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Everything posted by wyness_is_god

  1. I'd be thinking what's wrong with the frigid b1tch if she did'nt wanna sleep with me :015:
  2. It's like something off the Friday Night Project's News :015: as Alan Carr would say, Going up this week - ***** Theft :017: WTF :001: :015: Its a slow day im thinking for the news storys, but is this seriously believable and happening in the Congo :010: cancels holiday plan for Africa :029: although it could be an idea for anyone wanting a pay-out from insurance for an accident whilst abroad :001:
  3. RIG - I think, If i did take her back, I would always have that niggling feeling going on where im asking myself , is she cheating again. :029: But to answer your question, having always seen the best in people (maybe im very naive) i'd probably not bring it up in conversation with her about cheating but trusting her again would be a long process and she would have to win that trust. DBS - thats where i would like to think she'l have learnt from her mistake of going to a "better offer" KB - If i was 100% wanting back with her your right i would'nt be asking advice, i'd be doing it... but heart says one thing, head is being arrogant and sees getting back with her as a challenge. :029: Its going to take a lot of weighing up the pros and cons i think , but all advice has been/is much appreciated :022: The striking issue i have, is do i want to risk getting hurt again but then thats the same stepping into any relationship, but if i was to be fecked about again would i rather it happend with someone whos done it before or someone i have to completley go through the process of getting together with someone new, make plans with, go through good and bad times with, just to be hit for 6 by the same hurt in somebody else i've put faith in.
  4. From the statement, Mr Fraser said:"It is with both humility and commitment that I have accepted this task. This club has brought SPL football to the Highlands and has shown how to operate in a sensible fashion. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :015: :015: :015: :015: :015: :029:
  5. Without going too far into it as this is not the jeremy kyle show :015: lets just say, i was alerted to her cheating on me, but never found the proof, however too many arguments followed it due to a lack of trust, yet the proof could be she was in another relationship within a month of us splitting (maybe just a coincidence) but shes not in that relationship anymore and now she wants me back. JB its that time that worrys me, if i aint quick enough she might think im not interested and move on again :crazy07: and although i could string her along till i decide that personally would'nt make me any better than she was.
  6. Would'nt blame Marius in the slightest if he wanted to get well away from the club now, the fact he's been pawned about like a piece of meat in political style chess game by those running/previously running the club is a sick joke, the sooner the squabbling has stopped and the players future is decided one way or another the better for Marius and everybody else concerned i think.
  7. Certainly comes across as a decent guy when speaking to him, met him one night last season on a train heading out of Inverness to the east when Buckie had just come back from Wick/Brora/Fort William or somewhere like that and I'd just come up the road from an away game, he saw the matchday programme that i was carrying, realising it was from ICT's away game and took time out to ask about the game how caley had gone on and if they played well stuff like that, certainly did'nt give the impression of having no time for ICT or arrogance towards the club. :003: Sorry to see the guy has been axed from Buckie, makes ya wonder how they can sack a manager who's doing so well at highland league level winning trophey's and being 2nd in the league, yet we had to put up with that long winless run at SPL level under Brewster.
  8. he will have been paid for this season, but after todays revelations its unknown whether the club has paid it, i was like many under the impression this years wages came from Savage and Orion. over his 2 year contract if we were to keep him next season (as i think we may end up doing) then that will be if the ?5000 is correct = to ?520,000 which would fit in with what Sutherland is saying about ?500-600,000
  9. Wages of allegedly ?5000 a week over a 52 week year for a 2 year contract, you do the maths :004:
  10. ya dont hold back do ya just say how ya really feel about him :001:
  11. was under the impression it was denmark again under brewster. maybe the club should just stay at home and sort out the mess its in.
  12. Given Brewster's record, it cant hurt trying :015: Welcome aboard Rev :001:
  13. Chick Young "Exclusives" anybody ? :029:
  14. :015: :015: :015: Very true CaleyD, but somebody may have been through the same situation and may have vast knowledge of the goods and bads of it :001: on the other hand some may just like to laugh at another persons situation :018: Yngwie :010: ICT getting back together with Brewster :010: I'd go as far of as the question Sh@g, Marry or Cliff.... They should have cliffed him :015:
  15. Yet we can count on 1 hand how many times a ref has been punished :029:
  16. Same problems are gonna eventually resurface :029: Head says one thing, Heart says another :crazy07: Knowing the ex has been with someone else since splitting up :029: Yet the ex has apologised for all wrong doings and suggests it can work and be better than the last time (heard it all before lol) :012: And ya know-reckon (with a bit of arrogance and ego) your upto the challenge the ex has just suggested of trying again :015: Deep down though ya just know ya gonna have to risk getting hurt if ya do go back, and then the ex kind of then has an advantage as they've won ya back despite everything. Thing is, i would usually be shouting NO dont go back at this point (if it was someone else) but really i dont think i've lost all feelings for this woman :023: So question i ask you guys, Is it ever the right thing to do, getting back together with an ex ? seriously guys..yer advice is needed :001:
  17. Following Zander Diamond's blast at the dodgy official Ian Brines, who disallowed a perfectly legitimate goal against Celtic at the weekend, and the referee has been in most the papers admitting this "mistake" conveniently which could have a say in where the title of the SPL ends up should Rangers go and feck it all up. And also a point which (in aberdeen's wildest dreams) could end up costing the sheep molesters a place in europe. My belief is Zander will still get into hot water with the SFA?SPL? over his outburst. Should he still be punished now that the referee has admitted he was wrong ? , afterall Diamond was correct in what he said about the referee making such a huge mistake. Does punishing him go against the rights of free speech as far as footballers and managers are concerned when they say in interviews time and time again that they felt a referee was wrong.
  18. What a farcical and embarrasing situation :029: we'll probably end up being investigated for tax fraud next on unseen hidden wages :014: Is that guy who wants to buy a club and rename it Harchester United still around, Heres a football club for ya :sillywave:
  19. :clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03:
  20. Just aswell were not an old club, with all the sh1te going on this season, that alone would be a reason to have a club chaplain, the clubs past spirits would be spinning in their graves :007: Ah Bless, all the players can goto him when they have a problem :014: try living without your footballers wage then yal have problems :blah01: :sillywave:
  21. Another day on the English calender for arselicking 1966 :023: , anyone would think the English won the world cup that year :sillywave:
  22. No Charlie Miller did :015: ok Brew signed him but only when tipped off by Miller :016:
  23. Leaving Hastings and Imrie out and putting Vigurs in at left back ??? :017: Craig is that you ?
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