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Everything posted by marks

  1. If the unthinkable were to happen then they could play at TCS, so long as SPL fixtures were given priority over SFL fixtures.
  2. The way things are going that might be as welcome as finding this wrapped up under the tree.
  3. Aye but, Dunfermline have a game in hand and it's only against Celtic.
  4. Is it time to start wearing slip on shoes to matches yet?
  5. 10 years ago, we had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope and Jonny Cash. Now we have no Jobs, no Hope and no Cash. I blame the government.

  6. 10 years ago, we had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope and Jonny Cash. Now we have no Jobs, no Hope and no Cash. I blame the government.

  7. 10 years ago, we had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope and Jonny Cash. Now we have no Jobs, no Hope and no Cash. I blame the government.

  8. Did he though? or is that just another story which has grown wings? More a case of fining someone for getting caught out of position?
  9. ICT 3-1 Clyde (The one where McBain got sent off) Clyde 1-2 Inverness (The one where Partick fans joined us) Livi 4-3 Inverness (the one which would have been top had the Clyde results not been so significant) Celtic 1-3 Inverness (the one where supercaleywentballistic) Inverness 3-2 Celtic (the one where Proctor scored and got sent off)
  10. 1. Robson 2. Cowie 3. Rankin 4. Black 5. Wilson
  11. Here's a prediction for you, old man loses his head and powers go, you should have been looking at the past instead of second guessing the future. http://www.football.co.uk/inverness_caledonian_thistle/sutherland_may_sell_caley_jags_shares_rss1546685.shtml There can be only one.
  12. Are you off yer head? Sutherland has stated he is willing to sell his shares, why would he want to get involved in a power struggle?
  13. I guess thinking about it like that Scotty it would be a bit of a work up but like you say I am sure the concept could be simplified. I like tm4tj's idea of a fair play award.
  14. I have been reading about the player of the year polls run by the website, it got me to thinking that it might be a nice touch to award points in the same manner to opposition teams, that way we could award a player who has performed particularly well against us over the season with a small token/award. I would imagine this would be the first fansite to do so in Scotland and might raise the profile of our fans as leaders amongst our peers. Thoughts?
  15. Post edited because Scotty is correct in the following post, no need to get involved in anything other than the topic of discussion. I believe that Terry and Mo getting contract extensions will turn out to be a good decision, however I still hold reservations about the timing of the announcement and the fact that it seems to fly in the face of comments made by TB himself during the transfer window. I hope that this is just the beginning of a building process which will see the same faith shown in TB and MM being shown in the playing staff, after all the playing staff have been chosen by TB and MM.
  16. Sounds like advocating for the devil if you ask me. That scenario is being implanted in others minds by yourself. Marks said>> Why is it down to the fans to create confidence in the team rather than the other way around? The confidence from the fans is gained by the team/management not being knocked at every opportunity. The teams performance also gives out confidence to the fans. It's a two way thing. They play rubbish we get on their backs, we drag them down all the time they find it difficult to get out of the rut. Accept that sometimes there are no hidden agendas in things that happen. Not everyone/everything has an ulterior motive. I don't need to re-read your post thanks, once is enough, and if the cap fit's then wear it. No, I think that what I have given is a fair assessment. I am looking at all scenarios, others are looking only for positives. Ying and Yang, if you have only a one sided view you have a false view. As for the confidence issue there is a world of difference between confidence and support, eg I am going to support Scotland (via the TV set) in their next two matches but I have little confidence in them winning their group, hope yes confidence no. Please tell me where I have slated the team/ management, I have raised issues and given reasons behind my issues, to get back to Scotty's point you have not addressed issues which I or anyone else has raised you have only taken the points people have made and slated individual posters for addressing possible negative outcomes, even going as far as to put ideas into people's minds of ulterior motives. Who is playing devil's advocate? Nor have I claimed there are ulterior motives from the club, just an apparent lack of preparing for the worst.
  17. Yes, I'd be happy to see him stay if the worst was to happen but I'd like to think that he'd drop down to the wage structure of SFL clubs, this is my main concern. If there is a clause in the contracts to this end then without doubt I would not have as much confidence in any other management team's ability to do so, they have a proven record as far as that is concerned. However our squad's contract status is not as strong as the last time, if we dropped we'd lose players and we would need as much money as possible for the playing staff's budget to make a realistic challenge. Hopefully this would not happen but I believe it has to be a consideration.
  18. The term, which was from yourself, was actually "sitting rock bottom" and I had inferred that to mean what I said in my post which is not necessarily the case. My error, apologies. However, I still believe that this is good news as it should still any rumblings or uncertainties, at least for a while. Then again, when things really are tough, no manager ever wants to hear a Club spokesperson say " . . . . has the full confidence of the Board . . . " as that is usually an indicator of this: !!! Thanks for the apology, green dot for that. I meant exactly what I typed we are sitting rock bottom in no way do I think we deserve to be rooted there, nor do I think it is beyond our ability to get off the bottom but it is a possibility that we could find ourselves there at the end of the season and this should be a consideration when planning for the future, we have no idea of the terms of the contracts which have been awarded but I do think that if they were to remain contracts of SPL value and we were to find ourselves an SFL club once again that would be a serious misjudgement.
  19. You are correct this is a move by the club which was done from a positive perspective, it is a move which shows commitment to the management team, my original point though is not one of negativity for the sake of negativity as your post here would seem to be hinting at, I am thinking that Butcher himself said (during the transfer window) that the way things are in the game short contracts are the way to go at this time for reasons already discussed on this forum. It seems a little hypocritical that management should be offered extensions to their contracts when players have the uncertainty of short term contracts hanging over them, everyone knows that playing careers are short so why give players even more doubt with short contracts? Why not raise their confidence by giving them longer terms also? Why is it down to the fans to create confidence in the team rather than the other way around? We have already taken the big step backwards through relegation, then moved forwards through a great season last year, do we have to go backwards and forwards in alternative seasons? I am not trying to play devil's advocate, I am genuinely wanting to know why this has been announced now. If I was to play devil's advocate I would ask if this is a move to build confidence in the fans given our league position rather than a move to build confidence within the team. For the record I do not believe this to be the case. As I said before, what is good for the goose should be good for the gander and if the club feel that players should only be given short term contracts for financial reasons then the same should go for the management team. If players are seen as a financial risk and are kept on due to performance then the same should go for coaching staff. I hope that the club answer my concerns now by proving me wrong and showing the same level of commitment to the playing staff as they have to the coaching staff. I would also hope that you could take the time to reread my posts and take notice of the positive aspects within them instead of picking up on the negative aspects and dwelling on them.
  20. That's not what really people are questioning. Seven weeks into a season is a funny time to offer new deals - when things become clearer in January, that would have been more appropriate. When the league is the bread and butter for clubs then league position should be the first thought of the directors, I was going to rant about poor running of the club but that would be wrong since I have not seen the quote in it's full context.
  21. Who said we are "firmly rooted to the bottom of the table"? From what I can see anyone speaking out against the wisdom of offering contracts at this stage has also acknowledged that, given good results, we could turn this position around in a few games and have said so before you took the time to recap the league position for us. Think back to the Brewster sacking, when fans started calling for his departure we had not even hit the bottom position, I am not suggesting that we sack Butcher and I do not believe anyone has suggested that. What is being suggested is that offering a new contract when things are so uncertain may have been the wrong move, should things not improve, and consider that the teams immediately above us are showing signs of improvement too, then it could end up being a costly exercise. Like any other fan I hope beyond hope for my team to do well but I question the logic of offering contracts to an underperforming management team who had refused to give contracts to a couple of our better performing players just a few months earlier, Butcher may be a legend but so were Munro and Duncan. Legend status should not be a consideration in the extension of contracts, results should be, this decision could have waited, this decision should have waited.
  22. I agree with you DALNEIGHCALEY, this is a ludicrous time to be handing out new contracts while we are sitting at the foot of the table, total madness!!!! That fella Laurence was ridiculed by almost everyone on here but this decision beggers belief IMO it really does, he's probably having a right good chuckle at this tonight I personally would have waited till January before discussions took place that way we would have had more first team players back from injury and hopefully be in a much healthier league position If results improve and we start to climb the table that is the time to dish out rewards not when we are on the back foot, check my previous posts as i've already stated this opinion on a previous thread in case i get accused off fishing As usual the site admin and moderating team can only see nothing but positives my advice to them would be its time they entered the real world and accept there are some of us who are not scared to voice our opinions because it differs from theirs dougal Good post, I too believe that January would have been a better time to announce this, our place in the table could quite easily look a whole lot better after 3 or 4 good results and other results going our way conversely it could look a hell of a lot worse given some bad luck and a run of form for our rivals. I believe that signing TB and MM up for an extended spell in charge is probably a good thing but there are too many things which could go wrong and end up stretching our modest budget to breaking point. Could you not post without dragging things to a personal level in discussions which are valid and worthy of discussion? I usually sit back and don't comment unless I feel it is merited, I do however read most threads on here and you have a lot of good stuff to say, yes you get a fair bit of flaming some of which is undeserved but in some cases you get what you deserve.
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