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Everything posted by Georgeios

  1. I wonder if it was Salty?
  2. Ive had a **** out the back door of a Chinook in a hot sandy place (not sandycromerty) dont really know how fast we were going but it was a long pee as I was bursting!! I'd Guess about a mile!!
  3. Cool, I'll add it tonight when im home, I dont like Twitter but if its going to give us live updates for the games happydays!! (Happydays seems to be my word for today :D )
  4. happydays, we have a team better than we had last couple of seasons if you ask me!! :D
  5. :D there would have been holes picked in it if i had'nt stated games you have been too..
  6. Dude im not picking holes but I did ask for games you have been too.. Ive got a the program for the 1967 Scotland V's World Cup winning 1966 England game, Its in a sealed bag.. back on topic though...
  7. From all the games you have ever been to, what program will you keep safe and not give away? for me it's my first ever game, yes I know it wasnt ICT it was just C, Caley v's Aberdeen Feb 1986 its got both teams signatures inc Alex Ferg. Its kept in a Tin with my St Johnston 2-2 and return games programs, also going it there is my first try Celtic V's ICT supercaley match (the one that never happened), and the ICT 3 Celtic 2 game, my mate was over and we spent the week on the lash, when i sobered up i knew id been to the game somehow but didnt beleve we'd won untill i checked on sky sports news....
  8. Good, just need to work on his catching and not punching, and being able to clear danger balls from his Left....
  9. What would you suggest we did then? It was a friendly, used as a testing ground for trialist... This game gave TB IMO an over all view of how these people play.. regardless if we'd won 0-7 or lost 7-0, its a tester.... I can see the other reason for this being, you send them out with out the first team spine you can see how they play with out the pressure of the first team being there and you can see what there skill's are not just playing up for the first team
  10. Mochovec from what I saw was lucky not to have been booked, And seemed to run around like a headless chicken, the impression i got was he was putting himself about on the field to put a good show on, I didnt see him win any challanges that didnt involve him taking the other guy out, and if he lost the ball he swore in his native tounge and made out that it wasnt his fault, He didnt seem to be very good up front, maybe in the midfield but I still dont think he was good enough. the other lad was ok, but seemed to be lacking in pace, I think if he was played without Machovec he may have been better, he was smaller and less noticed...
  11. This is great news, Bulvitis looked good the games I saw him in, has a potential, Stratford last night was a great addition to the team of "Strangers" he stood out, also the Slovaks looked Awfull IMO last night.
  12. hope your toasts lovely, aye I set up a twitter page but it was pants, boaring but like you said from a quick update point of view I think its fit for the job..
  13. CaleyD, I agree in every way for what you have said and TB will be getting another letter from me, LDZ didnt even make the bus!! and the Forres boy 11 was IMO a great player too, caused our trialists a right good run around, did anyone hear Essons rant about the pass back going to his right foot? he wasnt happy!
  14. I like the twitter idea, you can get it on your phone and if someone on the site set up the account and gave the username and password, this can be changed week in week out, then someone at the game could log in using there phone and the CTO twitter account and update it, and we could all follow it.. simples...
  15. eh i can type 75 words a min i'll have you now, just about 69 of them would be spelt as they sound lol.
  16. I agree with that, somthing else ive not thought about, how will we react if we were losing or lost, weve only really been behind once, Im afraid what might happen if we go in to the season and take a pumping.. will the chins go down? Morton have been taking a pounding in pre season, they have been playing some worth while sides too, and by all accounts still played good games, I really hope that our dundee utd game will be our tester with TB's starting 11 just to see how we'd coop.
  17. Hayes IMO looked good the night i can see what TB's seen in him, he has a wicked cross, hes quick, and gets about abit, he played a fantastic part in out second goal!! Poor mans wayne rooney, mark my words haha
  18. Just back, heres how I saw it, I'll use there numbers for the ones I didnt really notice, from the start we has no first line vets at all Esson was about it, but to be fair it was a pre season frendly, It at times got abit heated too, barrowloads had a heads up, but the forres players went in hard!! from the start our 10 did my head in, IMO he was a big child!! winged alot and was luck a couple of time not to have been spoken to by the ref, got caught off side twice however if the linesman had been abit quicker I counted him offside afurther 3 times. Stratford's goal was well struck but seemed to be banged in out of frustration, not taking anything away from it, it was a peach Eagles had a blinding game again up until he was flat out walled and taken out off the game, didnt seem to be limping or anything but did take a winding.... Over all no real stars, the lad Hayes yes is a bit on the round side but I dare say no one on this forum could catch him, I can see why they signed him, He reminded me of a poor mans Wayne roony, he could nip about and had a real nice touch!! MOTM for me was Stuart Knight, there number 1 he commanded his team, very vocal and pulled of a cracking reaction save from a Duff rocket. ICT's best player tonight would have been Eagles the way he played for the hour. Please please however dont pick that number 10, 9 fine looked abit lost at times..... forres's number 11 caused us problems too, all be it he was an ugly ****.
  19. I think everyone got it (well jock didnt) hence why there was no questions asked... I wooooshed it then deleted it to see if you got anymore bites... none really.
  20. Hayes must have somthing about him, I dont think any of us have seen how he plays, not that it matters all the same!! TB knows what hes talking about....
  21. If that was the case 27-0 I'd be looking at a hat-trick myself!!
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