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Everything posted by culduthel

  1. I don't think they do rhyming slang at TW1 2NH !
  2. Hmmm. I wonder how many people will turn up? The last time I was at a Clach vs. ICT game there was, as Billy Nelson announced, an attendance of 357 people, a bike and a dog! Not exactly a turn out that is going to save the club.
  3. Look at it this way George - it was never a real job anyway.
  4. Who seriously, with any management talent, would want the job of managing a hasbeen national football team like Scotland. You would have to be desperate to the extreme. So the answer is obvious. We will end up with a hasbeen manager!
  5. Oops, I managed to erase from my mind Berti leading us to a famous 1-1 draw v NZ at Tynecastle in 2003. Scotland team included Brian Kerr and other superstars like Paul Devlin, Maurice Ross and Andy Gray. Given Scotland's performance last night and New Zealand's I think NZ are far the better side nowadays. If they played each other now I think NZ would run out winners by two or three goals. In fact looking at the standard of the Scottish football team I think they would struggle to qualify from the Oceania Region if they did play down here. I think Fiji, New Caledonia and Vanuatu would draw with Scotland comfortably and maybe even beat them. I think Scottish International football died a death last night. The death of interest from the vast majority of Scots.
  6. I heard a rumour that she is a distant relation to Vinnie Jones and that he has been providing her with some coaching.
  7. Was down in Queenstown the Ski centre of NZ in the South Island recently for a holiday. Arrived day one at the slopes. The guy managing the Ski School Ticket centre was from Edinburgh but born and brought up in Inverness. Went over to the ski hire shop to get my kids fixed up. Girl running that shop was born in Aviemore but had lived nearly all her life to date in the Sneck, been in NZ on a working holiday for last year or so. She told me she was sharing a house in Queenstown with four other Scots - two of which were from Inverness. A Manager in one of the bars in town was from the Sneck. Was in the Mall in the centre of town waiting for my kids who were doing some retail therapy when two girls with the broadest Sneck accents come past chatting away. Is there anyone left in the town nowadays? I reckon from my year at school about 50% left the Sneck to live and work elsewhere. Is that about right? By the way how many posters on here are Sneckers who are now living "out of Town"?
  8. In my yoof during Uni break I did a stint as a driver to the main local bakery. One of my jobs was to collect the meat for the meat pies and sausage rolls from the buchers every second or third day . It came in a couple of big black rubbish bags and was so rancid I had to drive with all the windows open and my head stuck out the window so I could breath and avoid the disgusting rotten smell emanating from the bags. The bakers wore white dust masks when they opened the bags to use the meat in the baking. The sight of the meat was sickening. I have never eaten or touched a meat pie or sausage roll since. I asked all the bakers if they ate the pies and sausage rolls they made and they all said - no way! Did they eat pies and sausage rolls made by other bakeries - no way! Enjoy your pies guys!
  9. Had my daughter's 11th birthday party on Sunday. Some of the fathers stayed around for a drink while the party went on around us and it took us about a full half minute to get onto the subject of football. One of them was a die-hard Liverpool supporter (from the Pool no less) and with no prompting or stirring from me or anyone else he declared that his biggest fear and concern at the moment was Gerrard making a move to United. He believed it a real possibility - this was coming from a lot of his Liverpool mates back home as well. Interesting! Gerrard for United now! - you know it makes sense.
  10. Easily could. There was a time when Liverpool fans could not imagine Michael Owen playing for United - and enjoying it !!!
  11. Liverpool have lost 5 out of the last 11 games. One win against United does not a team make. Some people say that Liverpool have been the "bridesmaids" of the Premiership for the last 20 years - I would say they haven't even been invited to the reception. Gerrard for United now!!
  12. It would be very sad to see Gerrard end up like Alan Shearer, playing out his days at a hasbeen club with nothing to show for his greatness, and wishing for the rest of his life that he had made a move to a top club when he was in his prime. I suspect that during this time of injury he will have a good amount time to reflect on his future and see that if he wants to be successful in his career now is the time to move. United would have to be one of the top clubs on his list of desires. Gerrard for United now!!
  13. Well done Fulham for exposing the myth that Liverpool are a top side. They are in fact a one man team - Steve Gerrard - great player I have to admit. But surely he is a player that is suited more to playing for a real top team like Man. United - a least he would get to lift a few trophies in his career, have some medals to show his grandchildren and have stories of interest and triumph to tell in his dotage. Gerrad should push for a move to United now, otherwise he will live to regret all this misguided loyalty to a mediocre Manager and a mediocre club and its supporters. Gerrard, get a life- go to United now - you know it makes sense!
  14. caley100 - i think you definitely have the better idea, a North Sea/Atlantic Zone that would include as you say Iceland, Norway and the Fareo Islands. Could also extend it to Greenland. I still reckon we would struggle given our record against the Fareos. If ICT played the NZ national team it would be a close run thing, so that gives you an idea of the standards down here. Greenland aren't a FIFA member, and are not eligible to play in the World Cup. This is, in large part, due to the fact that they do not have any pitches which meet the required standards for playing qualifying matches (or any other FIFA sanctioned competitions). All the more reason for us helping them get into the FIFA and then we could have a group that we might qualify from. We should start the petition now!
  15. Oz647 - Yes, I can see how my post would seem like a pathetic outburst to a Liverpool fan ( not a totally unintended consequence of my post by the way) but to others, like me, I assumed they would see the funny/hilarious side to it all, especially if like me they are Man. United fans. The follow up comments by others on the post seem to bare this assumption out. The fans got their comeuppance because they threw the beachball onto the park in the first place. As to being dorks, I thought that was a generally accepted fact. I do not claim to have a deep knowledge of all things football south of the border - but I did live there for four years attending Premier matches almost every weekend of the season. So I do feel very comfortable commenting on events. Main reason for my pathetic outburst - always happy to rile up a Liverpool fan. I am sure one day soon you will have the opportunity to retaliate - maybe even this weekend!?! However my prediction is United by two!
  16. When you read the rule it is open to interpretation as to what would constitute a disturbance in a match. It also would not be a rule that would be front of mind in the heat of the moment when this event occurred. The referees that commented on and criticised the decision later in the day had the advantage of being able to refer back to the rule book before commenting. They also had the advantage of having the moment replayed back to them on TV. When the goal was scored even the commentators covering the match did not notice what had happened until they had seen the replay. Thus on the spur of the moment I think he made the right call. The ball was in the back of the net.
  17. caley100 - i think you definitely have the better idea, a North Sea/Atlantic Zone that would include as you say Iceland, Norway and the Fareo Islands. Could also extend it to Greenland. I still reckon we would struggle given our record against the Fareos. If ICT played the NZ national team it would be a close run thing, so that gives you an idea of the standards down here.
  18. New Zealand take on Bahrain down here in NZ in a couple of weeks time for a place in the world cup finals in Sth Africa. New Zealand qualified through the Oceania zone group where they took on the heavyweights of international football -- Fiji , New Caledonia and Vanuatu. Six games in all! Bahrain have played eighteen games to get where they are. The Scottish Football Association should apply for a transfer to the Oceania Group then we might have a chance of qualifying next time around. We seem to play at the equivalent level of Fiji and Vanuatu so maybe this is where we belong in world footballing terms.
  19. Hilarious! Liverpool fans get their comeuppance. Dorks! Mind you they discover later that the ref. should have stopped the game and restarted with a bounce up where the "outside disturbance" occurred - more or less on the six yard line. That would have been interesting. I reckon the ref. made the right call in the end. Sunderland deserved a goal and the win.
  20. Have just finished reading - Can We Have Our Balls Back Please?- a book about how the British invented most of the major sports played nowadays. Goes into the history/origins of each sport and how they progressed and developed into the modern versions played today. Packed with facinating facts, humourous and well written. You think you know about football until you read this book. While the Scots are not accredited with inventing football they are accredited with inventing the modern passing game- Queens Park to be precise. Go out and buy it and read it, well worth the money. Author is Julian Norridge and the publisher is Penguin. Another great read recently was - The Young Stalin - author Simon Seabag Montifore , or something like that. Any good recommendations.
  21. The Capri didn't exist till January 1969!!! Probably before your time, CD but there was this one (my father had one) introduced in 1961 : Classic Ford Capri Thanks for that Johnboy. It was the Classic Capri we had as in the attachment you have added. Cheers
  22. I remember when I was about ten my mother got a Capri ( 1962/63) and we went to St. Andrews on holiday - all the Dundonians we met thought we were American because of the car, they also thought we spoke funnny and thought it odd that we did not qualify everything we said with a " yi ken". Great car - loved it.
  23. Come out to New Zealand and you can catch very large swordfish about 3 kms off the beach where i live.
  24. Mentioned this before after their last victory that England really do look the business for the World Cup. Found myself in the odd position of supporting their cricket team last month to win the ashes. Never done that in my life before for cricket anyway - great series. Mind you I was supporting England in the World Cup final in 1966 against Germany - fantastic game. About the last time I found myself supporting their football team. Feel very tempted to support them this time around and will have to face the ridicule and disbelief of all my English friends if I do. Hmm. What to do? Anyone on here going to support England?
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