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Wanderer last won the day on July 14 2014

Wanderer had the most liked content!

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  1. OK I'll bump it...don't care if it's nostalgia...Best football day ever...
  2. Normally Charles Bannerbrain's opportunity to teach us how backward we all were...
  3. Paid x 2
  4. ...och it's a tammie!
  5. Charles De Gaulle?
  6. "Put McLeish in charge of Brexit...we'd be out of Europe in 90 minutes."
  7. Steve, meet Chris...
  8. Wanderer

    Aaron Doran

    Saw spaces and angles that, in his prime, others could benefit from. The current bunch are decent Championship players but don't have his Premiership football brain. ...and yes, he might've lost a yard.
  9. 5-1, correct, you miss a few bits when viewing through fingers...?
  10. That 0-5 was one of the lowest points I can remember witnessing; a horrible experience. Confidence shot to pieces and a keeper struggling badly...watched through fingers. Ups and downs since but at the very least E4C nails it...an exorcism. Well done ICT and the support.
  11. I thought the SEVCO job was already taken...
  12. It was stated at the time that the headline was being held in reserve by The Sun subs for the potential moment that Ally McCoist (Super Ally...Celtic Are...) had a decent outing in an Old Firm encounter.
  13. I must've missed the memo. Since when has the Highland Derby been known as "The Cold Firm"....? At 02:57 in yesterday's Brain of Britain Quiz...some very confused contestants. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09vzydc#play
  14. 1. Ross Tokely 2. ... McDonald (Neil?) 3. Dennis Wyness 4. Roy McBain 5. Paul Ritchie 6. Grant Munro 7. Bobby Mann 8. Charlie Christie 9. Barry Robson 10 Martin Bavidge No. 2 I'm not sure about.
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