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Action Man

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Everything posted by Action Man

  1. A bit of a bold statement but, I believe that we have more than enough intellectual, innovative, enthusiastic, capable, business minded, forward thinking, socially aware, community leading, pro-active individuals than any of our neighbours which leads me to believe that we could more than hold our own in a global perspective. For a "small" country we already hold the world record for inventions and level of education at all ages, in an indepedant Scotland this would attract more investment from overseas, taking the P out of the claims from our southern neighbours that their exclusive system has any real benefit to the wider community. A fair education for all is a worthy cause!
  2. A "parcel of rogues" indeed. Lets not let them do it to us again! :brave: ( Sorry, but couldn't resist using it! )
  3. vote HD, candidate for the Popular Peoples Front of Lochee, or was that the Lochee Popular Peoples Front, or the Peoples Popular Front...whatever...can someone translate last post?
  4. I think Ronaldo is best placed to answer that one... :015: Next.. Bum bum bum, bum bum bum, bum bum bum ba bum, Bum bum bum, Bum bum bum, Bum bum bum ba bum, Bum bum ba bum, bum bum ba bum, Bum ba Bum, Bum ba bum. Bum ba bum!
  5. I only wish the media could have such an open debate on independance instead of setting their various stalls. If this forum is a representation of current feelings then the future does indeed look good for serious consideration of an independant Scotland. What do forum members feel are the real pro's and con's of an independant Scotland. I think that an independant Scotland could become the major force in renewable energy, capitalising on a lack of impetus from other global economies, thus forging a vibrant economy for future generations. All it takes is belief! :022:
  6. Heard a wee rumour that Brew was seen in Elgin with BI. Coincidence or conspiracy?
  7. I still can't figure out what donmac has got against Urdu speakers! Anyway HD has enough problems with English never mind Gaelic and Urdu. Maybe I have got it wrong, I only hope the courtesy and respect shown to donmac was reciprocated. Back to thread. As education is on the agenda I would hope that an independant Scotland would not only welcome immigrants but ease their passage into our communities by following the great tradition of Scottish education and teach the new members of our community how to speak and read "English", which in a free Scotland will be changed to "Scots".
  8. How to keep Skippy quiet? Throw the ball down a 'well. There was probably a joke in there but I missed it, any help much appreciated.
  9. That will explain seeing Ronaldo in the booze section in tescos today! You should see the size of his trolley! On a more serious note, every team has its ups and downs, but wasn't it worth everything to see that goal at Ibrox! C'mon The Caley!
  10. Just reading that was taxing Scotty. Sounded more Conservative than communist :023: The point being missed with all this talk about other countries is that these small wealthy countries have the choice to pick how they want to be governed, we don't! There will always be taxes, it is how they are gathered and distributed that is the key to being a socially inclusive country. how much more do we waste on Trident and Nuclear stations? ( I do however like the idea of dumping all our waste in england! ) :022: Jacky boy got at least that bit right!
  11. I have to disagree with HD a bit on this one, the Gaelic signs are not a nationlistic demand, simply a way of preserving our culture for future generations. Worth it for the songs alone. Donmac298 is taking this debate into dangerous waters, this is not about Leicester and its migrant population, this is about the people of Scotland being given the opportunity to forge their own future, and all that entails. Yes the question of migration will come into that equation but that will be for the people of Scotland to decide, not a failing government in London which has different needs to Scotland. Kingsmills... :025:
  12. A majority of Scots want independance, a majority of English want an independant England, can somone tell me just who this government actually represents. Phoney Blair yesterday apologised for slavery which allegedly ended 200 years ago. Will it be 200 years before another PM apologises for this country's activities in Iraq today?
  13. Divorce..separation..border control..passports. health. immigration..education..crime......................... Don't make me laugh....( it makes me want to cry ) Is anyone else pi**ing themselves laughing at the pathetic antics of the London government in what can only be described as a poor attempt at throwing the growing tide of support for a proper debate on Independance of it's stride? We are a seperate country, we have a different culture, let's get on without interference from a government stuck in stupid arena's in which they have always lost. Lets all work for a vibrant, all encompassing, forward looking, ......................SCOTLAND.
  14. Glue... My post came unstuck! :015: Paradise...
  15. Thats why I felt rough this morning, it was the sausage roll! Brilliant night, great to meet fellow Internutters. See you all at the golf outing, details to follow. :022:
  16. Exclusive..the real story! Following a heated discussion between SG and RT, RT claimed that IHE's tattoo was real and had pictures to prove it, SG rejected these claims, but upon seing the photos on RT's mobile lost the rag shouting " thats not fair I wish i had an erse like that" RT replied " you are", and thats when it kicked off. Honestly, thats how it happened. :023:
  17. There is no doubt we are a solid team " hard to break down " as the media and opposition managers keep saying, this might not be enough. We desperately need someone to really run at defences and create some magic, without this I can see more hard fought draws and no progress into the top six. Do we have someone in the squad who can rise to this challenge? Lets score three next weekend!!!
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