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Everything posted by MrsICTFC

  1. There is no need to be picky as previously stated you know fine well what I am actually meaning. Is it a sacrifice when it is a choice? No. Actually, I have changed my mind on the last one (in italics). It is a sacrifice. I am confusing myself now! ha! I agree with being appreciated however, I think every job should receive appreciation in some form or another.
  2. I was thinking about this again and have a question. Don't you think that by offering free tickets for forces we are giving one job more importance than the rest? Obviously, those in the army would consider their job important but I consider my job very important. I would also consider the job I am progressing towards as very important. Should I not be allowed free tickets? When I go into houses where I am faced with drug addicts, people who are very ill, have criminal tendencies. If I didn't do my job this would mean more strain on the police, nhs etc. What about the men who clear the bins? Ensuring that the town is free from disease and rats etc by keeping the city clean? What I am trying to say is every job is important, they all serve a purpose. Obviously, the armed forces hold more danger however, this is a choice made by the person when they sign up. We pick jobs based on our personality, what we want from life etc. Giving off free tickets to sporting events wont make your job any easier, I am sure better equipment would.
  3. I think what CaleyD was wearing is totally irrelevant.
  4. Just pure brilliant!
  5. MrsICTFC


    Maybe it's just me but I hate swearing, the odd one is ok but to be met with swear after swear, it's not nice. I hate it and i'm 24. It's isn't about wrapping our children in cotton wool, it's about having a little respect for those around us.
  6. Maybe you could get a cup of hot chocolate too....
  7. Can anyone enlighten me on what the red card means?
  8. Off topic but what does the red card mean?
  9. It would be more beneficial for the clubs to donate money to the army to pay for more equipment. I am sure the likes of Celtic and Rangers would love to think that they used money on free tickets when really they could have used it for a better cause i.e. better equipment? Birdog is right in what he is saying. We aren't stupid, David Cameron is trying to focus the attention away from the deaths of many innocent men, fighting for what, i'd love to know.... Just the army? or do you mean HM forces.. Army are just a small part of it.. Navy, RAF, Marines all different forces.. And I can put my wages on Celtic not giving us a penny, Im glad this post wasnt on P&B.. (BD will tell you, I get paid a small fortune) Sorry, you knew what I was meaning. I used Celtic and Rangers as an example, i'm pretty sure any sport would rather see men and women safe rather than give them a ticket to a match/game/event.
  10. It would be more beneficial for the clubs to donate money to the army to pay for more equipment. I am sure the likes of Celtic and Rangers would love to think that they used money on free tickets when really they could have used it for a better cause i.e. better equipment? Birdog is right in what he is saying. We aren't stupid, David Cameron is trying to focus the attention away from the deaths of many innocent men, fighting for what, i'd love to know....
  11. Interesting topic. I don't think anyone in the armed forces should get free tickets to sport events. Reasons: 1) If they do, then the Police, Fire Brigade etc, should get the same. 2) No one is forced into the army, it is choice. 3) I feel betrayed that the lives and work of people like yourself is being used as political bargaining. The government should be supplying the tools needed for you guys to do the jobs you are asked to, or better still bring you all home, then there would be no need for cheap tricks like this. (Birdog's post)
  12. Your only 17 though? In my dreams.....
  13. Haven't been in a wee while, would be gutted if it has gone down hill.
  14. Yeah the portions are massive, I saw the scampi come out and thought no one could eat all that!! I managed to finish it all...just. Had to miss out on pudding (had ice cream instead). Massive portions and good value I thought. The steak (half a cow really) looked really good and having had a taste of it off Jnr's plate, I will go for that next time. Others we have tried and liked in Inverness include the Rajah (curry), Sams (curry), Castle Tavern (pub grub), Jimmy Chungs (Chinese buffet - excellent value if nothing else!!) Well done, did they roll you out after? :022: I like all the above but have never been to the Castle Tavern, can you take kids there? Has anyone tried the place in Cawdor?
  15. Yeah the portions are massive, I saw the scampi come out and thought no one could eat all that!!
  16. What food do they serve in Cafe1. I am pretty sure they have worn the same style, colour of uniform in the last 8 years at least!
  17. That is good at ?5.95, was it busy?
  18. So where is your place you like to eat or place you would suggest to a tourist? I don't think there is anywhere spectacular in Inverness, I do like the Keppoch Inn and the Waterfront.
  19. You must be on the wind up. How? I am just confused, I haven't read anything that says he admitted to this to ICT? All we have is one version of accounts which we don't know are true.
  20. What is the point then? Is it that if he is big enough to dish out a slagging he should be big enough to take one back? If this is the case then I think I have got the point and it would seem that the root of all the trouble is that KA supports C*unty and disrespects his fans and employers enough to publicly slag them off. Whatever the problem is, he is big enough to play football professionally so he should be big enough to handle everything that comes with it. This might even bring out the best in him. But we don't know if he did!! Where is the proof, did he announce it and I have missed that?
  21. First of all i never harrassed the lad. Im sure im like most people when i say i couldnt pick the boy out of a line up just now, let alone before he even started playing 1st team football lol. I think the calls for him to go are a bit extreme . He's young, i think the best thing to do is forget this whole thing, and i can promise there will be no more songs sung in his direction. "loutish behaviour"........judge me when u can refrain from ur sexist remarks elsewhere luv :P I never said you did or didn't, I am merely putting across what he could say. Singing abusive songs can be classed as loutish, just the way it is. I am not sexist, thanks.
  22. That's all they are though is alleged. Ok, so TB takes him into his office and asks him what happened. He says "the events that have been told are not true, I was harrassed by some fans whilst on holiday, they must have something against me because they know I am a County fan" So who does TB believe? Some guy who proved himself to have loutish behaviour (justified by joining in with the singing) or the guy in front of him? All he can do is tell him off based on this alleged behaviour, he cannot get rid of him based on alleged events. So Allison stays, then what? Abuse continues at every match and the atmosphere is ruined? Or it gets dropped and we get on with football? I know what I prefer.....
  23. I find this remark sexist and quite offensive. God aren't you pathetic.
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