), was released at the SDS Summit on 8th September 2018; with those in attendance receiving the first available copies. The handbook clearly lays out what SDS and the SFA are looking for from clubs with regard to appointing an SLO and the function they should fulfil. An additional copy was obtained by the Supporters Trust and hand-delivered to ICTFC. We received an email on September 17th 2018 from Andy Johnstone (ICTFC Supporter Liaison Co-Ordinator) detailing the process outlined in the web article, asking us for us to endorse a “Supporter Liaison Officer Function”. We responded saying that we were not in a position to endorse such a process and the club then, without reverting to us, published the statement with all direct reference to the Supporters Trust removed. The process being implemented by the club is a little surprising. It is not an option which had been discussed with us and it is also an approach that conflicts with the CEO’s recently published update stating that ICTFC is on track to move from Bronze to Silver Club Licensing status; a status which requires a club to have appointed a named SLO with defined objectives. A further email to the CEO elicited a response offering us a meeting with the Supporter Liaison Co-Ordinator, Andy Johnstone, who we will sit down with at the end of this week to discuss our views on the inadequacies of the process which the club have implemented; and to urge them to reconsider their position and appoint a named SLO. This, we believe, is a move that would best serve the fans and help the club meet its own target of Silver Club Licensing status. The Supporters Direct Scotland SLO Handbook echoes our view that: “As the name suggests, a Supporter Liaison Officer is someone who liaises - they are a mediator between the fans and the club, the national association, and the league. The SLO also serves as a link between other parties involved in football, such as the police and stewards. Ideally employed by the club in order to liaise with the fans, the SLO is an advocate of both sides, representing the interests of the club AND those of the supporters.” Best Regards ICT SUPPORTERS TRUST BOARD
  13. Thank you for pointing that out. I should maybe have opted for the chipper as a location instead, so as he could have got something battered!
  14. Some people seem to think substitutions always change a game for the better or lead to a better result....when sometimes, the brave/intelligent move is to not mess with it.
  15. There's "Inverness Caledonian Thistle Community Development"....a registered charity which has made contributions averaging around £50k per year over the last few years (based on a cursory glance at companies house info). There's also "INVERNESS CALEDONIAN THISTLE TRUST LIMITED" (not to be mistaken with the Supporters Trust)...which also has charity status but, other than being the vehicle that holds 729500 shares in the club (and is currently controlled by members/associates of Muirfield Mills) contributes nothing directly to the club.
  16. Reminder also that a supporters bus IS running for this game. Departs from the Social Club at 12:15pm (they are serving food from 11am) and then picks up from Railway Terrace at 12:30pm. There are still seats available to book online at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bus-to-rcfc-v-ictfc-tickets-50140932880 Any unsold seats will be available on a walk-up basis on the day....but this will be strictly first come, first served.
  17. I use the term "club" to cover all branches...First Team, Development Players, Youth & Community. Ultimately, every penny that goes to Community is a penny less the club needs to help with...so all a much and suchness.
  18. This subject has come up at the club AGM on more than one occasion and, unless anything has changed, ALL income generated from hiring of the car parks for other activities went to the club.
  19. Pretty certain we used to be silver, so would be interesting to know what's slipped (league you play in is not a direct factor) or if criteria has changed. Club won't be giving car parks to anyone...as they're not theirs to give.
  20. In the last update we provided a bit of information on each on the ICT Supporters Trust board members (the “Who”) and I want to take the time in this one to cover off a bit of the “Why” by laying out the Purpose and Objectives of the organisation....followed by a run down on a few other matters. The following information is lifted from the Trust Rules, which you can download in full by clicking here. COMMUNITY BENEFIT PURPOSE The Society’s purpose is to be the vehicle through which a healthy, balanced and constructive relationship between the Club and its supporters and the communities it serves is encouraged and developed. The business of the Society is to be conducted for the benefit of the community served by the Club and not for the profit of its members. OBJECTIVES The Society’s objects are to benefit the community by: being the democratic and representative voice of the supporters of the Club and strengthening the bonds between the Club and the communities which it serves; achieving the greatest possible supporter and community influence in the running and ownership of the Club; promoting responsible and constructive community engagement by present and future members of the communities served by the Club and encouraging the Club to do the same; operating democratically, fairly, sustainably, transparently and with financial responsibility and encouraging the Club to do the same; being a positive, inclusive and representative organisation, open and accessible to all supporters of the Club regardless of their age, income, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexuality or religious or moral belief. For the most part, the above is pretty self explanatory and it's clear that the remit of a Supporters Trust runs way beyond what would be expected from a more traditional supporters club which operated very much for the benefit of it's members. As explained previously, the focus of the board on the run up to the AGM on the 6th December 2018 has, and will continue to be, getting the organisation back into a position to more actively pursue it's objectives. You will hear more from the board on that in due course as we'll be proposing some projects and gauging members opinion on where the trust priorities should lie. NEW MEMBERSHIP SYSTEM Jen Aitchison (Trust Secretary) has been working hard to review the options open to us for creating a more efficient and streamlined membership system. Past endeavours and a desire to avoid costs has, quite literally, resulted in an even larger cost because the organisation has lost contact with it’s members and ended up with lists which are out of date, incomplete or otherwise not particularly accessible or user friendly. For that reason we have taken the decision not to try re-inventing the wheel and spend a small amount of money on a system which is designed and developed by a third party. Aside from being more robust, it frees up a bit more of our time to spend on other projects. Existing members for whom we hold a valid email address should have received communication asking them to log in and confirm the details we hold. If you have not received that email, please contact us on members@ict.supporterstrust.org and we will look into it. We will be contacting everyone else by other means. We’re not quite ready to open up to new members just yet, but all the parts are in place and testing has been done. Once we get it connected to the new website we’ll be good to go with accepting new members. NEW LOGO Although we have decided to make sole use of the ICT Supporters Trust name, we won’t be using the previously associated logo. For the most part that is a practical decision as it was difficult (and expensive) to reproduce….but we also think it would good to have a fresh new logo and that our members could have some input into what it should be. Details on how you can do that will be provided in due course. WEBSITE, EMAIL & SOCIAL MEDIA There’s nothing ready to see on the website quite yet (all the work is going on in the background) but the new online home of the ICT Supporters Trust will be ict.supporterstrust.org and you can now contact us in regards to membership matters on members@ict.supporterstrust.org with immediate effect. Don’t panic, we’ll be redirecting old email addresses to the new one so we won’t miss/have missed anything sent to us via them recently….or over the next 12 months (at least). The sharp eyed among you will also have noticed that the name on our social media channels has already changed. If you already followed the Caley Jags Together accounts you will still be following us on the new name and if you don’t already follow us then the links are as follows…. Twitter : twitter.com/ICTSuppTrust Facebook : facebook.com/ICTSupportersTrust/ - The URL has changed here and we are waiting on Facebook changing the page title. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING As previously advised, the ICT Supporters Trust will be holding their AGM on Thursday 6th December 2018 (date and location to be advised). The process leading up to the AGM kicks off at the start of October and one of the requirements is for us to have an Election Management Group (EMG) in place at that time. As per our Election Policy the EMG members can not be serving board members (with the exception of the Secretary), persons standing for election or have a close association with anyone standing for election. We, the board, must appoint persons from among our members, with the exception of the EMG Chairman who must not be a member of the society. The EMG exists to ensure that the election is run in accordance with the Election Policy, to make the final decision as the eligibility of candidates, nominations and valid votes. They will also conduct the count. If this is something you are able to assist with, then please get in touch with us on members@ict.supporterstrust.org My thanks, once again, goes to the wider Supporters Trust Board for their ongoing diligence....and to our members for their ongoing support, patience and understanding. Best regards, Don Johnstone (aka CaleyD) Chairman - ICT Supporters Trust
  21. I think you are forgetting that he had a magic hat!! Clearly someone stole it from it at some point, though!
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