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12th Man

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Everything posted by 12th Man

  1. Panic over Broadfoot is back in training Another few weeks and hes going to try boiling one
  2. Was Mike Noble still with us when the I was added to ICT.
  3. Graham Bayne CIS cup away to Arbroath. Barry Wilson TSC against Dunfermiline replay semi.
  4. IF MM can have a quiz night for the boys,why cant we. How many ex ICT players have you seen turn up to watch ICT play,can you name them and who were we playing against. Who's the first to name any from the Well game.
  5. I hope all you mentalists do the team proud yet again at Killy. We may not have out numbered the well fans but definitely out sung them. The players and the fans made it well worth the trek.
  6. I used to be as indecisive as you but now I'm not so sure?
  7. The permutations are IF Kevin Kyle takes a knock from all our players with no cards shown. IF All the AWAY support nutters turn up. IF The fans who don't usually travel to away games turn up, as it is the second last game of the season and ICT need us there. = CALEY THISTLE GO BALLISTIC.
  8. What outcomes in all the games tomorrow would see us safe? Is it only if Falkirk lose and we win? Because Falkirk and St Mirren are still to play each other if either team loses its impossible for both teams to finish higher than us in the league. If we get 1 more win=39 points from Motherwell or Killy,the most 1 of the 2 teams mentioned could get is 38 If St Mirren or Falkirk lose on Wednesday.
  9. If you are going on the pitch remember to take a rake with you, may as well tidy the place up a bit at the same time. I'm running on with some lawn feed.
  10. If you look at KB's map, I've always been able to park on Manse Road or thereabouts. Thanks for that Not long now, If we win and Falkirk or St Mirren loose it will be impossible for both of those 2 teams to overtake us.
  11. His consistency has dropped slightly but he still has my full support,who else would you rather have as the last man when we are up the park. I think his biggest opponent is himself, If he can get himself on his side he will be an outstanding player.
  12. Me too, if I can pick up some work in the central belt, Wed, Thur. Where is a good place to park. I know its easy to just say 'anywhere near the ground' probably from M8 east direction.
  13. http://www.motherwellfc.co.uk/index.php?op...&Itemid=203 Motherwell ticket prices.
  14. If we beat Hamilton, one more win guarantees survival. If we drew out next game (not accies) and results went our way would we still be safe??? The hypothetical relegation bar has now dropped from 41 to 40, IF St Mirren or Falkirk lose midweek it drops to 38, so a win and a Motherwell draw would guarantee we are OK on 39. I personally think a team will drop on 35 or 36 points.
  15. If we beat Hamilton, one more win guarantees survival.
  16. Ive retrieved this from the free bus to the Hamilton away game. This time its not free and you will probably have to join the Supporters club. Survival could be guaranteed at either of these two games. ps the Motherwell game will be leaving later than 10 am Ladyf To Clarify bus information to Hamilton on Saturday 17th January 2009 1. Buses can only be booked by phoning Kath on 07715 833250 - you cannot just turn up on the day and expect to get a seat. 2. Buses leave the stadium (away car park) at 10am prompt 3. One bus will be organised to pick up at Aviemore Police Station (if you want picked up here make sure you say so when you book) 4. Absolutely no alcohol is permitted on any bus (this is the law) and anyone under the influence of alcohol will not be permitted to travel to or from the game (this is also the law). Several times in the past buses have been searched by the police. 5. Buses will stop at Perth bus station for approximately half an hour going to and from the game (time may vary depending on road /traffic conditions). There will be no other stops for smoke breaks or any other reason (buses have toilets on them). All buses are non smoking. 6.No foul or abusive language will be tolerated. 7. On this occasion you will not be required to join the Supporters Club to travel. Please book as soon as possible as this will give me best opportunity to organise the buses. Coming back the buses will be organised to stop at Raigmore Hospital, Falcon Square and the Stadium only. If you require any further information contact Kath on the above number
  18. Fortress Longman ? What would be a better nickname for TCS, Somewhere that none wants to go, fears and dreads, No IHE, I'm not talking about the gum clinic. I was thinking more along the lines of the Death Star. Any better suggestions.
  19. Jimmy, Jimmy that subway was this long and I did'nt even chew, I just pushed it down my throat like this Jimmy, it was agony Jimmy and I went agggghhhhh Jimmy. Jimmy Nicol 'I'm sick of that subway story'
  20. Strange match, 2-0 up with the Gers coach shouting to his players not to give up, (as it looked like they had given up) and we lose 3-2, I missed the first goal, good build up play for the second.
  21. Just noticed on the official website that the reserves are playing Rangers today 2pm TCS free entry.
  22. Can anyone think of any NEW goal calebrations ? http://talent.itv.com/videos/video/item_200080.htm
  23. The team doesn't get a lift by shouting at a TV The league finishes on the 23rd so no more football for months, may as well make the most of it.
  24. The prices for the Motherwell match are To Be Confirmed so with any luck it may be a reduced price too.
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