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Everything posted by tm4tj

  1. tm4tj


    I make it 4/4 or 100%, all correct answers. Check your scorecard softie.
  2. johnboy leave the wind ups for those that can handle them properly, or leave the sherry alone.
  3. tm4tj


    Here are a few fer you - 1) which player ultimately cost ICT a place in a Hampden semi final ? a) Finnegan 2) Name the player whose ineptitude cost the club at least ?250,000.00? a) No individual, it is a team game, and ?250k is an exaggerated figure. 3) Name the player who has only just encouraged a section of the support to take him seriously? a) Dougie Imrie 4) Name the player that many fans hold their breaths when he gets on the ball? a)Lionel, he takes my breath away with his entertaining style.
  4. tm4tj


    Ach, yer goin soft in yer olde age, the young IHE would have stuck to his guns, even though they were unloaded.
  5. Away and raffle yersel johnboy. He was hauled down, penalty kick.
  6. Miss ICT, if you don't know the right answer, don't guess please. Show us a link to where it states he will not miss a league game.
  7. tm4tj


    read the rules Hearach..........a clearer penalty you will not see, and sending off.
  8. tm4tj


    He won't start the next game as he is banned............. Leave the guy alone, he is doing fine, he took one for the team, but we never recovered enough from it.
  9. Johndo is a requirement to keep the ratings up...........ooerrrr, no pun intended.
  10. tm4tj


    Hastings proved only one thing yesterday, he is still rubbish, he offered nothing going forward and his crosses match Imries shots and Duncans passing.
  11. I have messed up again and only left a visit my website link on my post.
  12. tm4tj


    Not a season ticket game, home team splits the dosh. Bairns had a decent crowd up for this one, probably close to 1000. My guesstimate would be nearer 4000.
  13. Would all those who criticised the ref like to publicly apologise now. Russell Duncan will never win an Oscar. As it happened I thought from the North Stand that he went down far too theatrically..........apparently TV shows this to be the case. Lionel rightly sent off, a la David Weir, no complaints there either. Some of the 50/50 challenges were flagged up by the ref too easily, both sides having their share of mystery decisions against them. However, lets not fall into the old firm stereo type and blame the ref every time we lose. Down to ten men I was still confident we could pull this off or a replay at the least. However, it was not to be despite some frantic scrambles in the Falkirk box the ball just never fell kindly enough for us, combined with Mallo's reflex saves we missed out on a great opportunity to progress. Imrie undid a lot of his good work by choosing the wrong option at the end, shooting wildly over when a pass may have been more productive, he saw the headlines before he shot methinks. One great run evading five scything tackles before being crowded out, but not enough composure with the final ball too often meant it was to no avail. Great save in the first half by Mallo when Tokely lofted a header towards a seemingly empty net only for the keeper to make up a lot of ground and claw the ball to safety. Tokely McMagics and Foran get pass marks. Grantie gets a minus for constant hoofing, Duncan for cheating, Imrie for not passing, Black for stopping the ball with his face, Lionel for the rugby tackle, he should have left it to Esson, Kerr for not being fit, Esson for having nothing to do, Rooney for not being good enough, and the ref just for sheer inconsistency. Ah well, out of the cup, but not out of the league yet. Johndo stop stirring it up regarding Lionel, the sites busy enough without the inane ramblings. MoM probably the Falkirk keeper, he was certainly kept on his toes and ultimately kept Falkirk in the cup.
  14. Fantastic comments from Butcher, he really seems to be making the players feel wanted. Black is the one top quality player we have at the moment, I would love to see him here next season, but as Butch says, we are in limbo at the moment until it becomes clear where we will be plying our trade next season. mbv, have a read over the forum rules please, a link is provided under the heading of site info at the top of the page. 2. General Posting 2.1 - Members should post in a way that is respectful of other users. Flaming or abusing users will not be tolerated and may lead to a warning. 2.8 - Members should post in a way which is consistent with normal writing. That is users should not post excessive numbers of emoticons, large, small or coloured text, etc. Similarly users should not SHOUT (excessive use of capital letters) or use excessive punctuation (e.g. ! and ?) in topic titles or posts. Members should also refrain from excessive use of ?TXT Speak?. Users consistently abusing this may be warned. If you wish to continue the dispute, please do it by Private Message to keep the thread on topic, the subject of Ian Black, positive or negative, but not abusive. Thanks.
  15. My wife said.......my girlfriend said.............my sister said............ Aye right guys, own up
  16. Practically all your posts on these forums are that of an angry young man. Nothing to do with your likes or dislikes of Mr Black. Lighten up.
  17. mbv............can you please remove the huge chip from your shoulder, you are depressing me. And try leaving a space after every full stop. thank you. That's all.
  18. As I said above..........walk, it's scenic up here, no gas burning off or motorways...........
  19. tm4tj


    Just don't copy Ryan Esson in on the email.
  20. spotted them through ticketmaster at ?50 standing...........sorted.
  21. Where are the cheapos from Roddy?
  22. tm4tj


    If we all stayed quiet and let the board continue in the manner it was conducting the clubs business, then I believe we would be cast adrift by now with little chance of survival. Thanks to a few who were willing to nail their colours to the mast, from the bannermen, individual protesters and the trust, suddenly the media took notice and the clubs hand was forced into action. As said above, we still may not be safe, but things are definitely looking up, and we are now looking down at Falkirk. Battle on, and we need more of the same. I am not sure that asking for apologies or stating 'I told you so' will gain anything, lets just be content that what we did was in the best interests of the club and we should be happy that our actions have so far been justified. You all know who you are, so well done guys and girls
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