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Jack Waddington

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Everything posted by Jack Waddington

  1. Anthony is in on a permanent deal. And as you are suggesting we drop Martin MacKinnon or Cammy Mackay, Aaron Cervantes, who plays for the USA U-17 team, is there to be the backup between the sticks.
  2. Can see Storey and Carson going back down south in the summer, and unless he can nail down a new offer, Doran going across the bridge. The remainder of the youth call ups of 2019 will likely be the starters next season assuming they haven't been picked off by League One or Two sides. Anthony McDonald is more than likely going nowhere as he's literally just signed on. As for players coming in, I think Nick Ross could be making a return, as if I remember right there was issues regarding Visa renewals and is leaving Old El Paso come the summer, and Glenn Middleton and/or Aaron Cervantes coming in on loan from Rangers.
  3. Think our best bets for any transfer income, are probably Roddy and MacKay. Sold off any chance of extra income before the summer when we ditched our promising youth players and let them go on frees to the Highland League, with Matheus Machado being the only one benefiting and going off to Liga NOS in Portugal.
  4. Swear to god they can't get anything right. Ordered that exact top, and in all fairness, it looks practically identical...minus the Le Coq badge...and the fact you couldn't fit a pineapple through the neck hole if you tried... Fired them a DM when I got it, and they responded a few days later they would send a replacement and a free 1994 replica (god knows why, but not exactly going to complain about that, 3 shirts for ~30 smackers isn't exactly an awful deal), but that was on the 18th, and a follow-up on the 2nd said that it should be with me in a few weeks. At the end of the day, not even going to bother buying again, even if they do try to buy my praise with a free shirt...absolute waste and sit waiting for days for a PR response when you question anything that's not about an enquiry...
  5. Must...resist...urge...to make jokes about their coaches...
  6. Wonder if there's any (albeit extremely small) chance that the Tier System will be reintroduced by the time the Buckie game goes ahead, and fans can return in small numbers, which could also mean there might be a very small amount of fans at the derby game too. What's the Tier 1 requirements this time? We were (If I remember right) at about 24 cases per 100,000 people, before Boxing Day.
  7. Dunno why I only thought of it now, and why it wasn't mentioned prior, but perhaps it could be used as a Tifo (or whatever it's called) like they have in the Bundesliga for Pre-match displays.
  8. Speaking of which, I saw somebody selling a programme of tonight's game on eBay. I'd understand it if it was a couple years later, but it's pretty much they've bought it, opened the envelope it came in and immediately put it up on eBay...
  9. Why is Daniel shooting from there? There's no space to get the shot through whatsoever. Keep going wide then swing it into the mixer rather than taking a wild shot
  10. Davey Carson motioning that Craig Gordon smells bad. And would that surprise me? No, no it would not.
  11. Ngl the way we're playing, I'd be more than happy for Neil to take over when Robbo decides to call it a day. Can't remember the last time I saw us playing this smoothly...
  12. Was going to make a joke about Montrose away days next season but I remembered we're mid table...
  13. Aren't the youth teams/development practically shut down at this stage? Don't really see that as being a reason to turn down being a caretaker manager for a couple weeks until the big man is happy to return or (at the most extreme case and hopefully doesn't happen) resigns from his role.
  14. Rather disappointing that there still hasn't been any word on the Challenge Cup Final, either. At this stage it's looking like it'll be a Summer Fixture
  15. Neither, was just using it to show comparison that a club on a similar level to us is willing to go above and beyond for their support, while our club seemingly don't give a sod unless they can manage to extract money from it. Start of the month the club was (at lack of better word) begging for people to buy souvenir tickets for the Hearts game, and everyone responded incredibly. Yet since the start of the season the entire fanbase, who forked out £200+ for a season they couldn't even attend, has been complaining after every game about the terrible streaming quality, just to be met with a half arsed "yeah it's running fine" as a response, and I'm pretty sure nearly everyone has given up watching the streams at this stage due to incessant buffering, stream delay, jumps and a multitude of issues outwith the viewers control, and it ultimately going nowhere because the club seemingly refuse (more likely ignore, mind you) to fix ANY issue brought forward by the fans except that bald lino, which only got sorted because of our 15 minutes of fame. Could have a list that's taller than me at just shy of 6ft1, that goes over every single issue that's happened since day one, and maybe two have been fixed. "Bin the commentator", "move the camera to stop the lens flare", "move the camera to the other side of the park for a better view", "get replays sorted" are among a mountain of suggestions which have all been flat out ignored. Apologies for the rant, but my god does the topic do my head in.
  16. Just saw this on Twitter... Queens fans get their names on a shirt as thanks for buying a season ticket, as well as it being free for them. What do we get as thanks for buying a season ticket? A brief letter at the start of the season, then ignored when we complain about the streaming service constantly failing. I'm aware money isn't great right now, but this shows the distance between the club and the fans. One club is grateful for their support, the other club probably couldn't give a rat's arse unless theyre absolutely desperate for it.
  17. Brutally unfair statistic especially considering it's practically been a game a month at this stage. Bollocks x2 considering of the 7 games we've played in those 3 months, its been 1 win, 4 draws and 2 losses. Which to be honest isn't a totally awful statistic, obviously could be better, but not a whole lot you can do when you've had 11 games (I don't think that includes the Scottish Cup games) called off due to guff weather.
  18. To be brutally honest I'm not overly concerned about where we are right now, as the only reason we're here is because of postponement after postponement. Like I said, we're still within a reach of the playoff spots, which hopefully will come soon... Alternatively, I think we could focus our complaints elsewhere, i.e. the ICTFC Twitter, where what was for the longest time a family club, has become nothing more than a club that responds to only what they want to hear. Hearts fans (no offence) commenting they've got themselves a ticket get a like and a reply from the guy in charge of the Twitter, but any mention of the stream cocking up or anything else is met with radio silence. Enough complaints and cracks will start to show, and they'll have to release a statement regarding the stream and/or the commentator...
  19. As it stands it's a 9 way relegation battle with 12 points separating 10th and 2nd, so to be honest, at this stage, it's not exactly a massive worry as we are 4 games behind everyone else and can claw back those missing points in no time
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