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Everything posted by wyness_is_god

  1. What a shame it didnt work out for Sebo 2 goals in 32 appeareances :015: Rory will be an obvious replacement :023: :sillywave:
  2. There is indeed 3, Brewster, Robbo and Pele. Charlie cant re-apply and baltacha does'nt realise journey times on the A9 between Inverness and Perth have been cut down :sillywave:
  3. Brewster would be a step backwards, he's a glorified fitness coach not a manager!. Warnock is a must he would be everything this club needs, no nonsense, has a huge passion for the game, wants his club to do well and isn't afraid to speak the truth. If there is indeed any player disharmony in the dressing room that would be sorted out, players would be put in their place and players would realise the truth hurts a lot of the time, But it would be for the better. Downsides are of course his controversy, but it could also be a good thing, Referees come up to Inverness on a power trip and they would soon get told what their thought of which may end up being a good thing in the longterm as the SFA currently play a blind eye to these things, they might actually sit up and take some notice. I'm sure Celtic and Rangers will get brought down a peg or two in the way they cheat their ways through every match, Warnock wont be afraid to point it out and wont let it drop as easily as some other managers may do. If Warnock was to become the manager we would definitely be a top 6 team i think, we have the players to do it and he would get that out of them. As for him maybe not knowing the Scottish game, Maybe not but he can learn and he'll more likely have more contacts in the game than Brewster for players and I'm sure if geography is a problem, Warnock would be able to sell the area better than Brewster to future transfer targets. The final plus point over Brewster is, at least (unless I've missed something somewhere) Warnock has actually spoke about wanting the job! :021:
  4. Pele is the only manager i would have back too , admittedly it would take a bit of getting used to, but he's a far better option than bringing Brewster back.
  5. Hopefully someone at the club will pass on a printout of this thread to him :021: Arab4ever you'l be surprised :018: , not only does/did he read it...before he became manager he posted on it, he knows the messageboard exists if he wants to visit it :003: [modbreak=admin comment]this post may appear slightly out of context - its because, as advised we have removed an earlier comment that doesnt fit the rules for this thread[/modbreak]
  6. What about Caley's favourite ever manager, OK he's never been our manager but he's brought us one of the biggest results of our history :015: The one and only John Barnes :sillywave: It is actually quite scary looking through all these names and seeing how many are out of a job :010: Arab4ever your clubs been through a **** of a lot of managers this decade :001: which ones should we avoid ? :blah01:
  7. Stuart McCall :tic01: Not been mentioned yet, doing a great job it looks down at Bradford City, only a few places higher than relegation to the conferance :017: Well i'll be stupid aswell if people are mentioning Nairn managers :029:
  8. Amazing what can be done with extravagent amounts of money at a lower level. Alexander has been found out, anyway he's got a 5year rolling contract and still thinks he's the manager of Gretna doesnt he ? :015:
  9. Do Hagi and Popescu speak English, we dont want to end up like Hearts with 2 managers in the stand, an assistant in the dugout and a translator playing football manager with a real club acting as the go between!
  10. I'd happily give Shearer a chance if he was interested and got the job, However as trivial as it maybe, Im thinking he'd be looking at an English club if any, He'd also want to dissapear off to Newcastle the minute he starts doing well and the toon army turn on Allardyce, plus I honestly dont think we'd be able to match his BBC wage for MOTD especially with the European Championships at the end of this season if :sillywave: England :sillywave: were to actually get there.
  11. Thankyou Charlie for all your efforts with the club both as a player and a manager, through the good times and the bad times. You've been on a journey with us and its a sad day today having you get off :019: I hope you continue to grace Caledonian Stadium with your presence as a supporter once things in your private life and the media have settled down and who knows, One day if the position arises you may feel like being able to give it a 2nd shot. For all the long days into keeping the club in the SPL last season and bringing a great great night on December 27th when we exceeded ourselfs by beating Rangers in the SPL in Inverness.....I thank you good sir. :clapping04: :clapping04: :clapping02: :clapping02: Keep the ball to your head and don't lose any passion for the game :football01:
  12. Bishop Briggs ? not another new club for us to beat in a competitive competition :029: Think you meant Borough Briggs :003: I agree about the wage thing that players should be able to accept a star signing on a higher wage than them, I also think if i was one of them I would be pretty much peed off that I'm not at least getting a rise (doesn't have to be to the same amount, just a rewarding amount) myself to show that the club are happy that I'm contributing to the team, I'd also be the first one to stand up and say look if someone is playing poorly they should also be getting a wage that merits that poor performance, the sad thing is players have a set wage at the start of contract and for that to be changed a new contract must be offered, so players rely on "win bonuses" , "goal bonuses", "clean sheet bonuses", whatever is offered to be rewarded and this will always happen in football its part and parcel of a game, If a player thinks he's better than that he must be thinking he's better than the club...No :018:No player is better than the club, Accept yer wage and get on with it, if you don't like it ask for a transfer and see how far you get, The club can do without pre-madonnas in the dressing room.
  13. Find an online Lithuanian translator and have a stab at the Hearts job, you'l most likley get it :015:
  14. Start up a Gr?tna in a country where work permits are not a footballing issue :tic01: nah, i'd enjoy it while it lasts before it goes where the rest of my money ends up, Girlfriends favourite shop tills :crazy07:
  15. :017: I'll have whatever your drinking :drinking02: Get a coffee down ya fast :sillywave: :001:
  16. SPL's Biggest Shock of the season as Charlie leaves before the Hearts manager :sillywave: :sillywave: :003:
  17. Not intended to be Defamatory, Just an opinion as a concerned supporter of the football club :003: If the man wants to prove me wrong I along with others who would like to know what it is exactly he does/has done for the club since arriving, I probably would be willing to listen as-long as it wasn't Romanov-anesque in riddles just to keep the fan happy. Apologises to Smith if it does come across that way its not intended.
  18. :clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03:
  19. Given our usual of pulling an unlikely name out of a hat, and given Pressley has a lot of playing experience, also from Elgin so he could be a shot in the dark and would probably have no problems relocating up here. But is he/will he be needed too much at Celtic this season to take the gamble. He's not scared of putting an opinion about the ones higher up than him (take the crap with Hearts for instance) and as a Centre Back to give it a go as a Player/Manager would be the answer to our CB problem until he manages to sign a player with the quality to take over from him in defence. Probably wont happen, I can think of worse people to be thinking about but he would be accepted by the fans i think ?.
  20. We have Rory for that now :sillywave: Brewster to return i hope not, i really hope not, He proved when he left us he could'nt manage a team going down the pan, Why on earth should we allow him to come to this one, The "ship" he joined us on the first time round is not cruising anymore, a Glacier (can think of many more names for the problem) has hit us, Let him stay at Aberdeen and take them into further trouble when Jimmy Calderwood gets shown the door.
  21. I have come to the decision that the post i had here is an unfair opinion, pretty silly of me to put in public and after having a re-thought , obviously my feelings were running High and said something that could have been regretted later on, I have decided to re-edit this for all concerned with my apologies. :003: I would also like to make no further comment on the situation.
  22. Was there a specific reason for the removal or just an ask ? I hope its not true and he does stay because I think if given the chance he can turn it around, on the other flip of the coin if it is down to the stress and affecting his health/family then I hope he does what is right for him and hold his head up as he leaves because he has done a good job under a big pressure. Its alright saying he's not up to the job on here every week, but them cowards behind the keyboard/in the stands doing that are not the ones that's taken a gamble and gone from a raffle manager to an SPL manager at a club where geography is unfortunately a problem in attracting players and always will be. Hopefully he does stay, but I do know of one thing (which I'm not commenting on) that is of nothing to do with P&B or Late to bed County Fans :sillywave: that suggests this "resignation" is true, then again hopefully it might just be a timing coincidence. But I think we should expect it and if tomorrow comes and there is nothing in the media about resigning then we carry on as normal :003: If its been asked to be hidden for a reason then fair enough this will also be deleted and im guessing Its probably most likley true, otherwise a rumour should be able to be commented about true or untrue.
  23. Were only 3 games into the season! 1 point below Aberdeen, 2Pt's below the Lithuanian Circus and in our 3 defeats we've been beat by Rangers who were much better than when they came here last season under Paul LeGuen. Admittedly the results against Well and Saints have been bad but Well are under a new manager from last season who said himself we played better than them despite losing. If were struggling 10 games into the season then lets have this debate, We've been slow off the block many seasons before in the lower leagues and always come out of it, have some belief in the players to turn it around.
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