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Everything posted by Hearach

  1. Would be delighted to see him back
  2. Have I missed news somewhere? What is happening re Mutumbo, Roberts, Devine and Williams?
  3. Delighted with this appointment. Always thought he was very commanding on the field so hopefully that will transfer to dugout. Sad he's hanging up his boots as I think he could still have done a job as super sub. Impressed with what he has had to say so far. Let's get right behind him - exciting times ahead. Well done Richie.
  4. I see Ryan Giggs may be looking for a role as manager. Be still my beating heart.
  5. From doom and gloom a couple of weeks ago it is starting to look good for new season. Roll on kick off
  6. Hearach

    David Raven

    Absolutely delighted. Fantastic. Well done the board
  7. Hearach

    David Raven

    Message to the Board. Get him signed up now
  8. I wouldn't be surprised. An asset to any team. However surely something should be done ASAP to get him signed up with ourselves. The Board can step in without waiting for a new manager to be in place
  9. Hearach

    David Raven

    I too am not giving up hope. The feel good factor for ICT fans would be priceless if David Raven got a contract.
  10. Hearach

    David Raven

    As long as he gets a new contract with us.
  11. Hearach

    David Raven

    When our new manager is appointed he won't have far to look for first signing.
  12. Anybody but Hughes and Rice
  13. Hearach

    David Raven

    Yes it would take more than that to waylay Caley Thistle fans on a mission
  14. Hearach

    David Raven

    A conspiracy I think. Hide the ballot boxes so we couldn't vote for David. Also Hughes was probably aware that if he tried to make a speech he would have been booed off the pitch
  15. Hearach

    David Raven

    I didn't see that but have heard it from a couple of people. Doesn't surprise me. Hughes has no class.
  16. Hearach

    David Raven

    I honestly think I lost my sanity for about two minutes when he scored that goal - a wonderful but scary feeling. Club legend - gone but never forgotten
  17. Hearach

    David Raven

    Fantastic reception for David Raven. I wish him every success in the future. Hope he gets a team - he certainly deserves to. Whatever is going on at the club - and there is a lot - they have two months to sort it out. Hope we see Raven back here again playing for another club.
  18. Hearach

    David Raven

    He has shown he is no judge of quality. Quantity is another matter - having heard his numerous interviews over the years I believe he can count to ten.
  19. Hearach

    David Raven

    But we all knew deep down Grant Munro was past his best. Not so David Raven
  20. Hearach

    David Raven

    Our recruitment on the whole has been laughable. Except we're not laughing.
  21. Although I am disgusted with what has happened I agree with Fraz. We support the club no matter what. Managers come and go and hopefully this one will be gone soon. Shoes off.....
  22. Hearach

    David Raven

    Yes we must vote for David Raven as player of the year just to show Yogi what we think. Mind you he was going to get my vote anyway.
  23. Hearach

    David Raven

    Disgusted. Absolutely disgusted.
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