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Everything posted by tm4tj

  1. Absolutely, we are still suffering from the Brewster hangover, his legacy will linger for longer and the effects could leave us feeling rough for a while yet. The remedy is here, but may need some time to take effect, the initial high has worn off and the depression has kicked in. But all is not lost, after all, we are still not bottom of the league yet.
  2. Not the Butcher must go period, but Butcher must think long and hard about his team selections and tactics and substitutions. Duncan was not dropped as far as I am aware, the official line was he had an injury. I would have thought Kerr should have been on the park, he may at least have been able to create something.
  3. I don't for a minute buy the complacency theory. The guys tried, they tried hard, but they were just not good enough. Going a goal down was almost against the flow of the game at that point as we had weathered Falkirks early rush. That changed the pattern of the game, instead of defending for a draw, we needed to score, we then made it more difficult by losing a sloppy second, the rest was academic. Poor display not helped by an extremely poor refereeing decision that was the first goal, but it's history now, we can't go back. Tell me then how did St Mirren beat Celtic 1 week after being gubbed 7-0 by the same team? Utter tosh 5th stand, I am sure nobody thought they would cruise to a victory away from home against Falkirk, so often a thorn in our side. Butcher and Malpas should shoulder a lot of the blame, they set out the team and it was the wrong one, along with the wrong tactics. Deja Brew.
  4. Did you copy my marks, we gave Lionel the same. Having seen Pavels miss the ball for the second, maybe we should rescind half a point.
  5. They may be thrown out if the police were to hear it, although highly unlikely, but it would depend on the nature of the abuse and how it was interfering with others enjoyment etc. Threatening behaviour would be a criminal offence I would have thought. If Barrowman came up to you in the street and told you what was repeatedly said to him yesterday....... hearing aid now turned down........how did you know I was deaf?
  6. It makes no difference where it is, it's immature and against the law. If someone came up to you in the street and personally abused you, what would your reaction be. Don't shout, my ears are sore.
  7. It was always going to be tough Bob, we are in the big boys league now, it's the way it goes. I suppose if they don't win, then there would be no win bonuses paid out, so there is a small incentive there to do better. Some of our guys would command games in other SPL teams, but like other teams, not all of them would be top of the shopping list.
  8. Aye whatever MJ, I think you will find that you can not express your feelings any way you want. A lot of it will be against the law. A lot of people were far from happy, but not everyone vented their anger in the manner that you are suggesting. I was unhappy, in fact I was almost numb with bewilderment, but shouting expletives and abuse at our own players is quite frankly immature and downright rude. Keep it for the Buddies in a couple of weeks.
  9. I also disagree that it entitles fans to shout what they like. It is in a public place and should be kept civil. I am no saint when shouting at players, but the abuse some of them get is nothing short of a criminal offence. Your ticket entitles you to get into the ground and abide by any rules set within the Stadium. Watch and encourage, it's called supporting.
  10. Highlights up on BBC site now. The second goal was a combination of poor play. Grantie made a feeble challenge, the ball gets headed forward, Pavels misses it, the ball gets knocked through, and Rossco is trailing in the wake unable to make up the ground. Poor play all round. Penalty looks like a penalty to me. Esson was booked earlier as well, protesting about the first goal. Bad day at the office.
  11. cheers yngwie, I merged posts but the poll disappeared, my bad.
  12. I think it was because away fans had been hammering on the box panels at the rear of the stand. Using them to create more noise. Most of the panels were a bit battered and bent.
  13. Sometimes the truth hurts. However, not cool to annoy our own players before they even kick a ball, save that for the opposition.
  14. Yeah, unhappy birthday big T
  15. Esson :D :D :D Not a great deal to do, apart from picking the ball out of the net and getting sent off Tokely :D :D :D :D :D My man of the match again this week, maybe the captains armband awaits McMagics :D :D :D :D Solid again, sacrificed when Esson red carded, but no reflection on his performance. Grantie :015: sorry Grant, but that was another ineffective performance from someone we need to be leading by example. Maybe getting rid of the armband will relieve the tension. Lionel :D :P Not his best game, left exposed at times and getting some stick for the first goal. Proctor :D :D :D Put in a decent shift, but no goal threat from him, still doing better than expected. Black :D :D Once again not at his best, caught up in some verbals and never got to grips with the midfield, just too frantic for him to get his foot on the ball and create. Duncan :D :D Poor game from Russell and rightly hooked to make way for Barrowman Foran :D :D :D tried hard but not his most productive position, get him up front now. Rooney :D :D :D Also worked hard, missed good chance in first half from tight angle, close on a couple of occasions in second half but eventually blocked/crowded out, more pace needed. Imrie :D :D Dougie has gone off the boil, missed a volley by yards, still plenty energy but not using it to good effect. Subs :D one emoticon for turning up between the three of them. Away fans :thumb04: :018: ;) give yersels a clap Sheep herding jobsworth officious stewards :021: GTF
  16. I won't be so keen to make a last minute decision to travel down if that is the best they can offer. Maybe we all have to count to ten, we will laugh about it one day.............I said maybe.
  17. tm4tj


    He certainly was not man of the match, but he was no worse than some of the others. Despite the chants, he can't be everywhere, we need someone to poach some goals...............Rory anyone? I see Lionel getting stick for the first goal.............I would need to see a replay, but not down to him alone surely, looked like a mishit shot that fell to the isolated Finnegan, but lets just see the BBC highlights before castigating Lionel.
  18. Looking for positives from the worst defeat I have ever witnessed in any of the leagues since ICT came to be. Rossco and Mihadjuks, after that maybe Proctor, the rest were not up to it. We started slowly then gradually started to get to grips, got on the ascendency then condeded a goal, from a rather suspiciously offside looking position. However the linesman was perfectly placed and to our disbelief/horror/amazement gave the goal. Rooney should have done better after mugging Pressley but his shot from an angle took an age to cross the box and unfortunately passed in front of the far post. Again, not sure how close it was as it was at the new stand end of the ground. Second half we started brightly but Munro who performed poorly again looked suspect as Stewart left him trailing in his wake as a long punt from the keeper bounced through the heart of our defence and Stewart slotted home past a helpless Esson. All the previous weeks efforts were now being undone as we lost our shape, and our keeper, Esson hauling down Finnegan when he skipped onto a through ball, it was all looking rather untidy from us by now. Three nil down, and one man down, worse was to follow as the Bairns exploited our new formation, playing with ten men, again, we seemed to throw the towel in and a fourth or even fifth was on the cards. Imrie missed a great chance for a consolation in amongst the goals but volleyed wildly over from twelve yards. So, humped 4-0 by our nearest relegation candidates does not make good reading, however you dress it up. The game was very untidy, the ball took a hell of a battering, and so did we. I thought Falkirk were poor in the first half and did not merit the lead at the break, but we are our own worst enemies just now and capitulated, whilst the Bairns took the chances that we offered them. Well done to Falkirk, they rolled their collective sleeves up and got stuck in, we ran away like wee boys and took a sore one for it. Terry, the honeymoon is over, lets see what else you have in store for us, because that was an abysmal performance in front of a healthy away support. Well done to Mr Ceske for not rising to the bait and being constructive. Come on guys, lets get over it and knuckle down for the next few games.
  19. Have to disagree regarding the stewards, they were complete and utter jobsworths. They moved everybody from the rear row, came back and moved everybody from the next row, then tried to move us all from the third back row. We resisted this third attempt and pointed out that we were not moving until they removed all the Falkirk fans from the same rows in their sections. They eventually left us in peace but this could have turned nasty with people being needlessly ejected. Half way through the first half, two more senior gentlemen sat quietly in the second back frow to my right and went unnoticed until the wee quine steward in the grossly oversized trousers and jacket was told to have them removed. Now these were a couple of guys, possibly in their sixties quietly eating their pies and drinking their coffee..............no hint of trouble, but common sense went out the window and they were moved elsewhere. Yes, I did notice they let the singers stand, that was a plus, but the herding around of the fans at the start took the edge off of the game for me, it smacked of the Highland clearances. I thought 542 was the figure announced as well. Good touch to announce how many away fans have gone through the turnstiles, something all grounds should do, takes away the arguments regarding crowds etc. Like at ICT we could announce 68 Killie fans, or 81 Motherwell fans, might shut up some of their supporters who constantly slag off our poor away crowds, despite the fact we have to endure long journeys every other week. Rant over............thats all.
  20. Two tribes go to war............... Thats right up to date, released in 1984. Nothing wrong with music of the seventies.
  21. Could have been worth a fair bit now, with Dunfermline dumping Aberdeen last night and they now play Falkirk, our conquerors in the semi-final. Incidentally, Bayne scored the sealing penalty to knock the Dons out, 2-4. Bad loss for us against Falkirk, in more ways than one.
  22. Your sentiments are correct sigmor. We are generally a nice quiet bunch of reserved Highlanders. I see you are new to posting on the boards, but as edgeley said, this subject has been done to death and back again. By all means discuss it, but because it has been discussed at great lengths on a number of occasions, the responses might be a little muted. In fact, sigmor should sing more.
  23. Back to the topic guys, Caley shirts.
  24. tm4tj


    Lionel will be just fine, no fears.
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