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Everything posted by kencar

  1. A humbling result and a bit of a reality check for some. Might not be a bad thing in the long run. Keep folks feet on the ground
  2. Is McCann quick? Let's hope so otherwise well have one of the slowest defences in the SPL.
  3. Hmmmm!! He's experienced if nothing else.
  4. Never heard of him! Hopefully he'll do better than Gathuessi
  5. Heard he was now on trial at County
  6. I would say Esson is the better keeper. From what I've seen Tuffey isn't the greatest at kicking/dealing with passbacks & is a bit shaky with crosses.
  7. Seems a strange signing to me. 2 excellent keepers seems a bit of a luxury.
  8. I'm sure this is the 3rd year in a row this story has surfaced :D
  9. Glad to read in the P&J this morning that a move for Duff has been ruled out
  10. Peterhead have signed Dennis Wyness
  11. 3 trialists named in the Press & Journal Central defender Andrew Milne, 19, was released by Leeds United, while Irish centre back Callum Morris, 20, and Ashington-born left back Darren Lough, 20, both head north after being released by Newcastle. P&J LINK
  12. It says they both impressed in trials with the club and in practice matches. Were these at the end of last season?
  13. It seems like Robbo has already used up all his managerial lives
  14. He did a World Cup special last Saturday on Sportsound and there is another this coming Saturday. This would seem to be all the 'work' he is going out there
  15. He signed yesterday afternoon according to the Inverness courier and he's going to be playing in central defence. That means we need a new right back. LINK
  16. TV news said the appeal is to be heard in August. Didn't catch the exact date though
  17. Who's everyone's least favourite pundit? I cannot stand David Pleat and have to switch the tv/radio off if he is on!
  18. Can anyone explain why FIFA deem it necessary to shoot themselves in the foot by introducing a new ball that behaves like a balloon for the World Cup finals??
  19. I read yesterday the BBC will have 295 employees costing over ?2 million working for them at the World Cup but they still need Chick!! As previously suggested I guess he is going as a BBC reporter and not as BBC Scotland?s football correspondent. I?m sure given his journalistic skills he?ll be tasked with the high profile job giving us the inside info on the Honduras squad. Of course he is also presenting 2 world cup specials for Radio Scotland which I?ll be interested to see how they justify - tenuous players who play for SPL sides interviews I'd imagine!
  20. I was amazed to discover today that Chick Young will be in South Africa to cover the World Cup for BBC Scotland. Anyone care to explain why? Last I checked we hadn't qualified and I'm sure the Beeb will have an army or reporters out there without this idiot getting an all expenses paid 4 week holiday :)
  21. Alan Main might be a better plan than Leighton as a coach. He could also serve as our backup keeper. Just a thought
  22. Saturday 7th August we play Royal Antwerp INVERNESS COURIER LINK
  23. Beaten to the signing of a player by the mighty Crawley Town BBC LINK In reality it's probably more a sad indictment of the financial state of the Scottish game that a player can earn a better wage at a conference side
  24. I'd imagine the fact they've only been offered 1 year deals is the reason they haven't signed yet. Personally I think it's a very strange decision and you can't blame the players for looking for alternatives
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