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Everything posted by Georgeios

  1. its on twitter someone with a laptop giving instant updates, its great I think its going great too!!
  2. on the left side yes....(from what ive seen)
  3. I cant wait for tmrw, on this first half alone TB should be holding his head up high!! shuning all the folk on here saying all the shi7 about him, give him time to whip the team up!!
  4. me nope, im sitting in the house, i was answering the questions on what ive seen of him, wheres the chat thing on here?
  5. Hes small and very fast... Thistle turned him down saying he wasnt strong on the ball, but we've foran to be strong on the ball.. Sanchez gets about!! like Eagles....
  6. Eagles is a star but no on the left peg...
  7. GET ITTT please please sign my man!! I'll chip in for his wages!!! Id say with that starting line up we arent there to mess about!!!
  8. Hayes hoped to feature the night, the boys quick as!!
  9. Eagles on the right nooooooooooo, other than that foran and hayes on in the second half get Imrie off too, hes only playing up cos its an SPL team!
  10. I love it, we've had a Dads army "quote" the night scotty and an A Team one happy days.... :P
  11. how do i find that then? Its just put me in a team of ICT fans..
  12. Give me a C Give me a * Give me a N Give me a T Give me a Y What does it spell? Tink tinks tinks
  13. My olds live in Cradlehall, they never noticed the differenc from dial up to be honest so they dont care, aslong as they get e-mails they are happy, I live right next to the exchange in Lossiemouth, we've had work done here in the last couple of months and I now get around the 7.5 mark, I dont mind over all, RIG im interested... but i dont think they offer the Surf package over my neck of the woods, you can get a better tv package if you take the surf and talk too.....
  14. away support = Nil I'm guessing, I'm not counting my chickens on humping them...... Mo showed us that!!
  15. http://www.scottishfootballleague.com/inde...m?curpageid=944
  16. Really :023: you dont pay BT a penny?
  17. I started a big long rant but then found I'd gone way off topic and it was to be honest boreing my reading it, so I deleted it and will just say, RIGHT ON ABSENT FRIEND!!!
  18. I hope this is true! delighted if hes come back for another game... can only mean he's interested in our offer..
  19. If we ever get fiber Virgin give you phone line, tv, broadband and mobile phone all for ?50 its as good as having the full package of sky, but with free hd channels and its V+ my grandfather in laws got it, it looks mint and hes got 20mb broadband too......
  20. One thing to remember is... And Sky dont tell you this, Is you still pay line rental to BT for the phone line, also you will find that BT Option one (basic line rental) you can haggle with BT for free evening and weekend calls, also with your calls from and by BT you get 0845 numbers free now too. Im with BT but have been since dial up days, I dont have any bother with they, yes they do cost a couple of quid more to start with but you can Haggle it down, I have option one line rentel and option 1 broadband, up to 8 mb and 10gig down load limit and it all in costs me ?24.50. For a normal broadband user 10Gig is massive, I used to online game too and never went over 10gig a month!!
  21. For me it was the St J's game, every Thistle game at telford street, and the away game scraps recounted the next week in the howdens 5 Elgin fans became 50!! I'll never forget the first time I was trusted to go to the back of the stand and get a pie and bovril for my uncle, I had no idea what the bovril was so save face I knew Kev took milk and suger in his coffee... well the rest is history!! I loved the songs, the shouting abuse at the players and the banter!! IHE ive got a salty tear welling!!
  22. as Ren said, Its my team haha, take Rossco and stick him where he belongs then remove barrowman stick him where he belongs and put Rooney in for a bit, I'm hoping this DU game is where we revieal Sanchez to the masses!!
  23. www.fantasylowerleagues.co.uk I'm doing my team the now, should be a laugh, if someone with the time could set up a leauge on it we could have abit of banter, and Ren could try out his formations on there if they'd allow it!!
  24. sorry SP!! CaleyD you should know better haha.
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