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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. yeah - great sense of humour .... i especially like the 'velocity' one ... saw a clip of that one before
  2. The two goals at Caledonian Stadium in the cup against Dundee Utd were pretty sweet, even if we did lose in extra time ..... Two (or three to be precise) great ones happened when I was not at the game though ..... Denzils Double against RCFC .... I was working that day and my workmates were ripping the **** out of me at County winning .... 2 quick goals later, deep deep deep into injury time, and it was me who was smiling .... Also, Saturday was sweet revenge. It sounded like it was heading for a non-result when Dargo got the goal - didnt even seem like much build up (from the commentators anyway) but hearing it had gone in, and then hearing Rossco's reaction later probably made this the best last gasp goal for me .....
  3. As myself and Christe are likely to see you in August/September for some small soiree that is happening on the west coast, count us in for a share. 8) [will pay you when we are over if this is OK. If not, let me know and I will organise something]
  4. Scotland Squad will be announced at 11AM on Wednesday ......
  5. Club always do this towards the end of the season ..... When I was a season ticket holder, I knew at the start of the season they were likely to do it but the compensation of having paid less for my season ticket and having a guaranteed seat for each game far outweighed any outrage i may have felt .... good on them for trying to encourage more along ....
  6. The rumours I have heard is that the extra 22 games WILL NOT feature either of the OF .... also, the sponsorship may be extended by a few seasons which is probably good news given the BOS withdrawing their support.
  7. Feckin Amateur Rossco - someone who could teach Brew about loyalty !!!
  8. Scotty


    ok - think i need to adjust the word censor a little ....
  9. At the end of the day ... 'Caley Thistle are punching above their weight ...' England are in red, maybe a good omen as they wore red in 1966... I prefer the 'ColemanBalls' or 'Atkinson-isms' ..... (not all from football) That's the fastest time ever run - but it's not as fast as the world record. Don't tell those coming in the final result of that fantastic match, but let's just have another look at Italy's winning goal. If history is going to repeat itself I should think we can expect the same thing again." (TERRY VENABLES) Beckenbauer really has gambled all his eggs." (RON ATKINSON) The game is balanced in Arsenal's favour." (JOHN MOTSON) Celtic were at one time nine points ahead, but somewhere along the road, their ship went off the rails." (RICHARD PARK) I was saying the other day, how often the most vulnerable area for goalies is between their legs..." (ANDY GRAY, Sky Sports) The lads really ran their socks into the ground." (ALEX FERGUSON) We threw our dice into the ring and turned up trumps." (BRUCE RIOCH, ITV) And I suppose they [spurs] are nearer to being out of the FA Cup now than any other time since the first half of this Cup now than any other time since the first half of this season, when they weren't ever in it anyway." (JOHN MOTSON, BBC) ... and he crosses the line with the ball almost mesmerically tied to his foot with a ball of string..." (IAN DARKE, Radio 5) "This is Gregoriava from Bulgaria. I saw her snatch this morning and it was amazing." Weightlifting commentator Pat Glenn Race ace Jenson Button talking about driving in high winds: "It was like my helmet was being sucked off." but the classic one has to have come from just recently .......... [attachment deleted by admin]
  10. About half a busload according to the radio commentary team ..... ... perhaps he means at Inverness he had a chairman who let him get on with what he was doing whereas his new employer has quite a record of making managers worry about whats going on in the background ....
  11. mmmm Gringers, you been surfing The Poop Report ? or maybe the another list
  12. Sorry Kencar - I didnt mean to imply that they got NO support, merely that a large number of our home fans dont get vocal in the same way that other teams do .... far smaller numbers of our support give it laldy away from home and make it a completely different atmosphere and that has been true for years. I spent many years directly above the tunnel and always applauded the team onto the park and off it at the end of a game .... some days my applause was more enthusiastic than others and yes I got frustrated too when we put in bad performances (ICT 1-5 County springs to mind) but I dont recall ever booing them off the park !!! You are quite right when you say that there is an element of our support who always try to make a noise. However, that element always seemed to increase/decrease depending on who the opposition were. Quite a few around me were just as vocal as me but we were always outnumbered by those who wanted to sit quietly for whatever reason. I am not criticising those who want to do that, its their choice, although sometimes the odd one did annoy me because they would give you a look that seemed to say 'shut the **** up !!' I was impressed with the atmosphere in the north stand when I was home at Xmas, but it was a game against Celtic so the whole ground was buzzing ... If the North Stand is like that regularly, then great - I am happy to be proved wrong. I wholeheartedly agree that there is only so much a crowd can give, and many of our fans do that .... But I also think that when you hear of some of the 'treatment' dished out by (some, but not all of our) stewards since we reached the SPL the enthusiasm to give quite so much or so freely wanes. The club need to address that rather than ignore it. It pains me greatly to criticise the club in such a manner. I am ICT through and through, have followed them from day 1 and I will never fail to support the team that goes out on the park. However, as important as the club are to me as a 'normal' supporter, the club also need to realise how important the 'normal' supporters are to them as a club and treat them with at least a modicum of respect. Respect that they used to be treated with but that seems to have been diminishing rapidly over the last couple of years. By all means eject troublemakers or those who are behaving badly, but dont brand people troublemakers and 'unofficially' ostracise them for raising an issue with the club, treat people differently in different areas of the ground, or chastise them when they do try to increase the atmosphere (in a legal manner !). I hope that events like the Supporters Forum the supporters' Trust are running will help to bring these kinds of issues to the club in an open and fair manner, enabling sensible dialogue and the opportunity for fans to raise concerns without fear of reprisals. I also hope it will highlight issues to those at the club who may not realise the scale of the dismay felt by some fans .... I may be ranting on here, and putting myself in danger of being completely ostracised, but there are plenty who are 'festering' silently or who have emailed me about this issue both since we have moved here and also on the old site who want to say something but are scared of the repercussions ....
  13. Can only speak of one game at home and it was an absolute belter !!! Dargo scored just as we were getting into our seats but the wee baldie welshman equalised a while later and spoiled what would have been a perfect day ! ICT 1-1 Celtic 18/12/05 The team were up fer it, the fans were up fer it, and the stadium was buzzing, certainly in the Bridge End where i was. i joined in with the singing and chanting ... it was great My own feeling, from hearing people comment on other games is that we have 2 main problems [*]A large number of the crowd who dont (& wont) make any noise. This problem is not new, it has been around for years. Call it what you will - lack of enthusiasm, the stereotypical 'highland reserve', or maybe even shyness and not wanting to look like a prat, but the 'sweetie rustlers' have always been around in the main stand. Some of us tried hard each game to get the atmosphere going, but it very rarely happened. However, each to their own, if some people dont want to sing and chant then thats up to them ... they dont have to ... but please dont look at those of us who do as if we are disturbing your nap or farting loudly in a library !!! [never done that BTW ;)] [*]Over zealous 'management' of the crowd that means that sometimes (especially at 'smaller' games and moreso in the main stand) you are not allowed to make any noise or are chastised for showing your support for your team. Time and again since we reached the SPL we have heard stories of heavy-handed stewarding. I am not specifically talking about a number of incidents that have been well publicised and discussed, but the stewarding in general. I can fully appreciate that its a different era now that we are in the SPL ... and I have no problem with stopping racist, sectarian, offensive or otherwise inappropriate comments or songs from happening, but why do some (not all) matchday staff take great delight in hassling the home fans for having the audacity to try and start an innocent song or shout encouragement to the team while at the same time letting away fans away with far worse ...... especially when 'certain' teams come calling ! [/list:o] If the management and players want fans to make more noise to urge the lads on (as they have said in the past), and the club actually do want the fans to start making some noise to help urge them on, then they have to take a step back and have a full and frank look at the way fans are being treated inside the ground instead of pretending problems dont exist. There IS an issue with the way fans have been treated over the last couple of years and it is getting progressively worse. If the club want to bury their head in the sand and pretend it doesnt exist, then thats up to them, but if your head is in the sand, your *** is in the air and someone is going to come along and kick it hard at some point !!! A club of our size cannot afford to lose a few hundred season ticket holders .... and thats the sort of size 10 kick I am talking about ! I appreciate that not every fan is well behaved, and not every song or chant is appropriate so affirmitave action from the safety/security staff is appropriate at times, but being over officious is always inappropriate and that coupled with a 'guilty until proven innocent' attitude and a complete lack of 'customer service' mentality when complaints are made is already creating a wedge between 'them' and 'us' that i never thought i would see happen to MY club .... or maybe that should now be the club !!!
  14. what did we have ...... ? 1974 - 'Easy Easy' by 'Scotland Squad' got to No 20 in charts. Charles Aznavour was at #1 with 'She' and Gary Glitter at #2 with 'Always Yours' during World Cup !! 1978 - Allys Tartan Army (unofficial) by Andy Cameron got to #6 & Ole Ola (official) by Rod Stewart & the Scotland Squad got to #4. Boney M topped the charts with 'Rivers of Babylon/Brown Girl' and John Travolta/ONJ were at #2 with 'You're the one that I want' 1982 - The Scotland Squad (plus BA Robertson and John Gordon Sinclair) got to #5 with 'We have a Dream'. Captain Sensible was at #1 with 'Happy Talk' and Adam Ant at #2 with 'Goody Two Shoes' 1986 - The Scotland Squad released 'Big Trip to Mexico' which didnt chart. Dr & the Medics were at #1 with 'Spirit in the Sky' and Simply Red at #2 with 'Holding back the years' 1990 - The Scotland Squad released 'Say It With Pride' which got to the dizzy heights of #45 for this World Cup. Elton John was at #1 with 'Sacrifice/Healing Hands' and during the World Cup the New Order/England squad's record, 'World in Motion' was at #2 although it did reach #1. Luciano Pavarotti was at #3 with 'Nessun Dorma' the BBC theme tune for Italia 90 1998 - Del Amitri got to #15 with 'Don't Come Home Too Soon' and World Cup Fever 'England style' hit the rest of the charts as Baddiel and Skinner were at #1 with '3 Lions 98' and Fat Les at #2 with 'Vindaloo' .... Another 12 world cup songs hit the charts including the classic Grandad Roberts And His Son Elvis with 'Meat Pie Sausage Roll (Come On England Gi's A Goal)' as well as the official songs for both Jamaica ('Rise Up' got to #54 - featuring Ziggy Marley, Shaggy, Maxi Priest) and Cameroon (Wes - 'I love Football' which got to #75!) In 2002 more than 20 England songs were released for the world cup in Japan/Korea but it was Ant & Dec who did the official England one ! .... no need to look for any Scotland ones for this tournament or since !!! :(
  15. Scotty


    More like George feckin Burns !!!
  16. I havent seen or read the article in full but I would agree with many on here who have differing viewpoints .... What the article does say (according to you guys) sounds good. However, perhaps the positives have been emphasised and the negatives glossed over or largely ignored ? .... This is no criticism of the Chairman, nor of the reporter, just 'standard operating procedure' when this kind of article appears. I have no issue with the chairman. I have very vocally supported him in the past both in private, and also very publicly on CaleyThistleOnline.com (before and after official status and I will continue to do so when the official status is removed at the end of the season). I think he did an absolutely tremendous job in his first stint in control and without him we quite probably would not have had a club today let alone one that is in the SPL. I am also sure he will do a sterling job again. I have always thought that he tends to shoot from the hip (remember Kilmarnock comments, and such like ?) so I have no doubt that what he says is both genuine and honest. I am delighted he has very publicly told other teams to stay away from our players and confirmed that he will do whatever he can to retain and improve our squad. That has got to be heartening for Charlie to hear and also for us as supporters. I am also quite pleased that he has been honest enough to potentially generate some flak by admitting that a 4th stand is not likely on the west side of the ground. Perhaps a small enclosure, but not a full stand. I am sure we would all like a mini San Siro at the Longman but that is neither possible nor necessary so fair play to him for saying a big stand wont happen .... and for saying that covering the uncovered wings would be a bigger priority. However, I hoped there might have been some additional honesty by acknowledging some of the problems that have occured over the season regarding things brought up earlier in this thread and not necessarily addressing them in the article but at least acknowledging their existence and giving the fans an undertaking to resolve them (or at least try).... I will reserve further comment on the article until I have actually read it in full, but my opinion so far is that it is fine in what it says, but perhaps could have said more ...
  17. I think you might find all this (and more) in a Highland News article with Charles Bannerman. The club havent supplied me with the article, nor asked me to put it on this site or on the 'temporary official site' nor have they added it to the site themselves (yet) .... but I am sure it is full of good stuff .... DS doesnt usually miss his mark with these types of interview and he certainly aint scared to tell it like he sees it.
  18. ..... Toronto Lynx, Vancouver Whitecaps ..... with a stop-off in Chicago, NY and LA perhaps ? supporters in each location, and probably get more than 6
  19. Delighted to hear it - Rossco epitomises the spirit of ICT and his signing will probably ensure the appearance record for the club will never be beaten ...... Wonder who will he get for his testimonial game ? He will now be due a well deserved testimonial season ..... think we can cross St Mirren off the list ;)
  20. Yompa - if there is enough interest, we can add a forum in the prediction leagues section, so that your updates can go in their own forum - the same way that the NPL is kept updated, and Bronson's Dead Pool (if he finds his way over here).
  21. probably - we are still getting used to the boards ourselves !
  22. Scotty

    Newbie here

    Jamesie - welcome to the site. If you havent done so already, feel free to submit your map location for our 'where in the world' map .... we have users from Aus, China, USA, Canada, Europe and all over the UK ... but you may be the first from NZ .......
  23. The official portion of the website is currently being run in conjunction with the club. I continue to add match reports, fixtures, tables, scorers etc but the 'news' articles are added directly from the stadium. for queries regarding anything on that portion of the site you should email the Chief Executive directly. email = mike.smith@caleythistleonline.com
  24. Scotty


    after 33 games the league splits into 2 for the last 5 games .... the top 6 play each other once, the bottom 6 play each other once but you cannot go from 7th to 6th ... in effect, its 2 divisions !... (you can actually finish 7th and have more points than 6th ...)
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