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Everything posted by Hearach

  1. More worried about getting to it myself. hasn't stopped snowing all day and a good 5 inches lying
  2. As long as Odhiambo doesn't get a start - he was truly shocking on Saturday. good news that Gillet is nearly fit - really rated him
  3. It was good to see common sense approach being taken by stewards. Unfortunately home game tonight so that won't happen again!!!
  4. thought Going Home by Mark Knopfler was great yesterday
  5. I'll be there hoping we continue our wee unbeaten run!
  6. Runrig please. worked fine on Saturday.
  7. Me - really looking forward to it.
  8. i am sure we will see this miss many times over the next few years. luckily we were well ahead so we had a good laugh. great cross from Proctor.
  9. great news. Cmon Inverness
  10. Their team bus left before 3pm, and now they've got nothing to do tonight. scary!!!!!
  11. wish they would hurry up. getting ready to head up the road
  12. very relevant question as none of current squad can!
  13. me plus one. looking forward to it
  14. same as Tuesday night for me please. and lets just ignore Dougie Imrie. That will annoy him even more.
  15. yeah he certainly wasn't backing Terry. Who cares what he thinks!
  16. that we weren't being bullied and basically that it wasn't Terry's job to get involved in the political side of things. What a spineless plonker.
  17. just seen David Sutherland speaking on STV news. obvious he is not backing Terry. A**e! The sooner someone takes his shares off him the better.
  18. I would always support ICT by buying my season ticket. I don't want the team to suffer. It is abundantly clear that what the fans want doesn't matter to the powers that be so I just don't know what can be done to make them change their minds. But if someone comes up with a good idea that is legal and might work I would be up for that. Cmon Inverness.
  19. How lucky are we, a wee diddy club!, to have this guy as our manager? Am always impressed when he speaks anyway but tonight surpasses all my expectations. Brilliant.
  20. count me in. ?50 well spent if necessary. Will be interesting to see what happens here. Whatever transpires Terry is an absolute legend.
  21. Just back from Ibrox and listened to interview. What a class act Terry Butcher is.
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