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Everything posted by kencar

  1. Truly a great game. Shame my old man reactions are letting me down on the multiplayer
  2. HT:1-0 FT:3-1 1st Scorer ICT:Rooney 1st Scorer Opp:Baird Crowd:3066
  3. Just spoken to my old man upon his return from the game. He said Tokely, Munro & Bulvitis were appalling and that Proctor & Imrie hardly kicked the ball. Anyway at the game like to comment?
  4. Looking at the teams I guess their 4-5-1 is overwhelming our 4-2-3-1 in midfield. Can't say I'm too surprised we are losing. Today was always going to be a very tough game and a lot of supporters expectations were far too high after comfortable wins against poor sides. Let's just hope we can salvage something in the second half and not end up getting a thrashing but I have my doubts
  5. HT:1-0 FT:2-1 1st Scorer ICT:Rooney 1st Scorer Opp:Wood Crowd:5077
  6. A very comfortable win against a dreadful Morton team
  7. HT: 1-0 FT: 2-1 1st Scorer ICT: Foran 1st Scorer Opp: Weatherson Crowd: 3017
  8. According to the Elgin City message board their goals were scored by Cameron, Tatters & Smith I'm pretty sure Gillespie signed for Nairn???
  9. HT:0-0 FT:1-1 1st Scorer ICT:Foran 1st Scorer Opp:Stevenson Crowd: 1698
  10. I heard the story last month & I think something may well come of it come January. Guess we''ll just have to wait and see!
  11. At least we didn't lose today!! That's the positive I'm taking from the game. I think Dunfermline were the better side for the majority of the game, they certainly passed the ball on the deck whilst we launched our usual futile lumps up the park. Still against the run of play we went in at half time 1-0 up with a bundled effort from Bambi. Foolishly I started dreaming of 3 points during the break and we did start quite well in the first 10-15 minutes of the second half. Then Terry made a sub. Not sure why on earth Foran was taken off as he was causing their back 4 some discomfort competing for every ball he could. I don't think he was injured( ??) and he certainly wasn't happy at getting the hook but that seemed to coincide with Dunfermline coming back into the game. Their goal came from a series of errors on our part. First Imrie gave away cheap possession in their half, then Munro kicked the ball out for an unnecessary corner & then we just switched off allowing Dunfermline to take a quick short corner and the next thing the ball was in the back of the net. Other than a great save the keeper made from Rooney it was one way traffic for the rest of the match and we should be grateful we managed to scape a point. Any parents with unruly kids should warn them they'll be taken to see ICT at home if they don't behave!!
  12. I suppose it's easy to say with the beneift of hindsight but I think it would have been worth the gamble. County got 25% of John Rankin's transfer fee on top of what we paid them for him. I wonder if we included one for Don Cowie?
  13. the link dont work? Not sure why working for me ok, but then again I am not very good at those linky things, if you type marius niculae times online in google it comes up first in the search Bit of a damming quote from our DoF in that article!! I don't suppose we have a sell-on clause if Marius is likely to move in January? No and the figures been banded about for his transfer are in excess of 2m Euros Blinking flip!! :( I feared as much. The question is why the hell didn't we? I would have thought it would be standard practice.
  14. the link dont work? Not sure why working for me ok, but then again I am not very good at those linky things, if you type marius niculae times online in google it comes up first in the search Bit of a damming quote from our DoF in that article!! I don't suppose we have a sell-on clause if Marius is likely to move in January?
  15. HT:0-1 FT:1-2 1st Scorer ICT:Hayes 1st Scorer Opp:Kirk Crowd:3147
  16. Prime example of the "If you tell yourself something often enough you start to believe it" theory. ICT were actually in 11th place and only 1 point ahead of Falkirk with 3 games to play (and one point behind St Mirren). We were 4 points ahead of Falkirk with 3 games to go LINK
  17. I don't think we played 4-5-1 either but then again I thought we played 4-4-1-1 :025:
  18. Seriously did no one learn form the mistake of taking Brewster back. I can understand why Robbo is held in high regard by some fans but like Brewster his post-ICT record is average at best. Butcher is unlikely to jump and I doubt he will be pushed so we'll have to muddle on for the rest of the season hoping something clicks
  19. You are getting at it in your earlier posts. My point is simply there are a number of factors as to what contributed to our relegation on the final day of the season. Tokelys sending off being perhaps the biggest one. The biggest factor that contributed to our relegation on the last day was the fact that we had not already assured safety. Simple really, Butcher relegated us. Brewster did the ground work but Butcher finished us off. You're a broken record... and what's worse is that you are talking absolute p!sh! No one ... NO ONE... could have saved us from the position we were in but at least Butcher gave it a good go. The one result that we should have done more about is the Motherwell game when we were minutes from safety but we could have expected to lose before the fixture had kicked off. I'd agree with most of your other posts but I'm sick of hearing how it's "Butchers fault we were relegated"... absolute boll0x! Sorry HC but perhaps you are forgetting we were 4 points ahead of Falkirk with only 3 games to go and we somehow managed to blow it. Butcher took us to the brink of safety but then sadly it went horrible wrong
  20. HT:1-0 FT:2-0 1st Scorer ICT:No Scorer 1st Scorer Opp:Walker Crowd:1842
  21. Actually I wouldn't be too sure about that :( YET ANOTHER poor home performance. I shouldn't really be surprised it's what we've come to expect. Sadly we just aren't good enough to even compete and most of butcher's signings are far too powderpuff or just plain rank rotten for this league. Avoiding relegation is looking like our priority unless something miraculous happens.
  22. Congratulations to Don It's turning into a total shambles though. 10 call offs!! Good plan to play a meaningless friendly in Japan during the season
  23. Personally I'm very glad Mcbain is out of the team as I've never rated him but I will say he is a better player than several of Butchers new signings
  24. HT:1-1 FT:1-2 1st Scorer ICT:Hayes 1st Scorer Opp:Wyness Crowd:3222
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