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Everything posted by jagster

  1. Peter Lorimer could fair hit a ball
  2. 6 foot two, eye's of blue,big Joe Jordans after you.....ahhhh them were the days
  3. Davie Proctor was always pretty steady but never really set the world on fire, for free maybe but not worth paying too much for.
  4. Andy Goram probably the best goalie we ever had. I remember Stuart Kennedy letting in 5 against England!! David Harvey of Leeds Utd was a reliable Scottish Keeper Of course there was always Alan Rough with the dodgy perm :015:
  5. So many to choose from here's one of the best The late great Billy Bremner 1942 - 1997
  6. jagster

    Balloon fun

    :015: :015: :015: :015:
  7. What do you call a black man being chased by 100 white men The PGA tour
  8. Lionel Richie - Hello Dean Friedman - Lucky Stars Van Morrison - Brown Eyed Girl Simply Red - Holding back the years Meat Loaf - the entire Bat out of **** album As for all the caley songs ? give me a ceeee
  9. They Played The Caley in Inverness a long time ago. Little Willy was my fave I wonder why mmmm? Eddi Reader Is she Scottish with Fairground Attraction?
  10. Anyone remember The Bluebells with Young at heart? Also am not def but didn't brian Connely and Sweet come from Scotland And who could ever forget that most famous of Scottish groups from right here SUNSHINE - what a load of c**p they were
  11. What about WET WET WET Hate Love is all around that song does my head in :020:
  12. what about Nazareth and of course nobody has yet mentioned probably the biggest band to come out of Scotland The Bay City Rollers, I even had a texan shirt and trousers with tartan down the side Cool or what? :023: Although thankfully I wasn,t quite stupid enough to wear them to Millburn, wouldn't have gone well with my prefects blazer .
  13. Stunning top but with two kids as well as myself and the missus it pretty well rules itself out for most families I guess. Season tickets come first but maybe that lottery win is coming :019:
  14. Fraser Tokely Dods Munro Hastings Wilson Black McBain rankin Dargo Bayne With a bit of luck their efforts last night might have taken something out of them, Fancy us for a 2 - 1 victory
  15. Can,t help but agree with most of the comments for and against Big Brother contestants however JG is openly and honestly speaking her mind as she sees it and aren,t we lucky to be able to do just that in our society, I don't think she has made the comments in any racist manner but in a way that lacks eloquence and manners. Some of the comments in this thread such as ''Thown away the baby and kept the afterbirth'' are just as bad as anything she has said. We are all speaking behind JGs back maybe we are all guilty? :018:
  16. Heilandee made the point that Big Bobby is maybe getting a bit slow!!! How much slower can he possibly be :015:
  17. What about us taking Lee Wilkie from the arabs? About time we reversed the trend with that lot! He may always be injured but if he can overcome that he was good enough to play for Scotland so surely good enough too play for us, and of course he has also played for our feeder club Dross County :015: :015:
  18. Did a bit of googling and found a couple of celtic forums. The general concensus from them appears to be that boruc will be leaving possibly in the summer with arsenal being tipped as one of the front runners, they seem to be of the opinion that marshall will be back and him and broonie will be fighting for the first team spot, it's maybe not as bad a move as everyone seems to be making out for him, I say thanks foy your time here Mark And hope it works out for you, though if you do come back and play at TCS I hope you have a howler :015:
  19. i think we do need another keeper with some experience, I totally believe michael fraser should get his chance but with mb out of it he still needs an experienced head for the odd bit of advice etc as he is bound to make some mistakes. he has the potential to go really far in the game as whenever ive seen him he has done really well :021: I agree that we need a forward and defender as i dont think caff will ever have the physical presence required for the spl
  20. What about the highland league there must be one or two young keepers in there worth looking at. Over the years there has been some good ones, mad jimmy calder springs to mind :015:
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