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Everything posted by TheresNoEsInBlack

  1. I've read this entire f*cking thread and I still don't know who we're playing.
  2. Would it be going too far to say that Brew threw the game to make his point with Black?
  3. The police maybe didn't explain themselves properly when they came up the first time. I noticed they did say to sit down at that time, however they let the boys stand almost till the end of the game. Remember I asked the policewoman what the script was and she told me that it was because of the goading between the fans that they had come up. ps. Fluffy sheep are wonderful, but f*ckin them is where its at.
  4. Aye, quite agree with that. The Lothians & Borders Police were totally out of order this afternoon, both inside and outside the ground. After the match four mounted officers "shepherded" a small group of young ICT fans down Dalry Road towards Haymarket Station and none too pleasantly either. This left a very bad taste in the mouth indeed. Pity they wouldn't concentrate their efforts on the real louts and criminals. Young lads of course can't fight back like some of the gangsters they're too feart to take on. Quite disgusting. :008: I'm gonna be unpopular for saying this but here goes... I think the cops are takin a bit too much flak here. I was sitting at the end of the row next to the lads who got flung out and I had a word with the female officer (who was thoroughly decent) after she had spoken to the boys the first time just before half time. She agreed with me that the banter between sets of fans was sublime but what they had the problem with was not that the boys were standing up, but goading the other fans (both groups were doing it) who were only seperated from each other by a rotund steward (the sex offender) who couldnt have sprung into action with a written invitation never mind if a fight had broken out and another steward who was also totally anonymous until the cops came up. I even heard her get on the radio and tell her gaffer that nothing outrageous was being said and the boys should be left alone. She was being chatty because she wanted to find out where the boys had come from (obviously thought I might know - I didn't) and she knew they hadn't come down on a supporter's bus, so they'd been watching everyone since before they even got into the stadium. What she said to me was that they didn't want to spoil the craic and thats why they didn't tell the boys to sit down the first time they were spoken to. She was also talking about what they can do with fans who don't do as they're asked i.e. remove the entire row of fans resulting in the loss of those fan's home ground season tickets. So the cops were giving the boys plenty chances. Anyway, the game went on and Hearts scored and a couple of our boys jumped into the stairs and started winding up the Hearts fans (one of whom got his badge of honour by getting flung out right at the end). If they hadn't done that the police wouldn't have come back up. Fair play to the older folk who stood up and stuck up for the boys because they thought they were being harrassed for standing but the fact is they weren't being picked on for standing, it was because of the "aye, come on then, outside now, lets go" chat that was going back and forth between the fans. It also didn't help that the boys didnt do what they were told by the 8 foot tall copper without being told 3 times. I mean come on lads, you're not gonna win in that situation no matter how many white lightnings you've put away ;) As I said already the atmosphere was great and it was made by the boy's songs. I was creasing myself for half the game with the "you look like a sex offender", "oh f*ckin sheep is wonderful", "HIV capital" and "glad to hear you're still alive" shouts. Keep it up next time but be cool in front of the cops lads. Fair enough, the stewards often pick on folk because they're d1cks but the cops don't get involved without a reason.
  5. A fine young player called Ian Black came to play for us. He is very good and as such the fans began to sing a song... One E in Black, Theres only one E in Black, One E in Bla-ack You get the idea
  6. Clacher mun, Sure, listen to what everyone on all sides have to say but always question their motives for saying something and never believe any of it because its only somewhere in the middle that you're going to get the truth. When someone tells you something (anything at all) it's only their version of what they believe to be the truth that you're getting. You have to find your own version of the truth and you won't find it from a conspiracy theorist, dude. Peace out.
  7. The fact that it would be so hard to cover up is the only reason I could be bothered to mention because if I mentioned all the evidence for landing on the moon I'd be writing a book on the subject. The evidence for is overwhelming if you look beyond the gash hoax websites. I'd be interested to hear some of the things you believe that make you think it was a hoax. Can you give some examples, clacher?
  8. If I was sitting on top of a giant firework about to be blasted into the unknown I'd fully expect to be killed too. Especially when its all part of a political race against another superpower economy.
  9. I've been to the Kennedy Space Center and have seen the astronaut's memorial which holds all the names of the astronauts who died in the space race of the 1960's and since (I know the Apollo 1 astronauts were burned to death and knew all about it - sorry to be so grim), so I just feel that this conspiracy theory is downright disrespectful to their memory and good on Buzz Aldrin (who risked his feckin life and must have been sh1t scared at some points) for putting the smackdown on that God-fearing sh1tebag of a guy. Anyway, there is no way that if it was staged that it could have been kept a secret for so long. So many people would have had to know about it and even if Prince Phillip or "The Man" went round all of them and threatened to kill their family if they spoke, someone involved with nothing to lose would have said something by now. http://www.amfcse.org/Those%20Honored.htm
  10. Available to go where? Inverness? If that's what you mean I don't see him leaving a team sitting 3rd in the league and taking a wage cut to come back to us instead of staying and fighting for his place.
  11. I don't think any of us are getting any pleasure out of the club at the moment. If we didn't at least have a laugh about it we'd feckin cry.
  12. I think the only one worth giving yourself a shake over on this thread is Natasha. The Irish girl on The One Show... Christine Bleakley, is magically babelicious. If she were a president she'd be Baberaham Lincoln.
  13. I'd be happy for us just to score a goal, the way we're playing
  14. I didn't seriously think they should all take thermals. It was just an excuse to rip the erse out them, ye dig me bro? ;)
  15. I totally disagree. Ours is a wee club but it is run in a sustainable way so the chances of us ending up like Gretna are slim.
  16. How many of us I wonder, would go away on a bus trip (or any type of trip) lasting approx 3 to 4 days and not take a change of clothes? Manky, manky b*stards. http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/news/display...2095341.0.0.php
  17. Yeah, and its the journalist's job to dig deeper when they hear a rumour to see if they can substantiate it. IMO I don't believe they're trying hard enough.
  18. Companies pay their employees as little as possible for as long as possible and only fork out any extra when they absolutely have to (e.g. when staff start walking or threaten to walk). I don't think our club will be any different and I wouldn't be surprised if the club has not offered the players a bonus plan that is realistic. The club have a thrifty attitude which has stood us in good stead so far, however the players are getting p1ssed off... Bayne(?) was on about the players getting more money for getting us and keeping us in the SPL when his contract was up for renewal, so if he's saying it they're ALL thinking it. I hope the club see them alright to keep them happy in order for the core of the team to stay intact. Having a "be all you can be" attitude is great but its not when your employer is ripping the erse out you!! Regards, Slightly Cynical Employee of the Month
  19. I don't even bother reading the sport section of the Courier when I'm home as it tells me nothing that I don't already know. Its like the official ICT Newsletter. The real story about Rankin or Parky leaving would've made good reading.
  20. If the players are thinking that because they've not been given an incentive then they are quite right! I wouldn't finish a work project early if there was nothing in it for me. Put an incentive in front of me though and I will set my stall out and work my socks off ;) The club should not have the players in a situation where they end up worse off by winning. :33: Its just common sense!
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