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07: Moderators
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Everything posted by IBM

  1. I did hear that last night I posed the question in the other thread. Not long to wait now though
  2. Would we take a chance on Don Cowie with just a few years coaching experience with County?
  3. The good news is he has not signed for any other team yet so we are still hopeful.
  4. None off the ex County players for me it was only at the last minute that they played to keep them in the premier league "not good enough " I would rather stick with our young players
  5. I am glad he has been cleared but it is shocking the length of time they took with the case!
  6. It was more likely Bertie Bassett
  7. That's an older version than my one, the sewage works have been upgraded since then.
  8. The important thing is for us to get the right appointment this week and get players secured quickly ready for the start of the season which is not far away.
  9. You are right Dundee would not have been promoted without him!
  10. I know what you mean Fraz but we are always hoping
  11. He could apply but he has said before he does not want it.
  12. There will be no chance of that Yngwie if we had seen his potential and secured him on a longer contract he might still be here. They have been smarter at the business than us so we need to learn from that.
  13. I would rather just wait and find out when the club makes the announcement which is the way it should be.
  14. What a good read you have found a vast amount of information which i have had a quick look through but will need more time for a proper read. Thanks for posting it here and I hope you uncover more local information.
  15. Next season Blue top, white shorts and red socks with a black stripe
  16. Billy Dodds? Although I don't think he would be a cheap option, whoever it is will have to work with the coaching team that we have and will not bring in their own people. Even throughout the problems that Covid has brought the club have been working behind the scenes on the business side which is very important in our way forward and I hope the plan works.
  17. Well done Toddy! Let's hope he signs a new contract with us.
  18. Och Kingsmills you are just stirring it up The club has made a statement and it was just a small number of fans that were causing trouble
  19. It's just a disgrace and I feel sorry for the decent folk in Glasgow that had to keep clear of the city centre yesterday. I am not surprised that the club has not responded!
  20. Another merger Charles Bannerman could write another book
  21. Camera coverage good and clear at least you could make out the numbers on the shirts, a few problems but as jed said better than we had all season. A good game of football from the youngsters and I would like to see them play again.
  22. Thanks for the kind words. I collected the top today from Keith Haggart at the club shop and I am delighted to have it. Good luck to Cameron Harper next season and in the future.
  23. That will give us something to do on Friday night, I hope it's a success.
  24. Nairn County have boosted their squad for the new Highland League season by signing teenage defender Grant Hogg from Inverness Caledonian Thistle. Another on to keep an eye on in the Highland League. https://www.inverness-courier.co.uk/sport/nairn-county-sign-caley-thistle-teen-to-play-for-home-town-c-237713/
  25. This is what I like lots of yellow
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