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Everything posted by CaleyTennis85

  1. With all this doom and gloom and rightly worrying about our future, one positive I noted from one of the articles on the Inverness Courier is that "several people are interested in investing/buying the club" and that "discussions are ongoing on that front" so hopefully we get this sorted by next Midweek then we can completely rebuild this club We simply CANNOT let administration happen to this club as we could well be demoted and also under a transfer embargo which is the last thing we need seeing as we hardly have a team as it is!
  2. I have not had my say in this since the news broke so here is my take on it and fwiw I'm certainly NOT in favour of this so bear that in mind when I post my below take on the goings on . I can actually see where the dud Gardiner is coming from with this but only in a business sense, he wants our club to be successful and hopefully come up at the first time of asking so the only way that can happen, in his mind is by trying to build as strong a squad as possible and that, again in his mind, is only possible by moving training to Kelty as that MAY entice top players to the club in that they can stay in the central belt. Now I 100% agree with most on here who say that we should build our team around our youngsters as I'm sure they are capable, plus tap into the Highland League or even league 2 market as again I'm sure there are players capable of making the step up. I would rather we have a successful team especially this season as I want us promoted back to the Championship so maybe this is the only way we can do that but I would also like to see local players such as Lewis Nicholson and Keith Bray get opportunities too so I'm kinda torn because I do want success but preferably with a team of local youngsters but maybe the only way we'll be successful (especially this season) is by going down this road . As I said, do I hell support the move but I do understand it from a business point of view but what Mr Gardiner didn't realise was how much this would insense our support!
  3. https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/sport/football/inverness-caledonian-thistle/6477269/caley-thistle-chairman-confirms-relegated-club-will-remain-full-time/ "It’s understood a meeting took place on Tuesday to discuss with non-playing staff the impact of relegation on their roles" That maybe explains why we haven't heard anything regarding the dud CEO and managers so hopefully we get information on them very soon . I also understand that we can't make any knee jerk decisions but tbh the feeling of fans should be a telling factor for Ross Morrison, especially the fact lots will refuse to renew season tickets if these duds aren't removed!
  4. What a shout and certainly gets a YES from me, I think I jokingly touted him in the past due to his work at Buckie so now he is certainly a realistic and possibly affordable contender. Playing attractive football would be a bonus as would his knowledge of North football/available players. Could he be out modern day Pele? Who knows, we won't know if we don't try .
  5. Billy McKay wants to stay and help lead us back to the Championship which is a bonus imho because his goals could be crucial in League 1: Source is the Inverness Courier.
  6. So, according to the Inverness Courier (in an article I can't actually access as it needs subscription ), there is a board meeting to determine where we go from here so I wonder what is on the agenda and when we're likely to get any info or statement from the chairman because my guess is it won't be until 5pm or even Tuesday unless it gets leaked by the tabloids . The fact there is no post match interview could be a telling factor in Duncan's future so hopefully Scot Gardiner is also punted. I'm unsure on my stance regarding Ross Morrison because if he went to then who'd lead us, who's the vice chairman and are they capable of becoming chairman!? Tomorrow is going to be a very telling day but, as has been mentioned in the P and J, the CORRECT decisions have to made of we are to ever recover and NOT become the next Falkirk!
  7. I really want Ryan Esson for one reason alone: He has worked wonders with our youngsters which is a squad we will be full of next season perhaps with a few signings (preferably from the Highland League) and the experienced contracted players we have. We probably need an experienced manager to get us out of the mess we're in but tbh there just isn't any realistic candidates that are classed as "experienced" hence why I have gone with Ryan Esson, at least he will get the team playing in a manner we can be content with. As much as I want Barry Robson, I just don't see him as being realistic @StephenMalkmus but it's a great shout nonetheless : ictscarf:
  8. 1) I'd imagine Scot Gardiner and Duncan Ferguson would be relieved of their duties and it's likely that Ryan Esson would come in as manager which I would totally back (now I'm not saying that I believe the gaffer needs sacked, it's just my thoughts on what will happen if the unthinkable happens which is very likely) 2) We'd have a team of youngsters in the playing squad maybe with some experience and loans too; in the hope that we bounce straight back up at the first time of asking.
  9. HT: 0-0 FT 2-0 1st ICT: Lawal 1st Hamilton: N/A Crowd: 2019 Yellow Card: Anderson.
  10. Not far off with that tbh so not bad for a pensioner (: PS please detect/understand my sarcasm) but I think we need to be a little bit defensive away from home in order to keep it tight so good attacking minded players that offer a threat would be useful so definitely would like to see Lawal and MacGregor in from the start but suspect we'll see Longstaff . Ridgers Kerr Boyes Savage Devine Harper (both wingbacks going into winger positions when attacking) MacGregor Lawal Longstaff McKay and Samuel.
  11. HT: 0-0 FT: 1-1 1st ICT scorer: Lawal 1st Hamilton scorer: Henderson Crowd: 1326 Yellow Card: 7 with 1st after 10mins.
  12. HT: 0-0 FT: 1-0 1st Scorer ICT: Harper 1st Scorer Mon: N/A Crowd: 2143.
  13. Hopefully Lawal gets the start on Saturday perhaps ahead of Anderson because it sounded from the P and J report, he was our best player tonight. It's likely we'll see Carragher in for Devine too seeing as we're back on grass this weekend, I also expect Sean McAllister in ahead of Louis Longstaff as he seems to make things happen for us and finally, hopefully Billy McKay and Alex Samuel were taking off with 10mins to go to protect/keep them fresh for Saturday too! It's clear that we need a MUCH better performance than tonight if we're to have any hope but it's certainly going to be a nervy affair so hopefully there's a good crowd willing them on and not on their backs if things aren't going well!
  14. HT: 0-0 FT: 1-2 1st Scorer ICT: Kerr 1st Scorer Montrose: Gardyne () Crowd: 975.
  15. We need Sean McAllister on form like he was last Friday as well as our strikers actually putting away chances, I think Mr McKay is due a goal , and as has been stated above, the defence concentrating for 90+mins as one lapse was one to many last week which turned out to be costly!
  16. How the f*** did we lose that, we were by miles the better team yet once again don't get anything due to schoolboy defending (which is unacceptable at this level imo), why the hell was Ridgers in that position anyway, does he not trust his defenders or something!! Has any team hit the bar/post as many as FIVE times because I certainly doubt it very much and do any team get as jammy as Raith because, again I doubt it! You can certainly see why they were on a rotten run of form going into this but of course it's against us they halt that run! In terms of ourselves, if we play like that in the next 2 then we certainly should win both and same goes for the inevitable play off games but we NEED to address this home form as it's beyond unacceptable and abysmal now! Btw I had to create another account as I couldn't remember my password and everytime I tried to reset the password I didn't get an email , usually my phone saves passwords too but this time it didn't .
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