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Harry Chibber

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Everything posted by Harry Chibber

  1. ... but he would be a perfect player to offer experience to the team and fill th void for a season or 2 until Rory is firing on all cylinders!!
  2. I can't see Black leaving us unless we receive well over 65k for him. Why would we possibly want to get rid of a proven SPL standard centre mid for Rankin?? I can't imagine that the grocer will be raising his original bid (100k for both players) that much higher this time round so what possible reason would we have to get rid of Black?? I think Proctor will be offski but can't see Black going anywhere for at least another season!
  3. I think Rory can do a job for us this season but since Motherwell have picked up McCormick and the youth striker from Celtic I have a hunch Jim Hamilton could be on CC's list :004:
  4. considering Materatzzi's almost 7ft I'd be lucky if I could reach his chin :016:
  5. I've always been taught actions speak louder than words :001:
  6. "I wish death to you and your family" "go f**k yourself" This is apparently what Materazzi said to Zidane according to an italian lipreader from BBC New at 10...... If someone said that to me I think probably would have reacted aswell! especially since his mother was taken seriously ill the day before
  7. you were lucky that's all!! :016:
  8. Why would it be poor for a defender to get it? They are just as important as any other part of the team. Zidane got the sentimental vote. .....because defenders are there to stop players being creative and although Cannavaro was excellent and stopping teams scoring goals, Zidane showed class, flair and goals and was the playmaker that created almost every attacking move that France produced. IMO football is best expressed through a playmaker rather than a defender I don't think other teams were sentimental in letting France through to the final surely if anything that gives testiment to his playing ability
  9. Zidane was excellent and brought some much needed class to the tournament, I would have given him the award after he single handedly destroyed the Brazilians in the quarter finals. He shouldn't have reacted the way he did but 1 mistake doesn't darken what was a masterclass in how to play football. Cannavaro was excellent but it would have to be a very poor tounament for a defender to get the award, Zi Zou gets my vote ......even if I did loose out on £125 at bookies because of him
  10. really enjoyed this and will be looking forward to the NPL. Gringo is your predictor league going to be run with a similar type system so the predictions are masked??
  11. well done m8 like the murph's I'm not bitter! :008: :008:
  12. Heskey really is pants and certainly not worth 5.5 mil ... and I thought Jewell was one of the better managers in the Premiership. The only reason I can think that he would be after Heskey is because Roberts has been linked with a number of clubs and they might see him as the replacement powerful forward .... but he really is pants
  13. in the words of the great Scot Kenny Dalgliesh "maybees aye maybees naw" I think we are at our best when we play against better teams so if we can manage anything against France or Italy it will be a bonus but I think the real test will be taking 3 points from all the other teams in the group. It's a massive ask but I think for the first time in a LONG while we finaly have a team filled with capable players
  14. Uncle Sol Clicky Looks like Uncle Sol has decided that being at the same club as Uncle Freddie is too much for him!!
  15. What happened to the days when all transfers were kept behind closed doors until the deal is completed?? Should have been signed and sealed before the press were involved, now we have successfully advertised our desire to sign Rankin and that we can't afford to complete the deal.... we have basically done another teams scouting for them
  16. July 6 (Bloomberg) -- Berlin police arrested two men accused of filling soccer balls with concrete and placing them throughout the city, inviting passers-by to try out their shooting prowess with a red-painted label ``can u kick it.'' Two men were injured. The accused, aged 26 and 29, may face assault charges, the police said in a statement yesterday. Authorities had sought the perpetrators since June 30, when two men stepped up to the challenge and sustained injuries. Six such balls were found in total, chained to the ground, to lampposts and trees.``Investigations into the background of this act are continuing,'' the police said. Millions of soccer fans from around the world have descended on the city in the past month for the World Cup tournament, which ends July 9 in Berlin's Olympic Stadium when France plays Italy. Clues led police to an apartment in central Berlin, where they found a ``workshop'' rigged to manufacture the weighty globes. The two men had apparently already filled three soccer balls and ``several'' others were on the way, police said. They also uncovered cans of spray paint, chains and a casting mold.
  17. cheers it could be make or break for him this season with 3 other players (Caff, Tokely, Proctor) ahead of him in the queue for the right back position... I'd like to see him make an impact but surely as small a club as we are, we can't afford to keep 4 decent player for 1 position
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