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Everything posted by BigTFan

  1. H.T. 1 - 1 F. T. 1 - 2 1st ICT Foran !st Opp Gemmill Crowd - 1111
  2. H.T. 0 - 1 F.T. 1 - 3 1st ICT Foran 1st Opp McAlister Crowd 2330
  3. This prediction is for BRONSON :- H.T. 2 - 1 F.T. 2 - 2 1st ICT Sanchez 1st Opp Rowson Crowd - 2557 This is for WEEZ :- H.T. 0 - 0 F.T. 1 - 1 1st ICT Foran 1st Opp Hamilton Crowd - 2008 This is for BREEZE :- H.T. 0 - 0 F.T. 1 - 2 !st ICT Cox !st Opp Corcoran Crowd 2475
  4. The following prediction is for BRONSON :- H.T. 2 - 1 F.T. 2 - 2 1st ICT Foran 1st Opp Gardyne 1st Booking Cox Crowd - 5985 This is for WEEZ :- H.T. 1 - 1 F.T. 2 - 1 1st Ict Sanchez 1st Opp Wood 1st Booking Zebi Zadi Crowd - 5985 This is for BREEZE :- H.T. 0 - 1 F.T. 1 - 1 1st ICT Eagles 1st Opp Vigurs 1st Booking Bulvitis Crowd - 6154
  5. The following prediction is for BRONSON :- h.t. 3 - 0 F.T. 5 - 0 1st ICT Sanchez 1st Opp Walker Crowd - 911 For WEEZ :- h.t. 2 - 0 F.T. 3 - 0 1st ICT Foran 1st Opp Barr Crowd - 850 For BREEZE ;- H.T. 1 - 0 F.T. 3 - 1 1st ICT Cox !st Opp Barr Crowd - 900
  6. H.T. 0 - 0 F.T. 0 - 2 1st ICT Foran 1st Opp Hamilton Crowd - 1873
  7. H.T. 1 - 0 F.T. 2 - 0 1st ICT Foran 1st Opp Di Giacomo Crowd - 6235 1st yellow card - Debi-Zedi
  8. H.T. 3 - 0 F.T. 4 - 1 1st ICT Hayes 1st Opp Barr Crowd - 899
  9. H.T. 1 - 0 F.T. 2 - 1 1st ICT Sanchez !st Opp Griffiths Crowd - 5235
  10. H.T. 3 - 0 F.T. 5 - 0 1st ICT Sanchez !st Opp Noble Crowd 707
  11. H.T. 2 - 0 F.T. 3 - 0 !st ICT Foran 1st Opp Roberts Crowd 2222
  12. I was at he game yessterday , heard the chant but was completely unaware who it was aimed at and I did not join in. However, there is something strange about this whole episode - if the initial altercation is to be believed why on earth was the chant not raised at the recent home cup tie when Allison was our goalkeeper and played well or in any of the games before that. Are the "singers" trying to hide their identity and only chanting this at away games hoping they will not be recognised. Or were they trying to antognise the local stewards and police who, I thought, treated our support very well. All I am asking is why did it take till now for this to raise its ugly head. We could do well without it as such stupidity could well drive away some of our travelling support.
  13. H.T. 0 - 0 F.T. 0 - 1 1st ICT Imrie 1st Opp Andy Kirk Crowd 2575
  14. This predicgtion is for WEEZ :- H.T. 1 - 0 F.T. 3 - 0 1st ICT Imrie 1st Opp Jack Crowd 1027 For BRONSON :- H.T. 2 - 0 F.T. 5 - 1 1st ICT Eagle 1st Opp Lewis Crowd 1111 For BREEZE :- h.t. 3 - 0 f.t. 4 - 0 1st ICT Rooney 1st Opp Gilfillan Crowd 980
  15. H.T. 2 - 0 F.T. 5 - 0 1st ICT Sanchez 1st Opp Jack Crowd 888
  16. H.T. 2 - 0 F.T. 5 - 0 1st ICT - Foran 1st Opp - Crighton Crowd - 925
  17. How or when was the fans player of the year decided? In previous years the had a ballot at the last home game of the season but i wasn't aware of anything like that this season. Tokely would have been my first choice for player of the year.
  18. Can anyone help me work out how to listen to the game online? Have clicked the link which tries to download the motherwell file from bbc sport then nothing???
  19. I can vouch for the hospitality in this howf and intend to be there so set up the drinks!!! Its not too far to stagger to the away gate and handy for the celebration dram after the game - hopefully.
  20. Keen to see this game so myself and 2 or 3 mates are planning to go down, Transport is the problem. We fancy a good social day out so the train from Inverness at 6.45 a.m. does not seem like an option. Not keen on the official supporters bus as the time for comfort stops are limited. does anyone know of any private bus going down - like the Innes Bus; Big D's mini bus;; Social Club bus or any other?
  21. Good to hear from you DerbyDave. As a Culcabock boy born and bred it was interesting to read your post. one of our best mate in those days, and his whole family, emigrated from Culcabock to Oz but none of the family was called Dave. How long since you lived in Culcabock. We lieved in the Back street near the school and overlooking the golf course.
  22. Has anyone else heard about the unrest in the dressing room following the hamilton game? Allegedly fists were flying between certain players and one of the management team, following this some players refused to get on the team bus. Apparently this is what actually led to the sacking of Brewster and Thompson.
  23. Same team as last week apart from the above mentioned changes
  24. Well I for one would like to stand up and say well done to Craig Brewster. In one of the papers, or possibly teletext, he points out how influencial Conway or was it Daly was against us yesterday. He then goes on to make it clear that he was the one who was responsible for signing the player for united. - not exactly what our long suffering fans are wanting to hear Craig. But like i said - Well Done.
  25. A good goal keeper should be in command of his penalty area and should be shouting instrutions to his defenders at the top of his voice. My seat in the Nother Stand is close behind the goal and I seldom hear Mikey shouting at his defence. I think our defence are at sixes and sevens if they do not have confidence in the goalie and I think that is part of our problem. As has been said, we have not seen enough of Esson in competitive games to judge his ability in comparisson to Fraser but with his experience with Aberdeen I feel he would bring some confidence back to our defence and hope that CB gives him the chance on Saturday.
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