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gillian black

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Everything posted by gillian black

  1. Yes - I can appreciate that logic BUT it could also be that if he stays at ICT he is practically sure to start every week, he could be the main man with a team being built around him. In that scenario he could build up his reputation and get bigger fish chasinc him. He could just blend into the background elsewhere. Difficult but there are two main different outcome scenarios - I reckon Black went becos he was going absolutely nowhere under Brewster. I reckon that he would only stay if he knew Butcher was staying as well - so this may be a good time story all round - But we have to survive in the SPL fer the tale to come true. IH as usual you are sooooo close, missed a few bits, but I am led to believe it hinges on a number of things, a few, or most you have mentioned already and TB staying will be a gig one, but I am led to believe Blackie will think about it, the end result will hinge on what TB can offer him and for TB that depends on where we end up, so at the moment we are in limbo, but I can live in hope.
  2. perhaps he was one of the numpties behind me, on wednesday night. he is a young lad with a family to support, football is a short career, he is trying hard to secure their future as we would all do, I read the sun this morning and my friend tells me it is accurate, I for one hope we can do something.
  3. IHE, I love it, I was there, with 3 numpties behind me, who whinged for 92 minutes, until my son told them to shut up, if not supporting the boys, why come, any way, a complete turn around the next minute, I kid myself he came over to us to celebrate, but I believe it was his dad he was looking for, spoke to him on the way out, nice man, said he did OKAY, very modest. Is it a wish of some? Are you saying you're Ian Black's mother? or were you one of the numpties, didn't see his mum, was she there, but his dad is a nice man, supports Blackie well, there most games if not all of them and that is a fair trek.
  4. IHE, I love it, I was there, with 3 numpties behind me, who whinged for 92 minutes, until my son told them to shut up, if not supporting the boys, why come, any way, a complete turn around the next minute, I kid myself he came over to us to celebrate, but I believe it was his dad he was looking for, spoke to him on the way out, nice man, said he did OKAY, very modest. Is it a wish of some? Are you saying you're Ian Black's mother?
  5. IHE, I love it, I was there, with 3 numpties behind me, who whinged for 92 minutes, until my son told them to shut up, if not supporting the boys, why come, any way, a complete turn around the next minute, I kid myself he came over to us to celebrate, but I believe it was his dad he was looking for, spoke to him on the way out, nice man, said he did OKAY, very modest.
  6. I was at the game today, who has access to this e.mail, if private I will tell you who I am as you will have seen me, but this has to remain private. Are u some sort of Spy? near enough
  7. I was at the game today, who has access to this e.mail, if private I will tell you who I am as you will have seen me, but this has to remain private.
  8. EXACTLY, however not quite accurate, he DID acknowledge the ICT fans for their support, and I quote from someone very close to him" Perhaps the fans are now beginning to see what is happening and I can do nothing to help unless I get on the park", but I agree the way we have treated him is a disgrace, and they are his future Bread and Butter, but WE, OR SHOULD I SAY THE BOARD have put him in this position, as IHE says PLAY HIM, LET HIM GO, OR DROP HIM FROM THE TEAM, what Decent player who is looking at this is going to come to us, someone who has given us his all is treated like sh*** NOT anyone, but I continue to say we demand a meeting with Black get his side, he certainly isn@t afrain to say it as it is, are we all that stupid that we don't see it as it is, HE DARES to SPEAK OUT, the training is shi** I am knackered etc etc then Wham dropped, ask him what he wants to do, and I repeat again if we hadn't insulted him with the NEW offer he would still BE HERE, and I promises I WILL DIVULGE shortly the details.If I did so now my info would stop. Would that be me? and he is no angel, but are you that stupid you can't see the wood before the trees, ask yourself.
  9. I take your point re Black's take on fitness but having said that I can tell you that I just heard from the horses mouth that everyone felt they had so much more energy today and one particular prolofic player said he felt physically great instead of the usual dead legs at the end of play! so what does that tell you, once again
  10. okay, but at this moment in time dont you feel it could be warranted, we need him to stay up, he is going, but if here till the end of the season use him, and the bit about playing to impress on Saturday, though he gives it everything all of the time I am not so stupid as to think this wont be the case, of course he will, wouldnt we all, but it wont happen, team selection I would possibly make a few changes, but trust me its not going to happen, look at my team for hearts, and im not nuts, if im wrong and I hope I am I will stand up and be counted,
  11. thanks for that, but you missed a wee bit, and accuracy,
  12. I dont know what I have done to upset you but in answer to your question NO
  13. I'll be here for you Gillian... Johnboy, read my team for Sat against Hearts, that might give you some insight. I've already seen it Gillian.... Apart from the fact it's a line up that Hearts would murder, it doesn't explain why Blackie's not playing... read between the lines, Black will NOT be playing, the reasons are yet to be revealed as i said earlier, as soon as i get more info I will post it, and you are right they will murder us, pity the present coaches cant see this. If the present coaches change the team radically it will be a snub to Brew - the man that they have backed fer months - a shure sign that he was inept - and they supported him. Releasing Black was a Brew decision but they had to follow it. Get robbo in quick - as Grasser and Doc are just a pair of puppets / muppets. I dare them to change it. We did not feel that it was correct to play Ian against the team that he has signed for - it may have put him in a difficult decision !! oR - We cant be seen to be going against Brewster - Play Black ya feckin tubes. Again Immortal I agree with you, but my source tells me the board are leaning in a particular direction, and because of his comments made weeks ago (in Public) Black playing is never going to happen, though his comments were not directed at Black it was a general quote, he has made his feelings known, as to NO conflict of interest and that they would be fully focused on ICT, what a joke or is it the board who are a joke, not sure what part of your quote eg Not correct to play Black against the team he has signrd for, or how they would admit (NEVER) Brew made a mistake and their mistake was backing him and that from now they will make amends and play our best players in their own positions and keep us in the SPL, will be in the papers tomorrow though.
  14. I'll be here for you Gillian... Johnboy, read my team for Sat against Hearts, that might give you some insight. I've already seen it Gillian.... Apart from the fact it's a line up that Hearts would murder, it doesn't explain why Blackie's not playing... read between the lines, Black will NOT be playing, the reasons are yet to be revealed as i said earlier, as soon as i get more info I will post it, and you are right they will murder us, pity the present coaches cant see this.
  15. I'll be here for you Gillian... Johnboy, read my team for Sat against Hearts, that might give you some insight.
  16. I wish, but unfortunatly dosnt look like it is going to happen, from what ive heard today. What have you heard today, Gillian? Johnboy I will answer this in full soon need to get the facts first, just got snippets though accurate,not yet enough info, but stay with it,
  17. Team for game against Hearts they will play a 4-3-3 Esson Proctor Mihadjuks Munro Hastings Tokley Duncan Viguars Cowie Wood Imrie and NO iv'e not flipped my lid
  18. Must have stopped off in Glasgow or the other way around, hopped off to Birmingham after Glasgow, nothing like trying to keep us guessing.
  19. I wish, but unfortunatly dosnt look like it is going to happen, from what ive heard today.
  20. Robbo and Barry, Barry loves the club, ICT is in his blood, he will give us 100 and 10%, and he can relate to the players, something we desperatly need,give them a chance, even if we go down, we can know with absolute certainty that both these men will have gave it their all, and can we ask for any more.
  21. I believe if given the chance then he just might do it, however we must wait and see, he is available, but whether he is selected or once again dropped for speaking out, remains to be seen, let us all judge after Saturday.
  22. If my right hand man knew more than me about certain aspects of the job, I would work with him so that together (as a management team) we would both prosper and learn from each other. I have been in this situation in a business sense and when you show faith in the ability of others to do their jobs rather than just follow orders, the outcome is usually a lot better than if you try to rule with an iron fist (tried that too - it doesnt work unless it is used extremely sparingly). scotty, you are spot on agree 100%
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