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Everything posted by Kingsmills

  1. Just about everybody did at the time, Changed days now though.
  2. None, what's proposed is an additional; 39th game.
  3. Would that make Ji Calder the oldest player to have turned out in the Highland League, or indeede any other Scottish senior league, in modern times ?
  4. My favourite old pouffe has become somewhat worn with an increasingly cracked leathery skin. Should I look for a younger model ?
  5. I think that money played a more significant part than geography.
  6. Very many congratulations.
  7. Good grief, was that great night really the best part of a decade a decade ago ! Wonderful memories, reading the press and watching the media coverage in the days that followed was almost as good as the match itself.
  8. Benny Green was one of the original characters who used to hang around with Tucker together with a fat lad by the name of Alan.
  9. My current pet hate is the phrase " going forward".
  10. There used to be a bakers in Muir of Ord that sold the most wonderful, slightly spicey, scotch pies. That would have been about 30 years ago and I suspect they are long gone now.
  11. What caused the world to abandon taste and discernment for the whole of the 1970s ?
  12. Cool used to be the opposite of warm. then it came to mean something else now, apparently, it's no longer cool to say cool so that the word has largely reverted to it's original meaning.
  13. Strange, my kids seem to milk me without me ever having to remove my shirt.
  14. What do Irish battles fought over 300 years ago have to do with Scottish football ?
  15. I wonder whether that indicates that Brewster intends to involve him in the first team against St Mirren ?
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