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Everything posted by Kylef

  1. He was hoping that a few games ago, if we won our remaining four home games we would stay up! I think he should be hoping the other way about!
  2. Im sure its the Butcher connection that brought him in to the B squad. He said that Terry was the one that told after the St Mirren game. Apart from that i think he should be in the first squad. I love the guy, he will definitely always be one of my favourite ever caley player. I have got to get my black away strip signed by him before he goes...also to do with scoring THAT penalty at Ibrox!
  3. new page looks mint Scotty, glad i made this thread. Will be perfect when finished! Im going to go joint favourtie for home and away tops years 06/07 and 07/08. Also love home 97/98, was the first strip my brother brought into the household.
  4. i have that strip with '24 Rankin' on the back. That and the flybe.com one of the same year are for me! it would be perfect to get that full page complete! list it on your things to do list
  5. I have started collecting Caley Thistle strips and have a fair few now, including old ones that i already had from new. Just got me thinking, what do you think our best looking strip has been? I think im edging to more recent years, the 07/08 home strip, red and blue block stripes, flybe.com sponsor rather than the onetouch...although i have them both, the flybe.com sponsor looks a tad better. your opinion? Pics might be even more helpful.
  6. bump this as had a bit interest.
  7. lady gaga was playing on the tannoy at half time, and they joined as they did every song at half time....they then carried those songs as chants during the second half. cracked me up!!
  8. We have been through this before though...Butcher after the Gers game said he doesnt understand why blackie wants to leave, and that his contract aint legally binding anyway. Blackie was then quick as a flash to deny any reports he will be staying, and that he will definitely be going to Hearts. I see no hope, although i bet he has thought about the Butcher-Scotland connection.
  9. Loads of Springsteen. Old and new. And early Kings of Leon Stuff. and Tom Petty.
  10. I have now been to 5 ICT games this year... Rangers away, Kilmarnock home, St Mirren home, Hamilton home and St Mirren away. Every one of these matches i went to we were undefeated. Also, every one of those matches, bar hamilton, i had my current 08/09 home strip on, and we won them all. I was hospitality for the Hamilton game so had a suit one, and we drew...im wondering if i wore my home strip we would have got a the full 3 points that day any of you guys do anything for superstition before a Caley game?
  11. Please tell me what the history is, I know he played for Tynecastle Boys Club, under his father, was coached by him until he left for Blackburn Rovers, did not go initative because the coaching he had with his father was regarded as the best, having done my home work today his father has just won the scottish cup with his team again, seemingly several times. He is not a hearts supporter, his dad played for them but Blackie and his whole family are Man U season ticket holders and have been for over 10years. So please tell me what the history is. youve just told me the history, why would i tell you again? i know hes not a hearts supporter, but i knew everything youve just said aswell....that is history.
  12. i am still undecided about coming up...long journey for a game thats on the tele, but after the performance on saturday its making me think otherwise!! play like that again ill definitely show my support. so if im up, ill be doing this!
  13. honestly, dont get my hopes up and tell me Blackie is considering staying an ICT player, id love very little more. However, after hearing that Ian has alot of history with Hearts and considering their status in the league, then i cant see it at all. Unless Hearts truly slip up and finish 5th or something. Congrats to him for the Scotland B sqaud though. About time he was recognised. Might even make him think that he can be noticed still playing for ICT.
  14. Kylef


    Butcher said he would be picking the guys that showed most determination and character and the will to win..... Wouldnt surprise me if Fraser had a better fortnight of training over Esson. Whatever happened, Fraser didnt do much wrong in the game.
  15. Kylef


    I heard it was because he had a brilliant game with st mirren the last game, so butcher thought he would be good again. who knows how true........
  16. I dont see a big crowd coming to this one tbh....as its going to be on setanta, alot of people might just stay at home and watch it. ive got a big journey up and have setanta, but im still considering coming up after the display at paisley!!
  17. Just back from the game, and i cannot believe the negativity of some of you guys, who sat on here whinging at the lineup/formation and didnt even go to the game! when i first heard the lineup i was positive, and though this would be interesting! which it was! i havent seen the goals clear cut, but some of the play was outstanding! how good was imrie? him bombing down the wing was immense, everyone knew he was going to be there, and so he was. im sure terry will notice this and keep this up. people also need to give barrowman a chance. although he had no clear cut chances, he was a good asset. he is 10x better than rooney, still rooney does absolutely f all to impress me. barrowman was chasing balls here there and everywhere. good passes and touches aswell. so lets lighting up guys. i was on such a low when they equalised, i was still jumping 10 minutes later after they scored what proved to be the winner. unreal! we are so close now to being safe, we have managed to get a win after our first game in the split, and we are at home next week against hamilton - and we know what to expect from them! lets get behind the boys, quit the negativity and give them a chance...because after what i witnessed today, the boys are working their socks off!!
  18. True man, and there will certainly be decent music on tonight aswell ha! Band are called The Lane mate. The day is here!! wel excited for this now! Hope the journey is worth it though! lets get right behind the lads!!
  19. Thats me all packed, and ready to go!! gon to my kip the now! Leave about 12 i think. Cannot f'in wait for it!! Busy tomorrow mind you..Caley game, then im shooting through to Edinburgh because my band has a gig in Whistlebinkies, then watching the Ricky Hatton fight which is on at 4am!! Who thinks ill last?
  20. Im up for anything, as long we make a shoot load of noise!!!
  21. get yourself up to a caley home game, and nip in the club shop. ?15 it was last time i was in becuase of the new kit coming in. service is second to none aswell!!
  22. Wasnt it said today Paddy Mccourt was going to be a first team player in the split?
  23. st mirren really arent anything without Dorman. They have proved that numerous times. I HAVE FAITH!! AND WILL BE THERE TO SHOW IT!!
  24. A tenner to anyone going down now, confirmed!! So whos up for it? A tenner! Fancy a meet at the Forth Bridge, or is it a straight one down the A9 for everyone?
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