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+05: Player Sponsor
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Everything posted by Fraz

  1. Yeah I had the news page thing but now it goes straight to the forum list which is a bonus. However once I go into a forum and click on a thread it just gives me a black page that I can strangely still scroll up and down in. If I scroll to the top the thread loads up and I can see it normally! Weird. Also if I refresh the page from the blank screen more often than not the thread then loads up. But never the 1st time I click it from the list of threads on the forum page. I've recently updated my Android version from 3. something (gingerbread) to 4.0.3 (Ice Cream Sandwich) so I don't know it this has caused the issue or if it's the site (or a combination) I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S2. Should prob have put this in the Support forum!
  2. "Rangers & Celtic basically finance the Scottish game" FFS, the arrogance of some. Rangers can't even finance themselves!
  3. Jeez, surely must be an issue with Infinity Ward / Activision servers, the ISP or the PSN itself. I'd bet IW/Activision. Have you tried googling the issue and going through some gaming forums or the actual IW/Activision support forums, could even start a thread. Really dunno what else to suggest bud!
  4. Your son's at a different house and he has these issues also? Weird. Has he got the same ISP and/or router, do you share the same exchange? Have you tested the stability of your web connection could be lost packets etc? Seems more likely that the issue is at their end rather than the PS3. I'm no expert I'm afraid mate, but in my experience when this type of thing happens chances are each party will try and palm you off to another! Better still, buy a 360, superior online experience anyway! ;-)
  5. I've got a 360 and a PS3 but I don't have the CODs on PS3, only 360 so I can't even try them to see if they work OK for me. It seems that you have tried most of the things I can think of. However have you tried other COD (WaW, MW & MW2) discs in your machine to see it they work? I presume all your other multiplayer games work OK? Other than that is it possible that there is a problem with your router, with my BT Homehub2 I used to get problems matchmaking on some games (on both consoles). My NAT settings would go strict for whatever reason and caused problems with muiltiplayer on some games. Have you tried resetting your router? This solved it temporarily for me, but it would eventually happen again, my permanent solution was to go into the hub settings and ensure that the PS3/360 were added to the list of machines with 'full access', I can't remember the proper term for it! A google search will prob find it. I'm out of ideas, but best of luck and may you be racking up kill streaks soon! Let us know how you get on.
  6. Putting aside this whole 'professional' thing. Yet again the whole support issuse raises it's head. I made a post several months ago almost identical to the one I'm about to make but here goes again. I don't understand why some people get lambasted and told they are not supporting the team for voicing their unhappiness in certain aspects of this season. If people are unhappy then surley venting their opinions and issues on an internet forum if perfectly appropriate. These same people can then still go to the games and wholeheartedly support the team. I have been unhappy with many aspects of this season and yet my wife and I still make all the home games some away games, clap, (sometimes) sing and do our best to get behind the team. If I dare to criticise TB or his decisions on a website am I not supporting the team? In a nutshell I find it rather arrogant to say that some people do not support the team if all they are doing is voicing their opinions. I mean look at how many people walked out after the second Aberdeen goal went in, are all thise people only proclaiming to be supporters? The missus and I support one another but we don't always agree!
  7. In that case, 'some' people would need to get a grip.
  8. I heard last night that apparently Hayes has not been offered a new contract yet, only caught part of a conversation so I could have misunderstood. Pls feel free to correct me if I'm wrong! Lol
  9. On a slightly different note I found it quite interesting that in his speech given before the meals in hospitality Mr Sutherland said that although he makes a point of not interfering with the managers decisions it was a massive mistake to release Munro and he didn't agree with it. Was quite surprised that he came out and said that publicly, would have made it even more interesting if Butcher was there! Edit- Spelling, Doh!
  10. Neil MacCuish, used to play for Clach and is Grant's best mate, was filling in for someone who dropped out. Did well considering what he drunk the night before!
  11. I'm sure the guys won't mind me passing on a huge thank you to everyone who helped make yesterday a very special day for them and all the fans who's support throughout has been fantastic. Well done all! :D
  12. As folk have said poor show but I don't think the lads were too bothered! Well done to Scott Kellacher tho for masterminding the best home ICT performance in some time. ;)
  13. Correct, Malpas was on a course that was pre-booked, Butcher however chose not to show up.
  14. 4-0 FT, best home performance I've seen in a good while.
  15. Here's my view on it again realy can't be bothered putting any effort into posting on this thread again it's so tedious hearing the same old sh*t from the same old people Much of what you say is true enough re: refs, injuries etc however that isn't really the whole picture, some of the damage was done before the season even began! Butcher took us from playing poorly/relegation and turned the team around and helped us to promotion and then to a good 7th place finish. But now he seems have gone backward and even taking into account our unusually large injury list we have still been very poor. He is somewhat responsible for players missing easy chances, poor defending within the team as the players that are failing are the players that he has brought in and deemed them good enough for the team. The players have to take some resposibility too of course as they have been poor also, some of the players today (and in other games recently) looked like they couldn't make a 10 yard pass accurately! I was also sad to see that the starting line up did not include one Scot, too many journeymen brought in going through the motions perhaps who don't play for the badge? I think people are angry not only with results but possibly more so with the manner of our defeats, which has happened quite often this season. In a good number of games we have created heaps of chances without scoring any, then the other team goes up and scores with their one shot on target. That sort of failures are not about injuries that's a lack of concentration, organisation, ability and desire (and utterly stupid individual errors) IMO for which both players and manager must take responsibility. I personally don't really want butcher out (at least not yet) but that's probably more to do with the fact that I can't think of anyone better offhand TBH. You may be tired of hearing the same old sh*t, but by the sounds of it (and the look of the stands before the end today) a great deal of people, not just a few are tired of paying their hard earned to watch the same old sh*t. Hope this makes sense I've had a few drams lol!
  16. Looking forward to this after the dross on show today, hopefully it will be an entertaining match. 1st time in hospitality (hope the meal is decent) so it should be fun, think I'll be hitting the bar in the Kingsmills suite tho after today's efforts.
  17. He's here till next season at least, may as well see what he does in the close season and how it pans out up till Christmas. We can't afford to buy him out and I'd be quite surprised if he walked. He has made bad decisions at the end of last season and was ill prepared at the beginning of this one, there never seemed to be a plan and you got the impression he was just winging it at times. Other things like dropping some players at the drop of a hat while others could be convicted of mass murder and still get a start; playing folk out of position; bizarre substitutions; the same repeated after match comments, failure to learn from his mistakes (and admit his own errors) etc etc. Injuries have played a big part to be fair, hopefully we won't have to go through a season with as many again. He's far from perfect but he's what we have for the foreseeable future so I guess we have to try and hope for the best! What else is there?
  18. It was very strange sitting in the North Stand with barely anyone around for the last several minutes. Might have to get used to it for next season going by how many folk are saying they've had enough! As for the game - missed the first half, wished I missed the whole thing tbh. 3 free kicks at the edge of the box and few other chances and not one shot on target, pitiful. Get Golobart up as centre forward must have a better chance than the other duds. What's his goal tally? 5? Could be top scorer. Shame most are the at the wrong end mind.
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