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Everything posted by bughtmaster

  1. HT: 0 - 1 FT: 0 - 2 1st Scorer ICT: Billy Mckay 1st Scorer RR: Benedictus Crowd: 1826
  2. Was it B D who said he wanted ICT to be an attacking and entertaining side? well we certainly got entertainment yesterday loved the ' play ' they put on, you know the one ' Comedy of errors ' it was heart in the mouth stuff. I really felt sorry for Mark in goal, that would have given any Keeper the Jitters and unlike his usual self he did drop one or two balls,........but come on, what an assist to Billy, clear thinking there, a brilliant piece of play that settled things for us. It was a happy ending to trhe play with a win that put the rest of the Championship on edge knowing they will have to chase all the mre to catch up with us. Hope we put on 'As you like it ' next game, another happy ending.
  3. HT: 2 - 0 FT: 3 - 0 1st Scorer ICT: B. Mckay 1st Scorer Morton: none Crowd: 1766
  4. HT: 0 - 2 FT: 0 - 3 1st Scorer ICT: Duku 1st Scorer Accies: Mullin Crowd: 1895
  5. osted September 10 HT: 2 - 0 FT: 3 - 0 1st Scorer ICT: Walsh 1st Scorer QOS: Roy Crowd 2064
  6. HT: 0 - 1 FT: 0 - 2 1st Scorer ICT: Duku 1st Scorer Pars: Toddy Crowd: 2400
  7. Just home and had a quick flick ooking at the comments. I agree with many but first half we played our championship sidewhich showed promise but lacked conviction. Rightly Partick took the first half honours by scoring, slight hesitation on decision making by Ridgers, should he come out or should he stay up big, resulted in the partick goal, Ridgers, just a fraction too late getting down and the ball was in the net. later Ridgers made an outstanding save to keep us in the game, a real wondersave that turned the game in our favou, for after half time we became a Premier league side out playing oponents in every aspect of the game. Duku again a magnificent worker put the fear of death into the other Thistles rear guard and midfield. ( Oh how I long to see Duku and Billy working together), Perhaps Doddsy is saving that as his secret weapon ro use when he feels the time is right ) Roddy, Walshy, Shane, Allerdice Doran playing a solid part in the win and for all the rest would get a mention for action on any battlefiel, especially in the second half. there wasn't a dud in our sde. The Carson incident to me it wasnt clear but it seemed to me that he got a deliberate elbow banged into him. cant be certain it happened so fast and play had moved away from the incident so just got a glimpse. Anyway thrilled with our second half performance, our coming back from a goal down to win comfortably, and keeping the top spot. My man off the match came from one supreme incident, Ridgers outstanding save that kept us in the game.
  8. But he has turned things around and that is why he gets a thumbs up from me too
  9. HT: 1 - 0 FT: 2 - 0 1st Scorer ICT: Walsh 1st Scorer PT: Graham Crowd 2330
  10. All great news welcomed, forward thinking by the Club wonderful to hear. Yes Deas please next in line, He has been outstanding and aquitted himself so well as one of the mainstays of the Team against Buckie. Duku too, the energy machine of the front, I am so looking forward to seeing him play alongside Billy I have feeling that will be a golden pairing.
  11. HT: 1 - 0 FT: 2 - 0 1st Scorer ICT: Duku 1st Scorer Ayr: Muirhead
  12. Posted July 23 HT: 1 - 1 FT: 3 - 2 1st Scorer ICT: Duku 1st Scorer Raith: Connolly
  13. 7 HT: 2 - 1 FT: 2 - 3 1st Scorer ICT: Duku 1st Scorer Hearts Boyce
  14. HT: 0 - 2 FT: 0 - 4 1st Scorer ICT Doran 1st Scorer Cove: McAllister
  15. I think you are all being too kind my verdict on the displayand result is performance unacceotable! professionals against Part timers playing at home against a team two leagues below, come on get this sorted now.
  16. HT: 2 - 0 FT: 5 - 0 1st Scorer ICT: Duku 1st Scorer Stirling A Omar
  17. A very promising positive team out there tonight, very enjoyable to watch and look as if they are going to bang in quite a few goals this season. .Doran, Duku, Broadfoot, Carson and Walsh best of the bunch but not a bad un among them.
  18. HT: 2 - 0 FT: 4 - 0 1st Scorer ICT: DUKU 1st Scorer P'head McAllister
  19. Well done Scotty, a good job done.
  20. As long as we got a good sell on clause built into the contract thenthat is quite fair
  21. Regadless of opposition it gives the coaching staff an oportunity to assess levels of players attitude, concentration, fitness, team support, interraction and all sorts of abilities under different circumstances. It also guages and promotes togetherness, willingness and hunger forTeam selection when the season starts in earnest. Yes goal fests are great to see but remember our top players are playing in wekened sides and have suddenly found themselves having to be more aware of what is going on around them as well as playing their usual roles. Gratifying to be getting clean sheets though. Brora, although still Highland league, will be a much more challenging proposition for us and if we perform well there I for one will be saying that is good progress.
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