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Everything posted by MrCaleyjag

  1. Argentina 0v0 Columbia Tonights game: Bolivia v Costa Rica (KO: 23:15hrs BST)
  2. Yesterdays results: Uruguay 1v1 Peru Chile 2v1 Mexico The next game is tomorrow night, Argentina v Columbia KO: 00:45hrs BST
  3. Curse you, you fiend. Oops think I deserve one of these for jinxing it totally
  4. I got a poor 23/50 then cringed when I saw the list of players that I couldn't remember!!! Could see their faces but couldn't remember their names :irritated:
  5. I didn't manage to stay awake for the opening game but managed to catch the second half when it was replayed yesterday afternoon and didn't watch the Columbia game as I opted for the Haye fight instead but here's a wee quick breakdown of the first games. Argentina 1v1 Bolivia Argentina struggled in the opener against Bolivia who I am led to believe are only taking part in the tournament after Japan pulled out and are seen by most as the weakest team in the tournament. Bolivia took the lead in the 47th minute from a corner swung in from the keepers right which was flicked on by Edivaldo Rojas and crept through the legs of Ever Banega the squirm just over over the line. Argentina fielding players of the likes of Carlos Tevez, Lionel Messi, Ezequiel Lavezzi, Javier Mascherano, Gabriel Milito and Esteban Cambiasso relentlessly pushed forward searching for the equaliser and were rewarded through a fine strike from substitute Sergio Aguero in the 75th minute. Despite their dominance they weren't able to grab the lead and for most this is seen already as the possible shock result of the tournament Columbia 1v0 Costa Rica Costa Rica went down to 10 men after 27 mins when Randall Brenes got sent off for what the referee deemed to be an over the top tackle (I saw it once but was half asleep at the time so can't comment), the only goal of the game came in the 45th minute from Columbia, Adrian Ramos claiming the winning goal to put his team top of group A after the first matches. Tonights games are: Brazil v Venezuela (KO: 20:00hrs BST) and Paraguay v Ecuador (KO: 22:30hrs BST) both games live on ESPN. I will be watching both hopefully so should be able to give a better account of them tomorrow than the ones above. I have included a link below to the official website for the tournament for anyone that is interested. http://www.ca2011.com/
  6. Murray's looking good in the semi-final against Nadal, I've probably just jinxed it now haha. Outwith winning the first set he is playing well considering his injury scare at the start of the match. Fingers crossed he can keep it going
  7. Simply because pedofilia is recognised as a mental health issue, would you rather he recieved no help and his condition continued or would you just prefer he was put to death? Why makee a problem worse when it is recognised that it can be treated? I'm certainly not saying that he should be put to death, you wrote that not me and nor am I intimating that he should not get the help you are suggesting he should, I do however think that now-a-days those in positions are all to quick to jump and say that everything is to do with mental health problems. Can it be treated, no I don't think so. Once someone has these thoughts especially in terms of peadophillia it is very difficult to change their views and thoughts. Yes the courts have dealt with it but I bet you if you took 5 judges and asked them to sit on the case they all would have gave out slightly different judgements, just because one person or a couple of so called professional say that he doesn't pose a risk doesn't mean that they are correct. Anyone can sit with psycologists and whoever else was brought in to assess him and say they are very sorry and it is not in their character or nature and they won't do it again etc etc but do they really mean it? And yes when he is in a position like he is where children can idolise him and go to watch him play football I do think it's not an environment where he should be placed. The main outcry from this whole episode has come from the way that the club have reacted to it and how they have protrayed it to the media themselves and their ridiculous way of dealing with it, they are almost just as bad as he is with some of the statements they have come away with!! You must have spent over a decade in further education to gain your expertese in law, psychology and morality. You my friend have to be respected. Maybe you could share some of your thoughts on this piece, I know it's wikipedia but you could perhaps indulge me in explaining why some of the cited parts of it are, in your opinion nonsense? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedofilia Am I missing something in my post where I actually said this? I questioned it, I didn't actually say i thought it was nonsense. I don't think my education or my morality comes into it, you don't have to spend a decade in further educational to have an expertese in morality. Morally what he did was wrong, end of, it can't be condoned nor can it be defended that's my point also. Thanks for the link though, it was very informative. I also notice that you have still not answered one of my previous questions or did you choose to gloss over it as it might contradict everything you have said or throw a different spin on your thoughts. I don't think you are necessarily wrong with everything that you are saying all I have focussed my thoughts on are what he did, the fact he is guilty, tried to ask how the victims come out of this and the role of his employer but you want to focus on him and how it affects him, did he think about how his actions affected the victims?
  8. Simply because pedofilia is recognised as a mental health issue, would you rather he recieved no help and his condition continued or would you just prefer he was put to death? Why makee a problem worse when it is recognised that it can be treated? I'm certainly not saying that he should be put to death, you wrote that not me and nor am I intimating that he should not get the help you are suggesting he should, I do however think that now-a-days those in positions are all to quick to jump and say that everything is to do with mental health problems. Can it be treated, no I don't think so. Once someone has these thoughts especially in terms of peadophillia it is very difficult to change their views and thoughts. Yes the courts have dealt with it but I bet you if you took 5 judges and asked them to sit on the case they all would have gave out slightly different judgements, just because one person or a couple of so called professional say that he doesn't pose a risk doesn't mean that they are correct. Anyone can sit with psycologists and whoever else was brought in to assess him and say they are very sorry and it is not in their character or nature and they won't do it again etc etc but do they really mean it? And yes when he is in a position like he is where children can idolise him and go to watch him play football I do think it's not an environment where he should be placed. The main outcry from this whole episode has come from the way that the club have reacted to it and how they have protrayed it to the media themselves and their ridiculous way of dealing with it, they are almost just as bad as he is with some of the statements they have come away with!!
  9. How many people are as excited as me about the Copa America? Ok maybe it's because I have been starved of football for a few weeks or the fact I am stuck at home for almost three months after having major surgery and it'll pass the time but I am really looking forward to seeing the best of South American football coming together for another big tournament. I will, if enough people are interested, post the scores along with a brief roundup of each game, let me know what your thoughts are and if you want updates. The first game is Argentina v Bolivia KO: 1st July 21:45 (00:45 + GMT) followed by Columbia v Costa Rica 2nd July 15:30 (18:30 GMT)
  10. I'm sorry but I have to totally disagree with you on this one and also your previous quote. Lets get one thing straight he (Thompson) took away his prospects when he did what he did, a disgusting act that should in no way be condoned or glorified or glossed over. I like many others on this post will not apologise for calling for him to be sacked and nor do I think that our outcry has been caused by the media. Whatever way you look at it it would have became public knowledge and there would have been the same outpouring as there has been regardless of how it was portayed. Why are you focusing on him and his position and his mental health and helping him overcome his problems, all too often the people in authority or think they know better due to years of studying from books proclaim that the convicted is in fact the victim, read your post and basically that's how it reads. He is not the victim, he is the convicted of a sick crime that should not be shyed away from. Lets take a moment to think about the actual victims of this and how they feel and how they felt during the ordeal, children manipulated by an adult who should know better and have values but clearly he doesn't. Why should he be allowed to continue as normal??? Do you have children, if you do would you still have the same view if it were them that were the victims?
  11. His loss at the end of the day. I'm sure we'll be able to find someone better.
  12. Congratulations to him for managing to get a big club in a decent competative league with a good exciting young manager as well, shows great ambition and obviously makes him more financially stable as well. Thankfully turning down a move to a smaller club. I think the maguire situation with regards compensation was because he was still in the very last throws of his contract with Aberdeen but with Adam his contract had run out, I could be wrong but I think you only get compensation if the player is still contracted to you when he signs for another club along with other ins and outs.
  13. Would agree with Scotty that we got our monies worth and he did give us some great memories but I am too disappointed that he has taken so long to make up his mind and keep us hanging on so long. Seriously though, Crawley Town??!! Yes they may be ambitious and may have big plans but nothing is certain especially in English football and at the 4th tier as well, I just think he could have done so much better thats of course if he does join them, hopefully for him he sees it as a springboard to bigger and better things as he is still young however I feel he could have made it at Championship level just now of course if he has actually had offers from clubs in that league. I see no reason why he wouldn't have. I also don't see Crawley Town as a bigger club than us and see us as playing at a far higher level in a more competative league which he would have much more publicity in.
  14. 8/10 - not bad I thought considering I was concentrating on Football Manager when Caleyjag asked me the questions lol. Got the Kris boyd goalscoring one wrong along with the Scottish manager one
  15. It's a sad enditement of the club that they had to lose sponsors and have schools pulling out of training days with them before they decided to buckle under the pressure and suspend him, they didn;t even cave in to public or media pressure, it all came down to money!!! They should have done the decent thing and suspended him as soon as he was charged pending and internal enquiry and when he was found guilty he should have been sacked for gross misconduct and breaching his contract. lets face it if that had been any of us we would have been out of our employment before we even knew about it for the reasons above. Romanov is nothing more than a wanna be dictator who has absolutely no values for himself, the club he runs nor the fans who have the club what they are today, he has basically spat in their face with his actions throughout this whole issue and tried to lay blame everywhere else rather than actually at the foot of the door of the player who has brought shame upon himself and the club. Do the right thing Hearts and sack him, not that I like to see anyone lose their job, but on this occasion there is no option especially considering the circumstances leading to the circus that has followed.
  16. Personally I would say that the centre back position is a priority now, we need at least another two CBs brought in to give us enough stability to either slot in with Rosco or add cover should someone get injured. If we don't and Rosco gets injured then we will be in deep trouble.
  17. Hmmmm I'm not sure, I think it's the arms that do it wish they had of been red or blue to match the collar, black just looks a bit out of place. Don't get me wrong I like it but not sure I love it if thaty makes sense. I'll still buy it though, anything to support the club.
  18. Totally over the top IMHO, get the impression that this is no more than fishing. Can you name a better player who we could get to fill the role that he holds for us at the moment? Proctor isn't any better than Duff, in fact I don't really rate Proctor, yes at times I slagged Duff off for being poor and lumping the ball aimlessly forward but looking back it was in games where the whole team were poor. What I would say about Duff is that positionally he has good awareness and positionally is quite sound, he does need to work on his passing and distribution and if that improved he can offer us an awful lot more, far more than Proctor would who I believe is still there as he wasn't out of contract.
  19. Like Starchief I love Footie Man as well, Caleyjag can't see the enjoyment from it but I certainly can. Went ICT and finished 4th in first season, second season won SPL and League Cup and got knocked out of Europa League in qualifier by Inter Milan, 3rd season won SPL qualified for Champions League group and got Real Madrid, Ajax and Benfica!!! Beat Ajax 3v2 away, beat Benfica 3v2 at home, drew 1v1 away to Real and also 2v2 at home to them too after being 2v0 down, drew 2v2 at home to Ajax and got beat 4v2 away to Benfica, qualified from group and got put out by Tottenham. Signed the following players amongst others on Bosmans or free transfers: David Templeton, Liam Miller, David Goodwillie, Scott Brown, Alaiksander Hleb, Zurab Khizanishvilli, David Healy, Pedro Mendes, Jeremy Clement, Edu. Got offered the Chelsea job so now planning my revolution there and starting ripping them apart lol. The game is awesome and have loved the new changes to it although not sure about watching the match on the match engine, I'm too impatient for it. Don't think there is much that needs to be changed to the game as a whole, the training could be a bit better and more in depth although I do like the match preperation. Also the team talks before/during and after the games could be a little bit more detailed and give you more options for things to say.
  20. While I agree a little with your thoughts on the camorarderie and team spirit it is up to TB to keep this going, I have no doubt in my mind that he can and that he has total belief in himself and the players that he has kept. Like Tree said it is really only 2 big players we are losing that were fixtures in the first team and even then I think most of us knew that from the way RD was in and out of the team he was going to go sooner rather than later. Lets also not forget that our young boys have come through the ranks so have the ICT way instilled in them, I believe this is what TB sees and the nucleus of the first team has been kept together. I know it might not seem like the ICT way but in order to progress in all walks of life we sometimes have to do something we don't want to do. I just think there is more to the releasing of GM and RD than the fans will know and find out other than what we are being told. As for certain players who are free agents, I agree with Scotty please don't sign Colin Samuel, he's not what we need and would not show the ambition that we as the fans want to see from this.
  21. There's not one of those midfielders you would take out the squad for Nick Ross I'm afraid, he's a great talent but needs more nurturing and games to progress further. The boy also needs to bulk up a wee bit to make it at International level. The only one I could see would to leave out would be Barry Bannan but then he has Premiership experience and also is a different kind of player, he is in the squad for the balance. Give Nick another two years and if he keeps on progressing the way he is then he'll be a stick on for the squad, it's just too early yet, let him play some more U21 games. As for Esson he's really unfortunate other keepers play in better leagues although I would have had him in instead of Turner, as a goalkeeper your prime is round about his age as he is showing now. Look at Jim Leighton, lost his place in the squad for years and came back into the fold in his mid 30s if my memory is correct around about the same time Goram was at his best.
  22. It would be interesting to compare our points total to other teams first seasons after being promoted from the First Division, I'm sure someone will know if we are up there with the best or not. Something makes me think Livingston had a stonking season after they were promoted and finshed third?
  23. AYE and not just because of last night, times this season I have been very critical of his influence and performances in games or lack of it and too often the need for Granty to punt the ball long just to get rid of it, Saturday was a prime example although he wasn't the only one. He is a solid centre back with ICT running through his viens and I reckon he would walk through walls if he could for the good of the club but is this one step too far in his eyes? Club captain then stripped of it, told he is needed then released, I do think part of TBs decision was made rashly but it must also have been one that has weighed on his mind for a while. The question is would he want to stay after being told he isn't wanted? I agree with a previous post, if TB can find two better CBs then he is an ample third choice and definately the type of player ICT need around for the good of the club and the good of the younger players but he will need to cut out the long punts that the manager and fans clearly don't like should a miraculous u-turn be made. When I heard the news I said to Caleyjag it is one thing stripping a squad apart but it's another to dice with club legends that the fans regard in the highest esteam as this could be a wrong move towards keeping the backing of the fans, maybe TBs statement last night was to appease the fans or maybe he genuinly believes that his decision has been rash. I do have faith in TB and will back his judgements but would like to see Granty stay.
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