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Everything posted by strathyjags

  1. dare i say mark burchill :017: as dungfarmline have just signed crawford(as cc said club said player could go if they brought another in?) and also they signed hamilton yesterday so he wont get a game there
  2. no thanks another dons player on loan similar to mackie,who doesnt want to be at tcs,might as well not sign anyone
  3. the real reason behind it-: Do you think something fishy is going on? Is Chelsea behind all this? Or is it just sore grapes? Something Fishy About Tevez And Mascherano To West Ham Deal And I’m not talking about the year’s supply of jellied eels they’ve got in front of them either. The deal to take Argentina stars Carlos Tevez and Javier Mascherano to West Ham United hasn’t officially been confirmed yet but football discussion forums are white hot with the news and the potential implications, not only for West Ham but for the premiership at large. What would attract two of the world’s most sought after, young, talented international stars to Upton Park and the waiting arms of Alan Pardew? At first glance there is no logical explanation. West Ham had a great season last year after their promotion and surprised a lot of people (me included) with their classy football and solid defence that not only gave them a respectable league finish but also took them to the FA Cup Final. I doubt that their Cup Final defeat in one of the liveliest and most enjoyable Cup Finals in many years will have been enough to tempt the two Argies though and despite having a foot in European competition with the UEFA Cup, I doubt that’s the real pulling factor either. My suspicions lead me to a somewhat shadier deal being cooked up between the players’ club Corinthians, their owners MSI and another club with shady links to MSI and their owners. It’s long been rumoured that Roman Abramovich is the money man behind MSI and the reason that a broke Brazilian club like Corinthians could afford players like Tevez and Mascherano in the first place. It leaves no doubt in my mind that Chelsea and Roman are behind this proposed season long loan deal for the two Argentinians to West Ham and it’s only for one purpose - to acclimatise the players to London and the Premiership and see whether they are worth signing for Chelsea properly next summer. There can be no other reason for this transfer to take place. Yes, West Ham are a good, homely club with some good players but for a club to sign Carlton Cole this summer and turn around and also get Carlos Tevez, it leaves me wondering what the motives are. I think I’ve worked out the obvious answer and it doesn’t bode well for the rest of the Premiership. We’ve seen Chelsea’s strange buys and loan deals in the past with players like Smertin and Jarosik but this moves things to another level completely. Chelsea don’t outright own these players or their club but their guiding hand can skew the transfer market that they can prevent any of their near rivals in the top five from having these players while they park them at a safe and respectable club, close but not too close, for a season to let them mature in the English game. Something stinks around here and the smell is increasingly eminating from Roman Abramovich’s direction.
  4. 600+ turned up for the led zepplin cover band,and they also have thunder playing in november
  5. why were saving 3 wages already?
  6. lol u having a laugh they havent scored against lesser teams this season
  7. we have no chance now,wheres goals gonig to ome form?
  8. dont joke about it,there a advert in this weeks courier advertising 3 up coming ict games in polish
  9. they must think there going to be rolling the cash in,if they can afford to fly a dj up form england and pay him wages :010:
  10. strathyjags


    cc said ict want £1.75m for dods :015:
  11. ict asking price for dods is £1.75m,if the grocer cant afford £200k for mcgregor no way he,s gonig to afford £1.75m for dods :015:
  12. will people ever learn the car parks a joke full stop i stopped using it 2 seasons ago and park down a side street
  13. not sure about sneck,but in aviemore last few days we had a lot of rain,and grounds very wet,is inverness the same? will game defiently be on?
  14. also in this weeks courier mr g baynes wedding pic,hope he,s better at scoring on his wedding night than he is for ict bayne wedding
  15. UTD OFFERING TO PAY FOR MCGREGOR in instalments as cant afford £200k quoted
  16. no what makes you think that :015:
  17. he didnt demand a house,by signing for 3 years the club are helping him find a house,i dont know the finacila ins and outs but would imagine balck is paying for it and not the club,black hasnt even got the contract offer,so how could it have been on the table for 3 months???
  18. bbc never update there site very regularly from livi site on sat Liam Fox became the third player to leave Caley Thistle in five days yesterday as he sealed a permanent switch to Livingston. The 22-year-old had been made available for loan by Inverness manager Charlie Christie but has now severed his ties with the Highland club and moves on a free transfer. The terms of his contract with the Lions have still to be finalised but he will join John Robertson's side for training for the first time on Monday, rather than play against Ross County today. Fox follows Tom Parratt and David Proctor out of Caledonian Stadium after they moved to Hamilton Accies and Dundee United respectively this week. Robertson said: "Charlie gave us permission to speak to Liam and he will start with us at the beginning of next week
  19. black will sign a 3 year deal including a hosue in inverness with ict this week
  20. I believe there is a link on the BBC but in total so far it has been Kalvenes, Proctor, Conway, Hunt and Robb. If rumours are anything to go by then Black, Dods and McGregor from Rangers are to follow. u may sign dods but no way will u sign black
  21. iam not sure what he,s like as can never hear him the pa is that crap,i sit beside tunnel and everyoen near me struggles to hear scores and 50/50 results,but it would help if the guy didnt announce the half tiem scores as soon as whistle goes as u defiently cant hear the scores
  22. remember its still school holidays and holiday season s a lot of peopel may still be away,and yesterday was a lot more thna the 4600 capacity announced
  23. st j have just annnounced they lost nearlyhalf a million pounds last season,and with a strong div 1 may not go up this season,so iam sure a £80-100k bid would be accepted to help there prevent part time football fund
  24. forgot to ask b4,got a canadian mate who wants to go to hibs game tommorrow,can he pay at the gate/ticket office?
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